Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1149:

"Don't believe me? That's my age. I'm a student of Totsuki Academy now," Yang Ming said.

"A student of Togetsu School." Chiba Riko nodded, she also knew about Togetsu Academy, but at her level, Togetsu Academy was nothing.

After all, as a graduate there, the gap with her is already huge.

It's all about the experience gap, and it's impossible for most chefs to make up for it in a short period of time.

"If so, if you can pass the competition at your age, you are very powerful." Chiba Liko nodded.

The two talked and walked to the main venue.

The atmosphere of the main venue cannot be compared with the beginning, after all, there are only eight players left.

Except for Yang Ming and Chiba Lizi, everyone else came to this venue.

"Yang Mingjun, when you came back, I thought you had an accident. We're going to find you." Qian Rixiangzi looked at Yang Ming and smiled.

"Haha, Senior Sister Hyugako, if something happens to you, I won't have an accident." Yang Ming smiled.

"Yang Mingjun, you are trying to make fun of me again." Qian Ri Xiangzi hummed softly, turned to look at Qianye Lizi, "Lizi, hello."

"Hello Hyugako." Chiba Riko nodded.

It seems that Kanyakako and Chiba Liko also know each other, after all, they are in the cooking circle in Tokyo.

Originally, there were not many female chefs in the cooking world, and Chiba Liko would still come into contact with Kanyakako.

"I heard that you got a score of 98 points, which is the second highest score in this competition." Suwon Yumi said next to him, "But it is much better than us, and it is worthy of being rumored to be a rare year for decades. Talented chef."

"The second highest." Qianye Lizi was slightly taken aback. Could there be someone more powerful than her? In her venue, the other three were lower than her.

Could it be that calm man? As for Kanyakako, Chiba Liko knows the bottom line, knowing that Kanyakako is also very powerful, but she should not have such a level.

Unless Kanyakako their strength has increased explosively.

But at their age now, unless they step into a world-class cook, they are all the same.

"Don't look at it, Lizi." Suwon Toumi smiled, "This person is far away, but right in front of you."

"It's right in front of you." Chiba Lizi's pupils shrank slightly, and she thought of a person.

"Could it be?" Qianye Lizi looked at Yang Ming. Could it be that this young man has such strength, but in this case, how terrifying this young man is, Qianye Lizi's scalp feels numb just thinking about it.

She is called a monster in the cooking world, so it is true, what can Yang Ming be called?

"That's right, it's Yang Ming. He got a perfect score of 100." Suwon Dongmei smiled bitterly, "We are far inferior."

"A full score of 100." Qianye Lizi looked at Yang Ming deeply. At this moment, Qianye Lizi knew that she felt that Yang Ming's aura was combined with her strength.

Maybe Yang Ming's strength is even stronger than her.

"Sister Lizi, you are also very powerful." Yang Ming smiled.

"Yang Ming." Qianye Lizi showed a bright smile, as if relieved.

"You monster.".

The other players who passed through the Tokyo Division watched Chiba Lizi and Yang Ming discussing quietly.

These two are monster-level players in their hearts, and there is such a gap between their strength and them.

Among them, Yang Ming is even more so. At such a young age, he has such a powerful strength, and they also know that Yang Ming is still studying at Yuanyue Academy.

If they didn't know the current situation of Togetsu Academy, they would really think that when the students of Togetsu had reached such a terrifying level.

Fortunately, there is only one Yang Ming.

These chefs also believe that Yang Ming will not stay in Yuanyue for much longer.

As Yang Ming stepped into a more powerful level step by step, the gap between him and Yuan Yue was getting bigger and bigger.

While several people were discussing quietly, one person walked to the top of the stage. This person was one of the organizers of the Diamond Cooking Competition, Fujiwara Sorata.

The one who called Yang Ming to participate in this competition.

Fujiwara Sorata, who was walking towards the stage, also saw a person, Yang Ming, this young man with only a little hope.

But in this competition, he played so well that Fujiwara Sorata was speechless. A perfect score was never thought of by Fujiwara Sorata.

Among the contestants in Tokyo this time, Fujiwara Sorata had high hopes for that Chiba Riko, and Chiba Riko did not disappoint Fujiwara Sorata and scored 98 points, but at this moment Fujiwara Sorata His thoughts were already on Yang Ming.

You must know that Yang Ming and Qianye Lizi are almost ten years apart in age, but now, Yang Ming's strength can not only be compared with Qianye Lizi, but even surpass it.

After all, there were still two reviewers who were not satisfied with Chiba Riko's dishes.

Perhaps for Fujiwara Sorata, letting Yang Ming participate in this competition was the most correct decision he made. He also wanted to see how far Yang Ming could go.

The following players stopped talking when they saw Fujiwara Sota.

"Everyone, good afternoon." Fujiwara Sorata said standing on the top. "You are all eight of the most outstanding players in the Tokyo Division. I am here to congratulate the eight of them for successfully entering the Tokyo finals."

"Of course, you can rest assured that the next competition will not be a competition between the Tokyo finals, but a combined competition with other competition regions. UU Reading" Fujiwara Sorata said.

Afterwards, Sora Fujiwara expressed his opinion on the competition and also described the competition process that needs to be carried out below.

The people who entered the Tokyo finals did indeed enter into the great confrontation of the entire Dongying chefs. The entire Dongying was divided into six divisions. In addition to the Tokyo division, there were five other divisions, so a total of forty-eight players entered the finals. .

Forty-eight players are about to enter the next two-to-two duel, and the final six players can enter the competition with the world's chefs.

Of course, not only these six, but also the loser's resurrection mechanism, because there will always be ten people who will join the world chef confrontation.

"But I hope you don't think about winning when the loser is resurrected. I hope you can directly enter the top six. Everyone, work hard, you are the future of the cooking world." Fujiwara Sorata finally said, "As for the next competition The time and theme will be notified to you next time by the main committee.”

"Keep working hard." Fujiwara Sorata finally concluded.

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