Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 378: Stepping on Yang Ming's corpse

"Who is Yang Ming, come out and die!"

When this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked!

Everyone turned their attention to this person, wanting to see who it was, who dared to provoke Boss Yang Ming after eating the guts of a bear and a leopard!

I saw that this man was wearing a hat and a black hood on his nose, looking rather wretched.

Those small eyes turned around from time to time, and the bright light flashed, and at first glance, he was a shrewd person.

Seeing this, Fuji Fengxuehui's beautiful eyes lit up, and immediately turned on the micro camera for live broadcast!

In front of everyone's eyes, this person is so rude, either a fool or someone who has already calculated.

Fuji Fengxue E was very curious about how boss Yang Ming would deal with such a difficult matter.


After a period of time, there was still no provocateur, as if he was a transparent person, what to do or what to do, not even Yang Ming came out.


Incredibly embarrassing!

Whether it's Fuji Kaze-e or the provocateur, they all feel extremely embarrassed.

In their opinion, at this time, Yang Ming should come out immediately!

However, the two of them are also smart people, and their brains turn fast. After thinking about it, they finally understand the root of the problem.

Because, Yang Ming doesn't care about his little provocateur at all!

If he wins, Yang Ming will be scolded for bullying customers.

If they lose, the reputation Yang Ming's store has finally accumulated will dissolve like an avalanche.

So, for this provocateur, Yang Ming does whatever he wants!

As the so-called invisible pretense is the most deadly, it is obvious that the provocateur thought of this, and suddenly felt his self-esteem was hurt, and his face suddenly flushed.

He stomped on his feet and shouted in exasperation: "Yang Ming, your grandson, your grandfather, Uncle Bajiao, is here to challenge you with cooking skills. If you have any kind of it, get out of here!"

Bajiao, this person and Uncle Yile are both brothers and sisters in person. They used to learn to cook ramen together, but he also practices ninjutsu and is a chef ninja.

Hearing that he made such a big statement here, and his words were so bad, all the diners present cast their disgusted eyes.

Who knows, the star anise but the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and an old man scolds Yang Ming, and you can't help me.

Even a well-trained big star like Fuji Fuyuki sees him, his heart is filled with anger, and he wants to teach him a lesson.


To everyone's surprise, Yang Ming still didn't come out, leaving the star anise at the door, making him look like a silly dog ​​barking there.

A gust of wind blew past, and Octagon felt a chill in her lower body.

What does it mean?

What does this mean?

Boss Yang Ming doesn't follow the routine!

Invisible coercion is the most deadly, the octagon feels so painful in the face!

Fortunately, the star anise is not unprepared.

"Clap clap clap!"

Ba Jiao Yi raised his hand and clapped his palm a few times, and several reporters rushed out behind him, holding a camera in one hand and a microphone in the other.

"Mr. Octagon, what do you think of Boss Yang Ming's fear of you?"

The corner of Bajiao's mouth raised a smug smile, his head held high, and he looked like a villain, "Yang Ming is a coward."

"I see, Yang Ming is nothing but a false name!"

Just as they were talking in a prudent manner, Yang Ming actually came!

Yang Ming looked at Bajiao who was talking nonsense indifferently, "I heard that you are looking for me?"


Octagon twisted his neck stiffly, and when he saw the real person, there was a glint in his eyes.

"Hey, I thought you were a tortoise, but you're still coming out!"


In the face of the dirty octagonal exit, Yang Ming remained unshakable, his face still had a calm expression, and he was not affected in the slightest.

Seeing this, a strange color flashed in Octagon's eyes, and she couldn't help but panic.

"It shouldn't be!" Bajiao secretly said in his heart, "How could he not react at all?"

Seeing that one move failed, Octagon finally tried to see it, and said with a grin: "It is said that Yang Ming's restaurant is the best in the world, I don't believe it!"

"Yang Ming, if you really have the seeds, would you dare to have a cooking showdown with me!"

Yang Ming looked at the octagon with the eyes of a fool, and he almost wrote on his face that you are teasing me!

Who knows, seeing Yang Ming not speaking, this actually makes Bajiao more confident and speaks more arrogantly.

Bajiao poked the bridge of Yang Ming's nose with his finger, and said old-fashioned: "Why, now you know you're afraid?"

"If you're scared, just pour tea and water for me, the senior chef, and call me grandpa!"

"Ha!" The corner of Yang Ming's mouth twitched, and he was so happy!

Although Yang Ming also knows that people are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being strong, and there are many people who are popular.

But Yang Ming never imagined that when his fame spread around the world, he would attract ignorant people like Octagon.

Perhaps it is because of ignorance that we are fearless!

Who knows, Yang Ming's smile immediately aroused the strong self-esteem of Octagon, staring at Yang Ming viciously, "What are you laughing at!"

The corners of Yang Ming's mouth twitched, and his face showed a smile that was not a smile.

"You don't even think about it, what are you, why are you challenging me!"

As soon as this statement came out, it was like a slap in the face of Octagon!

The star anise blushed with rage, like a piece of pig liver, how funny it looks, how ridiculous it is!

However, Bajiao came to challenge this time, and he was uneasy and kind.

His small eyes slid, and his sinister and cunning eyes flashed past.

Bajiao slapped the reporter next to him with his elbow. The reporter was the one who invited him, and he immediately understood.

The reporter pointed the camera at Yang Ming, and said with a needle in his words: "Boss Yang Ming, Chef Octagon challenged you before, why did it take you so long to come out?"

This is right, as if Yang Ming is afraid of the octagon.

"Heh!" Yang Ming smiled lightly, "Do you think that elephants need to pay attention to an ant?"

clap clap clap!

After Yang Ming's remarks, he slapped the octagonal face again, making his eyes fill with fire, as if he wanted to tear Yang Mingsheng apart!

Octagon roared: "Yang Ming, do you dare to fight!"

Originally, Yang Ming didn't want to pay attention to him at, but unexpectedly, the news that Bajiao came to molest Yang Ming's shop was known by Danzo, who had been paying attention here.

No, Tuanzang has a good choice whether to choose or not. If he had to choose at this time, he had a foot in the matter.

"Yo, Yang Ming, you're wrong!"

When Danzo exited, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

I saw him with a leisurely demeanor, leaning on crutches, and came over slowly.

Danzo said meaningfully: "As the signature shop of Konoha Village, why don't you accept the challenge, Yang Ming?"

As expected of Danzo, as soon as he exited, he put a tall hat on Yang Ming.

What kind of signature shop in Konoha Village, if you don't agree, does it mean that it doesn't live up to its name?

Yang Ming frowned, his eyes wandering between Danzang and Octagon.

"Okay, I'll fight!"

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