Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 295: 1 Come back and scare everyone

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Leaf Village.

In the past few days, the whole village has been filled with a layer of shadow, as if heavy rain is coming, it is so oppressive that people can't breathe.

When Danzo first fled back, he took all kinds of secretive measures, so that the villagers didn't even know that he only returned with a few cronies.

But Danzo never dreamed that the Konoha army, who should have been dead in his opinion, actually returned a few days after his return!

When these ninjas returned to the village, they complained to the villagers of all kinds of despicable actions of Danzo with blood, tears and scars.

All of a sudden, Danzo was pushed to the cusp of the storm and received various criticisms, which made him particularly embarrassed!


In the house, Danzang threw a vase to the ground and shattered it. He didn't feel sorry for this precious vase worth hundreds of thousands of yuan at all, which shows how angry he was in his heart!

"How are they still alive?"

"This unscientific!"

Danzo was puzzled. It stands to reason that Madara Uchiha was so powerful that he could crush these ninjas.

dong dong dong! dong dong dong!

While Tuanzang was thinking hard, there was a knock on the door.


Creep! The door opened, and the oily girl Togen ran in with a panicked face, kneeling on one knee on the ground.

"Sir, something is wrong!"

Danzang raised his brows, becoming more and more disappointed with the recent performance of this former capable general, and scolded in a deep voice, "What a panic!"

"Don't forget, your words and deeds will bring many unnecessary speculations to the outside world!"

The oily girl glanced at the debris out of the corner of her eyes, and she was covered in cold sweat, and buried her head even deeper.

But what happened today was so shocking that the oily girl had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "Sir, this is an urgent matter!"

"The nine-tailed demon fox appeared outside the village!"

"What!" Tuanzang jumped up and stood up, his face changed greatly, gloomy like the bottom of a pot.

The oily girl took a peek at Danzo and asked weakly, "Sir, do you need to send ninjas to stop it?"

Danzang gave him a cold look and said righteously: "All the roots retreat temporarily!"

"This is a major event that concerns the survival of the village. We need to save the fire to better protect the village!"

This kind of brazen talk, only Danzo can say it.

Obviously he didn't want to lose his power, but he just pulled the banner and said it with awe.

Just like when the nine-tailed demon fox devastated the village, even if the three generations went into battle in person, Danzo and Genbu were not seen.

in the village.

The figure of the nine tails is so huge, so unique, like a towering mountain.

The villagers saw the familiar figure of Nine Tails from a distance, and the fear imprinted in the distant memory once again dominated their bodies!

For a time, all the villagers were in chaos, fleeing like headless flies.

Screaming, swearing, the sound of the ear.

And because of Danzo's inaction, the elders could not organize work at all, and the members of the Anbu did not receive any orders at all, and could only stare blankly, watching the village become a mess.

At this moment, those ninjas who had just returned from the battlefield immediately took to the streets one by one. Even if they did not receive the task, they still took the initiative to take responsibility and began to guide the crowd and organize them to evacuate in an orderly manner.

When the figure of the nine tails was getting closer and closer to the village, the sharp-eyed ninja found that there were several figures standing on the head of the nine tails!

When they looked at the past, their faces suddenly became very wonderful.

Without him, the leader above is the boss Yang Ming.

And behind Yang Ming, Jiraiya is waiting for someone!

A ninja touched the tip of his nose and laughed at himself: "It turned out to be a false alarm."

Afterwards, they told the truth to everyone.

Although it may sound incredible, the villagers accepted this fact very smoothly.

According to their words, the existence of Boss Yang Ming is already incredible enough.

No matter how earth-shattering things are, if Yang Ming did it, everything would be a matter of course.

Before they knew it, these simple villagers had already deified the miraculous Yang Ming!

This made those ninjas who told the truth read it, and they were shocked and speechless for a while.

It turns out that Yang Ming already has such a big influence!

This can almost catch up with the original Hokage of the year!

It is the same blind worship, blind trust!

Facing the noisy cold wind, Yang Ming stood on Jiuwei's head with his hands behind his back, looking like a lonely master.

Tsunade looked at the villagers in a long line to retreat, and couldn't help but slap Yang Ming with his elbows.

"You're too high-profile, aren't you?"

"What do you see scaring the villagers?"

Yang Ming's mouth twitched, "It's not that you and Naruto made a bet that, without the help of the nine tails, Naruto can freely control the body of the completely tailed beast."

At this time, Naruto's hearty voice came from under Yang Ming's feet.

"Grandma Tsunade, it looks like you lost!"

"Cut!" Tsunade shook his head, looking arrogant.

Speaking of it, Naruto is different from the original book, and now he can control the body of a completely tailed beast, thanks to Orochimaru's experiments on Naruto.

However, Naruto said nothing about the experimental content, as if he would die even if he thought about it.

Of course, since Naruto learned through this method, it is equivalent to opening the back door, so the powerful power of the tail beast cannon is simply not available.

When Yang Ming and his party came to the gate of the village, Wannian, who was guarding the gate, set up Izumo and Zitie, and their legs trembled vigorously.

If it wasn't for their duty, I'm afraid they would have fled long ago.

Then, they saw that the huge figure of the nine tails suddenly shrank and became smaller, and turned into Naruto again, and Yang Ming and the others also appeared in front of them.

huh! huh!

Izumo and Zitie took a deep breath and patted their chests. Even now, their hearts were still beating, and they were still in a state of shock.

They went forward to greet Yang Ming and his group, and smiled bitterly: "Boss Yang Ming, please, please don't be so public when you come back next time."

"If it comes again a few I'm afraid we will retire early!"

Yang Ming grinned and said with a smile, "What we're playing is the heartbeat."

"Don't!" Izumo and Zitie said in unison.

"Our hearts are fragile, there are woods!"

"I can't stand this fright!"

Looking at the persuasion of their two living treasures, even if they don't cut the facial paralysis, there is an urge to laugh.

At the same time, a unique feeling of returning home suddenly flooded into the hearts of everyone present.

This may be the unique charm of Konoha Village, which can make people invisible and have some kind of inexplicable bond with it.

Here, Tsunade's feelings are the deepest.

She sighed deeply, "Konoha, I'm back!"

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