Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 150: Zilai also came to work in a small shop

Jiraiya and Sandaime have not seen each other for a long time, chatting while tasting the food from Yang Ming's small shop.

Neither of them talked about business affairs, they just talked about family affairs, and the atmosphere was harmonious for a while.

However, even in the process of chatting, Jiraiya's eyes still did not leave Shiro's figure, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Jiraiya has been wandering all the year round. In order to collect intelligence, he often hangs out in places where there are romantic scenes. He is used to seeing vulgar and vulgar fans. When he sees the pure-looking white, he is immediately shocked!

Just like the reincarnation of the little dragon girl in Lao Jin's writings, it seems like a light cloud covers the moon, flutters like a flowing wind and snow returns, making people's eyes shine.

After eating and saying goodbye to Sandaimu, Jirai has been lingering at the door of the small shop, as if he met his first love in ignorant years, his originally peaceful state of mind was suddenly disrupted and he jumped.

In Jiraiya's decades, this is really rare!

Time passed by, and it was time for Yang Ming's shop to close.

Jiraiya is like an ant on a hot pan, scurrying away under his feet, quickly entered the store, and found Bai who was cleaning the dishes.

Seeing this wretched uncle again, Bai's good-looking brows could not help but wrinkle. In addition, the other party was very thick-skinned, and Bai said angrily, "Guest, the shop is closed, please come back tomorrow."

Zilai also said sternly, "No, I'm not here to eat."

Bai rolled his eyes cutely, and said weakly, "Don't you really want to take me to see the meteor shower?"

"That's right!" Zilai also said seriously.

"Sorry!" Bai was speechless, "Uncle, we won't make an appointment."

Bai said it well and made sense, but Zilai was speechless.

However, Jirai is not one to give up easily. He rolled his eyes, and at this moment, Yang Ming came out of the kitchen. Immediately came to mind.

Jilai also rubbed his palms and said with a flat face: "Boss, I see that your small shop is very popular. Would you like to consider hiring me as a waiter?"

"Don't!" Bai said before Yang Ming could speak.

One Ding time is enough to be irritable, and if there is another Jiraiya, it will be worth it!

However, Jiraiya has a thick skin.

"Hehe, Xiaobaijiang, I know you always say no, but you're actually very honest, right?"

Even for a person with such a good temper, Bai's forehead was bulging, and he had the urge to punch someone!

Yang Ming looked at Jiraiya calmly and said, "Why should I recruit you?"

"That's a good question!" Ji Lai also put on a look that he thought was cool, "Let me introduce myself."

"Immortal Toad just hides the name of the world, and I can do anything easily. In the whole world, in the whole world, the white-haired toad messenger of the three ninjas is unrivaled, and the handsome guy who can shut up crying children. My lord, that means this handsome guy is also!"

Jiraiya flicked his white hair with a shawl, and lifted his head slightly, revealing a proud look of being alone and begging for defeat.

"Oh." Yang Ming doesn't seem to be affected in any way, "Then I can't recruit you anymore."

Bai Anzhong gave Yang Ming a thumbs up, great job!

"Boss, why is this?" Zilai was also confused.

"Because..." Yang Ming took a long note and continued, "In front of me, you actually call yourself a handsome guy."


Zilai is also completely stunned, is this all right?

However, Jirai is not one to admit defeat so easily!

"Boss, you just don't see my worth!"

Zilai also stretched out his right hand and said, "Look!"

Between thoughts, chakra concentrated in Jiraiya's hands, quickly wound into shape, and then continuously rotated to form a blue rotating sphere.

This is impressively, Spiral Pill!

Jiraiya looked at Yang Ming expectantly, "Boss, I can use this ninjutsu to help you and the dough!"

"I don't believe it!" Bai retorted.

Ji Lai also exclaimed: "Ah, Xiao Bai Jiang looks so cute when she's angry!"

Bai clenched his fists tightly, choked into a rage, but he was concerned about the reputation of the shop and kept suppressing, but his shoulders kept shaking, but he had already betrayed him.

This time, Yang Ming didn't directly reject it, instead he calmed down and thought about it.

With spiral **** and dough?

What a great idea!

However, Yang Ming wanted to see the actual effect, so he said, "Then you and I go into the kitchen and let me see your craftsmanship."

After a while, Yang Ming mixed a lump of flour mixed with water, put it in a basin, and placed it in front of Jiraiya.

"You do it." Yang Ming said lightly.

Jiraiya took a deep breath, and suddenly stretched out his right hand, and the azure spiral pill slammed into the turbid liquid.

Pfft! puff!

Like Mars hitting the earth, a fierce conflict erupted immediately!

Originally a beach of loose sand-like liquid, pulled by the spiral pill in the middle, revolved at high speed around the center, like catkins flying, and a white awn floated in the air.

Then, in the process of this rapid rotation, the flour blended into the water more harmoniously, gradually became thicker, grew into strips of loach, and then spliced ​​with each other, finally forming a white dragon coiled around the spiral pill!


Jiraiya released his interrupting the supply of chakra, allowing the dough to fall from the air.

Although it seemed easy just now, the control of chakra needs to be very precise, otherwise, the spiral pill will only splash the flour everywhere.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Seeing Jiraiya's masterpiece, even Yang Ming couldn't help but applaud.

Because, it's really wonderful!

Although Yang Ming had seen Ningji wash dishes with Huitian some time ago, this was the first time he had seen it, using spiral **** and dough!

This simply opened a new door for Yang Ming!

It turns out that cooking can be done like this!

Seeing this, Jirai also flattered: "Boss, how is it? Are you still satisfied?"

Under Bai's sad and angry eyes, Yang Ming nodded, "Yes, come and give me and the dough in the future!"

"Uh!" Zilai also froze and said a little embarrassedly, "Well, boss, I'll only work for a month."

"No problem!" Yang Ming waved his hand, patted his shoulder, and said earnestly, "You have great potential, work hard!"

Looking at Yang Ming with a naive face, pretending to be an adult, and saying such words to a middle-aged man, it's so disrespectful!

Bai couldn't help but want to laugh!

Silent all night, the next day.

Orochimaru has been very irritable these two days, because he suddenly found out that Xiao Siye didn't want to eat!

Even if Orochimaru invited a doctor to see her, he couldn't say why.

This will cost Orochimaru's life!

Seeing Xiao Siye losing weight day by day, Orochimaru's mind suddenly resonated with a place that might cure Xiao Siye's anorexia.

Yang Ming's small shop!

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