Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 405: Fragrant live broadcast

Leaf Village.

Naruto Building.

Madara Uchiha and Black and White were sitting in front of the TV, watching Yang Ming live.

When they heard that the dark food that Yang Ming said was actually inside the dead tree, the two of them immediately looked at each other with unusual expressions on their faces.

Madara Uchiha touched his smooth chin, half-squinted his eyes, and a ray of light flashed.

"Absolutely, do you think he wants to eat insects?"

The corners of Heihuijue's mouth twitched fiercely, and he said: "It should be..."

Just as the two of them were talking, Yang Ming had already started to act on the TV.

Yang Ming first picked a slender and tough branch, and then smeared fresh and delicious honey on it, making the whole branch sticky.

Then, he walked to the dead tree.

Because the forest is relatively humid, and the tree has been dead for a long time, this provides a breeding ground for a biological development.

Yep, that's termites!

Generally speaking, among ten dead trees, there will be two or three nests of termites.

Fortunately, there was a termite nest in the dead tree that Yang Ming chose.

When sticks smeared with honey are inserted into dead trees, the sticky honey is a natural enemy of termites.

Yang Ming just rotated the branch a little inside and extracted it.

"Oh my God!"

Fuji Kaze-e's face suddenly turned pale, and it was hard to believe what was in front of him.

I saw that the sticky branches were covered with silvery white termites, because the number was so numerous that it looked densely packed. For patients with intensive phobia, I am afraid to see them. You'll pass out at a glance.

The body of each termite is much fatter than its limbs, and it even looks like it is transparent if you look closely.

Maybe it's better to eat. These termites generally grow larger, and each one is the size of a soybean. When they gather together, they look quite scary.

Having said that, termites have a very high nutritional value.

Some backward tribes in Africa even often eat termites for a living, but they are blessed because of this, unlike other blacks who lack nutrition and cause their stomachs to become deformed and enlarged.

Of course, Yang Ming wouldn't eat it raw like they did, because he had better options.

Yang Ming took out the dragon pot, heated it with fire, then took out the cooking oil from the package he carried with him and poured a lot of it into it.

Seeing this, I am afraid many people have guessed it.

That's right, Yang Ming is ready to fry termites!

Before frying, Yang Ming first prepared a bowl of starch water, then filled it with a brush, smeared it on the termite colony, and then put the oil in the pan.

Crackle! Crackle!

When the termite colony fell like raindrops, because of the starch water and honey, when it touched the hot cooking oil, it was like a spark hitting the earth, and a violent collision broke out, making a nice crisp sound.

Of course, be careful during this process to avoid hot oil popping out.

It does not take much time to fry termites, because termites are relatively fragile. Although the outer layer is protected by two layers of starch water and honey, they are still easily cooked.

Therefore, Yang Ming just picked them up and put them on the washed banana leaves.

The washed banana leaves are green and green, and with the fried yellow-white termites, it gives an extremely strong visual impact.

What's more, there is a faint and fresh smell on the banana leaves, which will make one's appetite.

If you do this, you can actually eat it.

However, if no other condiments are added, the taste will be relatively bland.

Yang Ming took out cumin powder and a little salt, sprinkled it on the fried termites, and the effect was immediately revealed. , After smelling the fragrance, they all changed, and they actually took the initiative to pick up a termite and put it in their mouth.


When the termites enter the mouth, the simple aroma of cumin overflows, turning the entire tongue into a sea of ​​fragrance.

What surprised Fuji Kawhi-e was that the fried termites were unexpectedly delicious, not as disgusting as they had imagined. Instead, they became very crisp after frying because they were coated with a layer of starch water.

After biting through the starchy skin on the outside, the honey inside burst out immediately, and instantly a sweet fragrance blew in the tongue, which was unpredictable.

Under these two layers, it is the termites themselves, which are unexpectedly satisfying to eat.

"My God, are these really termites?"

"I actually ate it! I can't believe it! OMG!"

For a time, Fuji's painting was incoherent, and he couldn't even close his mouth to eat.

A strip of termites that she originally hated, rapidly diminished at a speed visible to the naked eye, falling into her mouth.

When the food was exhausted, Fuji Fengxuehui woke up with a start, a rare blush appeared on her face, and with her mesmerizing melon seed face, it had the charm of ripe red peaches that could be picked.

The beautiful eyes of Fuji's snow painting are full of spring, and the charm is full of hope.

It's a pity that Yang Ming and Ghost Shark who were present, one was frying termites attentively, and the other was a non-human species, directly ignoring the charm of Fuji Fengxue-e.

In front of the miniature camera, Fuji Fuyuki put his oiled fingers into his mouth, and his dexterous and tender tongue was like a snake coming out of a hole, eating all the remaining delicious food on his fingers.

Many male viewers watching the live broadcast in front of the TV, when they saw such an amazing scene, immediately erected their tents to pay tribute to her!

The beautiful eyes of Fuji Fengxue are covered with a layer of water mist, which is like a peerless fairy, and every move affects the hearts of the audience.

Fuji Fengxue E touched her flat I was still very hungry, her **** red lips pursed slightly, she said to Yang Ming coquettishly, "Boss Yang Ming, is there anything else to eat? , I'm still so hungry!"

It is said that a woman's stomach is a bottomless pit, especially a girl who doesn't get fat no matter how she eats, her food intake is even more amazing.

Termites don't need to eat too much to actually be full, because it contains a lot of nutrients, especially protein, and ordinary people just eat a little to be full.

But obviously, this one is invalid for Fuji Kaze-e.

Fuji Fengxuehui took Yang Ming's arm, raised his blushing melon seed face, his beautiful eyes were smiling, and his red lips were lightly parted, "Boss Yang Ming, what do I want!"

Cough, this sentence is very ambiguous, in fact, there is no other meaning, really!

However, for Terumi Mei and Tsunade, when they saw this scene, they almost broke the TV.

"This shameless woman!"

On this day, a shocking roar came from Shuiying's office, frightening the whole village.

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