Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1371:

Yang Ming found a rope to tie the people up, turned off the lights, dragged them into the hall, and opened the front door. The guy outside lowered his voice and said, "Is it done?"

Yang Ming gave a vague "Yeah". Before the opponent could react, he stumbled with a left hook. The opponent reacted and tried to escape. How could Yang Ming let him escape? When he kicked, he kicked the person to the ground, twisted his hand, and cut it from the back, clasped the other's hands with one hand, pressed his knees on the other's back, took out his mobile phone with the other and called Liu Hao: "Officer Liu , I'm Yang Ming, I caught two arsonists in my shop, please come and help me deal with it."

The guy on the ground screamed and howled: "Brother, I'm not here to set fire to you, you caught the wrong person, brother, spare your life!"

Yang Ming twisted the person into the house, found a rope to tie it up, put on his shoes, and then said, "Well, who asked you to come?"

The guy on the ground said with a sad face: "Sun Lei asked me to come."

"What did he ask you to do?"

"Give him the wind, he said he wanted to go in and do something."

"What to do?"

"I have no idea."

Yang Ming raised his foot and stomped on the opponent's stomach hard: "You can't cry without seeing the coffin, right?"

The other party wailed: "Forgive my life, I said, I said, Sun Lei said he didn't want your shop to make his 40,000 yuan, so let's do some damage so that you can't open the shop tomorrow."

"Really? You weren't sent by Huang Jiangong?"

"No, I really am not."

Yang Ming brought a basin of water and poured it on Sun Lei's face. Sun Lei was shocked by the cold water and woke up. When he saw Yang Ming, he rubbed on the ground like he had seen a ghost, trying to escape.

Yang Ming said, "Who asked you to come?"

"I came by myself."

Yang Ming sneered: "What are you doing in my shop at night? Check if the king crab is available?"

Sun Lei gritted his teeth and did not speak.

Yang Ming punched him hard in the stomach, making him scream, Yang Ming sneered: "You want to burn down my shop and ask me to pay you money? Tell me, who ordered you to come?"

Sun Lei said: "No one asked me to come, I came by myself."

Yang Ming picked him up and punched him hard in the stomach: "The mouth is quite hard."

Sun Lei burst into tears in pain.

Yang Ming said: "I know that Huang Jiangong asked you to come. What benefits did he give you to do murder and arson?"

Sun Lei looked up at Yang Ming in surprise, Yang Ming sneered: "I guessed it right? I also know that if you get liquidated damages from me, the money will be yours, right?"

With a look of fear in Sun Lei's eyes, he looked at Yang Ming and ducked back.

Yang Ming ignored him and sat back in his chair: "Don't tell me, just tell the police about the rest."

Sun Lei knelt on the ground: "Brother, please forgive me, I will never dare again, I was instigated by Huang Jiangong, he gave me money to do this, it really has nothing to do with me. You Let me go, I will never dare again."

The other guy also knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

Yang Ming said: "Since you are all instructed by others, it will not really be a big problem for the attempted arson now. Just explain it to the police."

Liu Hao works very efficiently, especially when a friend encounters this. It took him less than a quarter of an hour to arrive on a motorcycle: "Where's the person?"

Yang Ming pointed to the ground: "It's all there."

"What's the smell?" Liu Hao sniffed.

Yang Ming said, "The gas hasn't been turned off yet."

"Why don't you close it?" Liu Hao said, "It's too dangerous."

Yang Ming said: "Leave evidence for the police. Now you can go to the gate."

Liu Hao ran into the kitchen, turned off all the gas, and opened the back door to ventilate: "Are they trying to burn down your store?"

Yang Ming said: "This guy is the one who will hold a banquet in my store tomorrow. Huang Jiangong ordered him to come here. He wants to burn down my store so that I can't open the store tomorrow, and then pay him liquidated damages."

Liu Hao looked at the two guys on the ground: "Damn! This kind of stupid thing can be done, how can there be such a stupid person in this world! Wait, my colleague is driving over, and we will go to the police station to record a statement."

"it is good."

"Xiao Ming isn't in the store, right?" Liu Hao looked around, only Yang Ming was there.

Yang Ming said: "I didn't let him stay, I went back."

"Thank you so much." Liu Hao said.

Yang Ming said, "I'll give him a call and let him know."

"He went to bed early at this point." Liu Hao said.

"I'm sure he won't be able to sleep, but tell him that he can sleep peacefully." Yang Ming picked up his mobile phone and dialed Wang Xiaoming's number. As soon as it rang, the other side picked up: "Hey, Yang Ming, are you alright?"

Yang Ming chuckled and said: "It's alright, don't worry, I've been caught, I'm fine. Do you know who is here to make trouble? It's the guy who ordered the banquet. This saves us a lot of worry, we won't need it tomorrow. busy."

When Wang Xiaoming heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief: "They didn't break anything, did they?"

"No, I happened to be caught. I've already called the police, and Officer Liu is here. Do you want to talk to him?" Yang Ming asked.

Wang Xiaoming said: "No need, that's it, thank the mouse for me, when will you be back?"

"I'll go to the police station to make a record in a while. I'll go back to the store later. If I don't go back, you can bring me some toiletries tomorrow." Yang Ming yawned as he said.

The big stone in Wang Xiaoming's heart finally let go: "Oh, well, I remember. You have to rest early when you are done."

"Well, I know. Good night, go to bed early." Yang Ming said and hung up the phone.

Liu Hao looked at him, Yang Ming looked at him and smiled: "Wang Xiaoming said thank you."

Liu Hao said: "It's all my share, thank you."

"By the Is there any problem with the soup I brought for inspection this afternoon?" Yang Ming remembered this.

"No problem," Liu Hao said.

Yang Ming said: "I think you can go and ask Boss Liu of the dry goods store. Maybe you can find some evidence."

Liu Hao said: "Go to his store and check it out."

After a while, Liu Hao's colleagues came over and took Sun Lei and the guy back. Yang Ming closed the door of the store and took Liu Hao's motorcycle to the police station to make a record. After finishing the record, Liu Hao had to take him back to the store. Yang Ming took a taxi back, got into the bed, and slept until dawn.

Yang Ming was right, Wang Xiaoming really didn't sleep much in the first half of the night, thinking about Yang Ming and the safety of the store, he closed his eyes and woke up again. It wasn't until he received Yang Ming's call that a big stone fell to the ground. But then he couldn't sleep peacefully as Yang Ming said. There was another worry. Is Yang Ming really all right? Don't report the good news and not the bad news. At that time, he should have answered the mouse's phone call, at least to verify. Thinking about it, I couldn't sleep anymore.

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