Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 328: Graduation season do not say goodbye

Hua Huo narrowed his eyes and said in a feigned anger, "Don't make jokes, Uncle Ghost Shark is a shadow-level powerhouse, he's amazing!"

Konoha Maru touched her nose with a look of disbelief, "How could such a strong person wear such strange clothes."

Hua Huo rolled his eyes, "That's because our boss is stronger."

Seeing that the arrogant children tended to continue arguing, Iruka waved his hand and acted as a peacemaker, "Okay, okay, Konohamaru, don't you want me to treat you, let's see what you want to eat?"

Due to the expansion of the store now, the waiter will provide a menu, which not only has the name of the dish, but also attaches the corresponding photos intimately, so that customers can see it at a glance.

But after reading the menu provided by Hana, Iruka only felt a pain in his heart, it was pain for his wallet!

A bowl of beef ramen is 128 yuan.

A cup of ice cream costs 250 yuan.

A meat bun costs 666 yuan.

The kebab for one person is 777 yuan.

An egg fried rice is 998 yuan!

A snake soup is 999 yuan.

A plate of Dongpo Pork costs 2,888 yuan.

A fried steak, 6666 yuan.

A fish-flavored shredded pork, 8888 yuan.

A curry rice, 23,333 yuan.

100,086 yuan for a serving of mountain gills.

The buffet on the second floor is 19,999 yuan.

After reading it, Menghuang pointed at the menu with a provocative tone, "Why are there kebabs here, and vegetarian dishes are written, are you sure you're not kidding us?"

Hana Huo glanced at Meng Huang with pity, although he didn't know what the other party said was thorny.

But Sister Bai often taught her that no matter what kind of situation she was facing, as a waiter in Yang Ming's store, she represented the store's face, and she should always keep a smile!

Even though Hana was very angry, she managed to squeeze out a smile.

"Guest, this is a dish that the boss uses vegetarian dishes to make meat dishes. If you don't believe it, you can order one and try it."

Looking at the price of 777 yuan, Iruka only felt his heart pounding.

"My God, come to Yang Ming's shop to eat, what you eat is heartbeat!"

Iruka was speechless and could only silently pray that Menghuang would never order this dish.

In the eyes of Iruka's eager anticipation, Menghuang waved his hand and said proudly: "That's it, I want a mutton skewer for one person!"


Iruka's heart is bleeding!

The hard-earned money of ninja teachers is not easy to earn!

It's a pity that the three Konoha Maru children couldn't hear Iruka's voice at all, and kept ordering expensive dishes.

Seeing this, Iruka only felt that life was dark and the future was bleak.

Fortunately, at this time, a similar voice sounded from behind him.

"Hey, isn't this Iruka-sensei?"

Iruka looked back and saw Naruto looking at them in surprise.

"Naruto, you've grown up!"

Iruka was extremely relieved to see Naruto's more mature face than when he just graduated.

This is his most proud student!

"Big Brother Naruto!" The three Konoha Maru's eyes lit up, and they all gathered around Naruto, "Tell you the good news, I'm going to ninja school!"

"Really? Then congratulations, Konoha Maru."

Konoha Maru stretched out her thumb and said proudly: "Big brother, watch, I will definitely defeat you and become Hokage!"

"That's impossible!" Naruto looked confident.

Naruto rolled his eyes and opened his mouth.

"I just completed a B-level mission not long ago. Today I invite you to go to the second floor for a big meal!"

"Really? That's great!" Konoha Maru said to the three of them.

Iruka was a little embarrassed, "Naruto, as a teacher, how can I make you a student pay?"

"Iruka-sensei, needless to say, you have invited me to dinner enough before." Naruto said seriously.

When Iruka and the others came to the second floor, they suddenly realized that all the students he taught Naruto were here.

Shikamaru, Choji, Sakura, Hinata, Shino, Ino, Ya, and some students who are usually unknown.

"You are all here." Looking at these familiar faces, Iruka only felt that something was blocked in his throat, and he was moved and relieved.

The fledglings of the past have now spread their wings and soared high!

Suddenly, Shikamaru picked up a teacup and stood up, and said loudly, "Let's use tea instead of wine, and first give Iruka-sensei a cup."

"Teacher, thank you for your years of teaching!"

"Here, I want to say, teacher, you have worked hard!"

Suddenly, the other students also stood up and said, "Teacher, you've worked hard!"

"You guys..." Seeing this scene, Iruka immediately had tears in his eyes, only feeling that all the hardships he had suffered in the past were not in vain.

The past, like a slideshow, shuttled through Iruka's mind.

Ya always sleeps on the table, Dingci always eats snacks in class, Hinata often secretly looks at Naruto...

Although Naruto's students this year, there are many arrogant children, but in retrospect, Iruka actually finds it unexpectedly sweet.

With tears in her eyes, Iruka choked and said, "You are all good!"

Naruto has experienced many things in this period of time. Sasuke betrayed the village, and he was captured by Orochimaru. He used him to conduct many experiments. He felt a lot of emotion, and he appeared more mature than the original book at the same time.

Naruto took this and said: "Actually, how much I hope to wake up suddenly one day and find that I fell asleep in a class at the ninja school, and everything I experience now is a dream , the table is full of saliva from teeth."

"I hope that when I told my deskmate Sasuke that I had a long, long dream, Sasuke called me an idiot and told me to listen to the class."

"I hope that when I look at the playground outside the window, everything is so familiar and everything is full of hope."

When the others heard it, they all kept silent, looking at Naruto with a little more approval and affirmation.

Looking at Naruto, Iruka felt even more relieved. The naughty little guy at the time was now able to take charge of himself.

Naruto brewed his feelings and continued to express his feelings during this time.

"I hope, when you say goodbye, please wave your hand vigorously, and keep in touch when you say goodbye. It's like a goodbye word for words."

"Maybe, goodbye will be many years, maybe, this may be the last time we meet."

"Those best friends, brothers, and loved ones are all left to us, just like the graduation photos."

Clap clap! clap clap!

When Naruto finished speaking, everyone gave him warm applause.

It turns out that what we are reluctant to bear is not the time, but the beautiful youth. Even if we see all the time that has passed, but what is left is not only moving, but also reluctance, smile, and... .. Maybe youth is the best time for us to compile our dreams, to do what we want to do, that is the dream, and this process of pursuit, we call it youth.

Who's youth is not confused, in fact, we are all the same.

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