Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 249: Wine into sorrow (six plus)

Ah Fei, his real name is Uchiha Obito.

Originally a crane tail of a ninja school, he has a dream of becoming a Hokage.

Like countless cannon fodder, he followed the big team to the battlefield of the Ninja World War and unfortunately died.

Originally, his life should have disappeared like this.

Unfortunately, he met the mythical character of the ninja world, Madara Uchiha.

Then, his life changed the trajectory. Under the name of Madara Uchiha, he planned many conspiracies that he never dared to imagine in the past.

However, when he gained strength, he was inevitably confused.

At this moment, under the name A Fei, he is sitting in the tavern of Yang Ming's small shop, sipping the dejected wine.

The various memories of the past turned into nourishment for the brewing of sad wine, allowing him to re-save the various experiences of life.

Especially when he saw with his own eyes the scene where his beloved Lin was killed in front of him, it was also incorporated into the drizzle of wine.

At this moment, he felt a burst of bitterness in his mouth, and the pain in his heart was like a twist!

That kind of pain, as if there were hands that were about to tear his heart apart.



However, when his heartache was about to doubt his life, the pain was just as inexplicable as it came, and it was equally inexplicable when it disappeared.

Just like the ebb and flow of the sea, Ah Fei suddenly realized that when his heartache was the most intense, as it was back then, suddenly he no longer felt that kind of pain.

A Fei looked down and saw that he had finished drinking.

At this moment, A Fei's heart surged with enlightenment. It turned out to be a sad wine, which made the memory in his mind resurface, and let him taste the original feeling through fine wine.

Although the sad wine made him feel unprecedented pain, compared to the false reality, what could be better than the taste of painful memories?

If he had a choice, he would definitely escape into the painful memory of infinite reincarnation, and he was unwilling to face the reality without Lin.

At this time, Hongdou was still arguing with Yang Ming, hoping that Yang Ming would give him more wine and not be so stingy.

Seeing that Hongdou was completely unprepared, Ah Fei suddenly stretched out a hand and snatched the cup of Hongdou's sad wine with lightning speed.

Hongdou felt a gust of wind blowing by his side, and he was wondering why there was still wind in the store.

As a result, she turned her head and saw that Haoxuan was not mad. Ah Fei was holding her glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

Hongdou watched helplessly as the amber-like wine flowed into Ah Fei's mouth, her lips trembling with anger.

"You shameless bastard!"

Hongdou was already half-infuriated by Ah Fei's frivolous behavior before, and now that the wine has been taken away, it is really a new hatred and an old hatred, not to mention how annoyed!

It was like a fuse that was suddenly ignited, and the anger that the red beans had accumulated for a long time suddenly exploded!

"The Shadow Snake Hand!"

The red bean caught fire, but it was not so gentle. It was just a ninjutsu in the past, fully showing the fierce character hidden under her charming appearance.

Truly a woman!

Two slender pythons, encircling the red beans' slender arms like white radishes, exposing scarlet snake cores, their inverted triangular eyes flashing with icy eyes, like catching prey, they approached Ah Fei like an enclave and suddenly opened. The **** mouth and the sharp fangs carry a stench, which is nauseating.

But just when the two pythons were about to touch A Fei, the order from Hongdou made them return to the sleeves of Hongdou.

Because, Hongdou saw Ah Fei crying!

Although the mask still covered most of Ah Fei's face, people couldn't see his true face.

But that teardrop the size of a bean, like a landslide, dripped down his cheeks, drop by drop.

This scene deeply shocked the red beans!

In Hongdou's few experiences with Ah Fei, her impression was that Ah Fei was a pompous, pouting, thick-skinned, and unscrupulous person who made people want to beat him.

But she never imagined that such a person would actually cry emotionally!

How much pain did those teardrops contain in his heart?

Hongdou looked at the swirling mask, and there was a hint of pity in his heart.

It turned out that this person hid his true self under the mask, and others could only see the appearance he tried so hard to disguise.

Behind this mask hides eternal loneliness, unknown.

Perhaps, the owner of the mask does not want to share his true self with others.

Because, the real Ah Fei, no, it should be said to be Uchiha Obito, who has already died in the Ninja World War!

Now he is just a dead soul dragging a mutilated body to launch revenge against this ridiculous ninja world!

The wine enters the sadness, and the sadness is even more sad!

After a glass of sad wine fell, Ah Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

Over the years, he has been following Uchiha Madara's orders, plotting conspiracies in various parts of the ninja and doing a lot of bad things.

Even if he didn't want to, he did it, and his heart was actually somewhat depressed.

Now that he has been released, his mood has eased a lot, and he has the pleasure of seeing the clouds and seeing the fog and unloading the burden on his back.

He closed the mask again, and looked at Yang Ming gratefully.

"Boss Yang Ming, your wine is delicious."

"This time I came from a long way, and it's really not wrong."

"Cut." Hongdou's face was displeased, and she curled her lips, "Someone stole my wine and slapped Boss Yang Ming's ass. It's really shameless."

But who knows, when Ah Fei puts on the mask again, that is, hides his true side in the darkness, his integrity has already broken through the sky.

He moved forward with good intentions and pointed his finger at his mouth.

"Beauty, don't be so angry, women get old easily when they are angry."

"If you really want to drink, I can spit out the wine I just drank in my stomach and give it to you!"

"Uh..." Hongdou felt a burst of anger.

She really regrets it now, why didn't she strangle him just now, instead she had a trace of sympathy and pity for him.

This stinky **** should die!

Hongdou was so angry that his chest rose and fell violently, and a wave of turbulent waves appeared in his chest.

Who knows, Ah Fei's integrity is far lower than Hongdou imagined.

He laughed and said, "Beauty, you don't have to be so excited."

"I know you've had a crush on me for a long time, so I'll offer you the drink I've had for a long time now!"

Saying that, Ah Fei was about to take the red bean into his arms.

The red beans were fried, and they were slapped with a slap!

Sure enough, this guy should die!

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