Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1384:

However, when he calculates the cost, he is a little crazy. A waiter costs 150,000 yuan, and 20 a month costs 30,000 yuan. A chef is more expensive, at least 3,000 yuan. There are also chef assistants and dishwashers. The labor cost alone will cost 60,000 to 70,000 yuan, plus rent, commissions, taxes, utilities, and the basic cost of more than 100,000 yuan a month. This is not even the cost of buying vegetables, but a monthly gross income of 30 yuan. 10,000, it is estimated that you can only earn tens of thousands of yuan at most, it is better to open a small shop.

He took the ledger and showed it to Yang Ming. After reading it, Yang Ming said, "Please ask for it first. If every meal is full, the average consumption per person is forty, and the monthly gross income is more than one million. Is there a one-month probationary period? If there are too many inappropriate ones, they will be fired, and those who are lazy and slippery will not be allowed."

Wang Xiaoming also thought about it, everything that can't be recruited is suitable: "Then what about the pricing of our dishes?"

Yang Ming said: "Each dish will be increased by 20% on the original basis, and I will set the price of the new menu separately." It is said that in such a dining environment, as well as the quality of Yang Ming's cooking, even adding half of it should be Yes, but we must take into account the consumer psychology of customers, and we can only rely on small profits but quick turnover.

Wang Xiaoming looked at Yang Ming's new menu: "Why are most of them steamed and grilled?"

Yang Ming said: "This is more convenient and hassle-free. It can be prepared in advance, saving labor and time."

Wang Xiaoming thinks that this method is good and can make up for the shortage of kitchen staff.

The time is too short, there are not many people who come to apply for the job, and the range of choices is not large. The two chefs were personally reviewed by Yang Ming. The older chef, surnamed Jiang, looks like he is thirty-six or seven years old. He said that he was originally a sous chef in a certain restaurant. salary. In addition, there is a younger Master Chen, who looks like twenty-five or six years old. He is Master Jiang's brother-in-law. He looks rather modest.

Yang Ming asked them to fry the simplest dry fried beef river on the spot. After the pot was out, Yang Ming tasted a piece of Master Jiang's bean sprouts: "The bean sprouts are not enough in the wok, three thousand and five." He also tasted Master Chen's river. Fan: "Three thousand."

Master Jiang was not convinced: "I used to be a sous chef, but I don't want to do it for five thousand a month."

Yang Ming said: "The trial period is 3,500. If I'm satisfied, I'll add it to 5,000. If you don't want to, you can leave."

Master Jiang said: "I have heard that Haibawang's master is good at craftsmanship. If you cook a dish, I will eat it and eat it, so I will stay."

Yang Ming nodded: "Okay, let's fry the Niuhe."

He took the pot, turned on the fire, heated the pot over high heat, put in the oil, and kept stirring the marinated beef slices when it was 30% hot. When the beef was white, it was poured out, and the shredded **** and hor fun were stirred in the pot over high heat. The speed should be fast, but not enough. Use too much force, otherwise the rice noodles will be easily broken. Then add the beef, scallions, bean sprouts, and shredded peppers and stir-fry together. When cooked, add dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, salt and a little sugar and stir-fry until the color is even, turn off the heat and remove from the pan.

Master Jiang looked at Yang Ming's fried beef and his own. There was more than a grade difference in color. Yang Ming's dry fried beef was full of flavor and sparkling and attractive. has reached the extreme. Yang Ming took a pair of chopsticks for Wang Xiaoming and said, "Try it."

Wang Xiaoming tasted a little first, then gave a thumbs up: "Delicious."

Master Jiang and Master Chen both watched for a while, then took out their chopsticks, each of them tasted a little, and then fell silent. Yang Ming said: "The price I offered you, if you are convinced, you can stay. If you are not convinced, you can leave."

Master Jiang glanced at Yang Ming, and then looked at his brother-in-law: "Is Master Yang Ming willing to teach us?"

Yang Ming said: "I won't specifically teach you what to do. If there is anything wrong, I will point it out, and you can also ask me."

"Then I'd like to stay."

Master Chen agreed before his brother-in-law. Seeing that his brother-in-law agreed, Master Jiang didn't say anything more. In any field, anyone with ambition and pursuit is willing to achieve perfection, and he is no exception.

Zhang Yiwei and Zhao Xiaoyang saw them talking, and they were already secretly eating the fried beef. After the two guys took a bite, they started to grab the plate. Zhang Yiwei said, "I didn't have enough to eat at noon. This beef is mine."

Zhao Xiaoyang didn't argue with him, he ate a chopstick of rice noodles: "You rice bucket, you eat three bowls of rice at noon and still say you're not full, Xiao Ming can't support you anymore!"

Zhang Yiwei slammed the hor fun into his mouth and said, "There are two more plates, you can eat that one."

Zhao Xiaoyang tried a little fried by Master Jiang: "Forget it, I'll wait for dinner at night."

Master Jiang was disliked on the spot, and his old face was flushed.

Wang Xiaoming held up the beef fried by Master Jiang for his face: "Young people go straight and don't know how to speak. Master Jiang, don't mind. In fact, you fried it well. I'll eat it, so as not to waste it."

Master Jiang smiled awkwardly: "Is the boss also a chef?"

Wang Xiaoming said: "I haven't fully graduated yet, and Yang Ming is my master."

"Is Yang Ming the head chef?" Master Jiang asked.

Wang Xiaoming said: "He is the chef in our store and my partner. We opened the store together."

Master Jiang shrank his neck, being both the boss and the chef, no wonder he was so arrogant.

Yang Ming said: "Master Jiang is in charge of the second stove, and Xiao Chen is in charge of the third stove."

Master Jiang and Master Chen both nodded and agreed: "Okay."

This is even settled.

Wang Xiaoming didn't understand this, but he didn't ask Yang Ming face to face. He didn't ask until he went back in the evening. Yang Ming patiently explained to him the division of labor in the kitchen. The stove is the assistant chef, responsible for common dishes, and the first and second anvils are responsible for side dishes and cutting vegetables. Only then did Wang Xiaoming know that there are so many things in the kitchen.

"Then what am I?"

"Sous chef." Yang Ming said as a matter of course.

Wang Xiaoming said with a smile, "I seem to be in charge of Erzao's Erzao is yours."

"Then I'll take care of you?" Wang Xiaoming asked Yang Ming with a smile.

Yang Ming looked into his eyes: "You can if you want."

Wang Xiaoming felt that his ears were getting hot, he coughed suddenly and turned his head: "I'd better listen to you, Master."

Yang Ming bent the corner of his mouth.

Before the opening, Wang Xiaoming and Yang Ming had decided on twelve waiters and two chefs. The manpower was obviously not enough, so they continued to recruit more.

On the 18th day of the first lunar month, Yingxu Hotel opened. The entire hotel square was decorated with lights. The exterior walls of the hotel were covered with banners of congratulations. There were quite a few people who came to congratulate. The gate of Haibawang was also more lively than last time. Zhong Yanhong bought a row of flower baskets and sent them over.

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