Naruto: Big Foodie

: Shelf Testimonials (Must See)

After three months of writing the novel, it was finally time to put it on the shelves.

In the past three months, the author has not taken a penny, and has not received a cent of income. Although there is a reward, he cannot take it for less than 200 yuan.

In the beginning, I planned to make this book free all the way to the end.

But there was no way. My parents saw that I had been writing novels for so long, and they didn't even get a penny. They thought I was being cheated and persuaded me to stop writing and find a job.

Under the heavy pressure, the author still perseveres. Although I feel that this book is not read by many people, it is the first time I have written it, and I hope to give it a successful ending.

As for the update on the shelves, it does not exist. Today, the author has just completed the defense of the graduation thesis, and there are still many things to be busy with. It would be good to keep updating.

In order to encourage everyone to support the genuine version, the author's previous promise is still there. After the author's graduation, one will be ordered and one more update will be added.

For readers who don't know what one subscription means, the author will explain it here, that is, on average, one person subscribes to all the VIP chapters of this book.

The character of the author Jun, after these three months, everyone must be very clear, there will be no such thing as eunuchs.

However, if the subscription is too small, the margin of the book will be relatively reduced.

If you have a lot of subscriptions, the author will consider opening a copy and go to various food worlds, such as the little master, the spirit of eating halberd, and the food prisoner.

Let's just say Jiang Zi. As a rusher, the author has already made preparations for no one to subscribe to this book.


I have a story, do you have wine?

Finally, the lyrics of Eason Chan's "Accompany You Through Long Years" are attached.

passed by people

You have to appreciate it even if you don't like it

I am a silent existence

Don't let the world be your shoulders

refuse to grow to grow

become what you want

Before raising hands to surrender

let me accompany you for a while

Accompany you to live out the answers along the way

Accompany you to turn loneliness into bravery

I lost and reappeared again and again, I didn't leave

Companionship is the longest confession of love

To accompany you to embrace the acid that you miss into warmth

To accompany you to write the plot of the hesitation

No matter how long the future is, there is still hope

To accompany you until the story is finished

Let us share quietly

A rare confession at the moment

just talk silently

Feeling happy and not alone

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