Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1403:

And he didn't need Wang Xiaoming to greet him, he greeted him well. It's a pity that Liu Hao has to go to work, and it's too late to come here. Zhong Yanhong also specially packed a sumptuous lunch from Haibawang and delivered it in person. He is very skilled at this kind of thing now.

When it was time to start eating, it was already past one o'clock. Because there was an old man waiting, Wang Xiaoming felt embarrassed and apologized several times. Father Liu and Mother Zhong didn't mind at all: "I'm not hungry, the snacks you made are delicious. We ate a lot, and I'm not hungry now."

The dishes at noon are very rich, four cold and eight hot, in addition to one soup, two side dishes, and two dim sum. The main dishes were prepared by Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoming, and everyone was full of praise. Wang Xiaoming's two aunts ate at Shanghai Bawang for the first time, and they were amazed after eating it. No wonder the business of my nephew's restaurant is so good. Strange to make money.

There is a very common dish on the table, which is the common local beef balls. Local people usually use beef **** to cook soup or stir-fry vegetables. This time, the beef **** look like they are boiled directly with water, and the bottom is supported by bright green lettuce leaves. Then put it on the table, not like a vegetable, but like a raw material.

At first, everyone didn't pay attention, because it can be eaten normally, only the table of the kitchen chefs is rude. As soon as the dishes are on the table, the plate with the meatballs is emptied first.

In addition, no one on the table cared about it. Zhong Yanhong smiled and took a meatball with his chopsticks and said, "Yang Ming, you cut corners and brought the meatballs to make up the number."

Yang Ming said lightly: "Be careful when eating."

Zhong Yanhong looked at it: "Is it still a **** beef ball?" He put it in his mouth, and when he took a bite, it was really juicy, and it really was a peeing beef ball.

Mother Zhong said unhappily to her son: "You can't have a good meal, and you still speak dirty words at the dinner table."

I said it again and again while winking, Liu's father and Liu's mother are all present, pay attention to the image, son.

Zhong Yanhong laughed, and used a spoon to scoop a meatball for Liu's father, Liu's mother, and his parents: "Uncle and aunt, parents, you all try, this beef ball is called peeing beef ball, be careful when eating it, There's soup in it."

"Is this different from our meatballs?" asked Mama Liu.

"Yes, it's different. You ask Xiao Ming to explain it to you. Hong Kong people love to eat this. It's an improved version of our beef balls." Zhong Yanhong said with a smile.

Wang Xiaoming said: "This meatball is made of beef and mantis shrimp. We remove the shell and intestines of the mantis shrimp, make it into shrimp paste, season it and cook it until half-cooked, and then put it in the freezer and freeze it into lumps. Take it out and cut it into small pieces, then put it into the beef **** to make stuffing, just like filling soup dumplings, there is soup inside when boiled. So this beef ball has both the taste of beef and mantis shrimp, you guys Try it."

Pissing beef **** are a famous snack in Hong Kong and Taiwan, because the movie is popular all over the country, but the authentic and authentic peeing beef **** are not easy to eat. One is because some people cut corners in the use of materials, and the other is because each master has different levels of mantis shrimp paste. .

This season is the season when a large number of mantis shrimp are on the market. The mantis shrimp are fat and delicious. Yang Mingcai proposed to make peeing beef **** by himself. From the selection of beef to beating to pulp, it was all done by hand. Almost everyone in the kitchen participated. It was really tiring. Enough, so the number of peeing beef **** is also limited.

Everyone in the kitchen has been involved in the practice of meatballs, so I know how difficult it is to get these beef balls, so they were looted as soon as they came to the table. The guests only heard about the origin of the peeing beef balls, and they stretched out their chopsticks to pick them up. One person can only take two at most, and there will be no more. The beef is full of elasticity, the taste is crisp, and the shrimp juice is delicious, which is full of aftertaste, but not enough Addiction is gone, and the beauty of this point-to-point is even more unforgettable.

After the banquet was over, Wang Xiaoming went to see the guests, Zhong Yanhong went and returned, and found Yang Ming in Haibawang's office: "Pack me some beef balls."

Yang Ming said, "No more."

Zhong Yanhong said, "Don't try to lie to me if you lie to anyone, I know you must stay."

"That's for Ergou and A Bing. You also want to take the child's food?" Yang Ming gave him a contemptuous look.

Zhong Yanhong said, "You give me a share, and I'll give you the money, right? Why don't you do more for such a good thing when I say it?"

Yang Ming said, "One hundred yuan for a ball."

Why doesn't he want to do more, but the process is too complicated and it is too troublesome to do, and he is still wondering how much worse the effect of the machine will be than that of the hand.

Zhong Yanhong looked at him: "profiteer, why don't you go grab it?"

"Buy it or not." Yang Ming had an indifferent expression on his face.

Zhong Yanhong couldn't help: "Buy, buy, buy! Why did you borrow money from me so simply?"

After speaking, he took out a stack of red and bright grandpa Mao and threw it on the table.

Yang Ming said: "In business, don't I charge you interest for borrowing money?"

Wang Xiaoming came in from outside: "What are you talking about? Boss Zhong, why are you back?"

Zhong Yanhong quickly grabbed Wang Xiaoming and said, "Boss Wang, you judge, your Yang Ming sells a meatball for 100 yuan!"

Wang Xiaoming said with a smile: "Boss Zhong, he's joking with you, you put the money away. I'll go see how much is left, and share with you. Who will you buy it for?"

"Who else is there besides Officer Xiao Liu?" Zhong Yanhong said.

Wang Xiaoming had an expression on his face that I knew: "I originally had a share of mice, but I didn't come and eat at noon today. I'm still sorry for him."

"Boss Wang is still kind!" Zhong Yanhong gave Yang Ming a look of contempt and followed in Wang Xiaoming's footsteps.

After leaving the office, Wang Xiaoming asked Zhong Yanhong, "How are you and the mouse lately?"

Zhong Yanhong looked at Wang Xiaoming in surprise. He didn't expect that he would take the initiative to bring this up: " He's finally not cold to me recently. I heard that someone is looking for Yang Ming?"

Wang Xiaoming didn't expect that he would ask such a question, and he faltered and said, "Oh, yes."

Zhong Yanhong laughed: "Looking at your frowning face, why don't you find a daughter-in-law for Yang Ming locally and let him stay here?"

Wang Xiaoming said: "Boss Zhong, I'm not the kind of person who is selfish. If it wasn't for Yang Ming, I wouldn't be where Wang Xiaoming is today, so don't mention it."

Zhong Yanhong didn't know what Wang Xiaoming was referring to, so he didn't say anything.

Wang Xiaoming distributed some beef **** to Zhong Yanhong, and instructed him to cook it with big bone broth, so that the beef **** could bring out the ultimate umami flavor.

Zhong Yanhong said with a smile, "I see that you cook soup all day long in your kitchen. Do you use soup for cooking and never use water?"

Wang Xiaoming said: "Soup is also boiled with water. Use soup when you need to use soup, and use water when you need to use water. All are matched according to the needs of the ingredients."

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