Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 481: What are the dragon people? kill!

On the bustling streets, thousands of people fell to their knees, but their faces were not filled with reverence, but with fear and disgust.

Because they greeted the infamous Tianlong people!

Yang Ming and his party didn't move, still standing in the center of the road.

Coincidentally, Roroya Zoro, the number two character of the Straw Hat Pirates, was drinking a small drink at this time. His footsteps seemed to be vain, but in fact he implied vigilance, and his body staggered in the middle of the road.

Seeing this, the Tianlong people who have always regarded themselves as superior, suddenly burst into anger!

"These **** pariahs, how dare they not kneel in front of the great Tianlong people!"

Because of the extreme anger of the Tianlong people in the lead, the whole pig brother's face turned red, and a pair of fat palms slapped heavily on the "mountain" under his feet.

Although it is called a "mountain", this is a living human being. He was once offered a reward of tens of millions of pirates. At this time, his face was numb, and he let the Tianlong people keep beating.

"Damn it, it's all because of the existence of pariahs like you, that will damage the majesty of our Tianlong people!"

Seeing that the "mountain" under him didn't respond at all, the Tianlong people were even more tyrannical in their hearts. They tightened the collar around the opponent's neck, and didn't treat him like a human at all, as if he was a pet dog that could be pinched to death.


In the face of the Tianlong people's actions, no one of the tens of thousands of people on both sides dared to make a sound, and they didn't even dare to raise their eyes, which made the Tianlong people even more arrogant.

Unusually, the pirate's neck under him was clearly pinched and his eyes were about to pop out, but he laughed.

Yes, he smiled, and he could finally be freed from the disgusting Tianlong people who ruined his dignity!


Seeing such an inhumane practice, Yang Ming's staff and Naruto were outraged, hoping that Yang Ming would ask them to teach these Tianlong people a lesson!

But who knows, when they fell, it seemed to stimulate the inverse scales of the Tianlong people.

Like shrew, the three Heavenly Dragon people jumped with anger.

"You dirty and lowly pariahs, you are not allowed to speak and pollute the air here!"

"Fortunately, we wore oxygen cylinders, otherwise we would have been infected by your foul breath, infecting our sacred body!"

"What are you **** looking at, don't let me catch this garbage!"

The last sentence is that the Tianlong people who think that they are magnanimous and generous feel that they should kill the chicken and show the monkeys, and order the bodyguards around them to take action.

Roroja Zoro's drunken body stagnated, his eyes flashed with sharp edges, and his right hand had been subconsciously placed on the weapon beside him, ready to go berserk at any time.

And above the food building on the side of the street, as one of the supernovas, the gluttonous girl Qiao Ellie Bonnie was eating cakes and eating cakes. Go down and stop him.

With the speed of the wind, Qiao Ellie Bonnie easily pressed down Sauron. Just as she was about to take him away, she glanced at Yang Ming and his party, and saw that Yang Ming and his party were also preparing to use force. I can't wait to scold people!

you sir!

Tianlong people dare to do it, don't they die?

I'm still young, I still want to eat another five hundred years, woohoo, I don't want to meet the Admiral!

To deal with a rookie like Tianlongren, there is no need for a penumbra-level employee to take action!

When Neji saw the pirates under the Tianlong people, he felt the same anger. As a branch of the Hinata clan, he has never been regarded as a person by the clan family!

At this time, Neji's heart had already accumulated a flood of anger, and once he vented it, he became mad like a madman!

"Gossip! Sixty-four palms!"

The toes are on the ground, like dancing an elegant ballet. The slender arms revolve around the body, and the seemingly small palms contain thunderous anger. Once they touch the bodyguards of the Tianlong people, they are like sweeping away the garbage, easily. Swing away!

Seeing this, Dingci was not to be outdone, and raised his hands in front of him.

"Local doubling technique!"

At a speed visible to the naked eye, Dingji's arm was like a balloon inflated, turned into a giant arm, and swept across like a battering ram!

The Tianlong man riding a pirate had a startled look on his face. When he wanted to dodge out, he was embarrassed to discover the fact that his figure was too fat, and he didn't have enough agility to dodge!

Surprised and angry, the Tianlongren kicked the pirate under him fiercely, pretending to be frantic and roaring: "You trash, trash, don't hurry up and leave!"

Once again abused by his dignity, the corner of the pirate's mouth twitched, and there was a smile that was not a smile on his face.

Then, as a dignified human being, even as a sea scum, facing endless oppression, this pirate still has the backbone to fight back!

He moved!

As if a volcano erupted, he had accumulated the anger of being enslaved for several years, and once it erupted, he used all his strengths, slammed the back of his body, and actually threw the Tianlong Ren in front of Dingci's huge fist!

Just like playing tennis, the fat Tianlongren was the unlucky ball that landed on Dingji's fist, which was wider than his body. The way is imposed on the Tianlong people!


Accompanied by a dull sound, the Celestial Dragon crossed an ugly arc in mid-air and smashed into the distant ground, forming a small pit on the ground.

How could the fragile body of the Tianlong people withstand such torture, and the whole person is no longer human!


The only woman among the three Heavenly Dragons has always been accustomed to being spoiled and arrogant. If she tortured and killed slaves like this in the past, she would not even blink an eye.

But now, seeing the Heavenly Dragon who is similar to her end up like this, this female Heavenly Dragon instantly collapsed!

Do not!

Not to mention that the Tianlong people collapsed, even the people watching the lively nearby collapsed!

"My God! What did they do!"

"It's over, they actually killed the Tianlong people!"

"Flee now, the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters is about to kill him!"

"With their they will definitely kill all of us insiders!"

After Dingci killed the Tianlong people, he strangely found that the eyes around him had changed, but instead of thanking and worshipping him, he only regarded him as someone who brought ominousness to him, just like looking at the **** of plague.

Ding Ci was puzzled and turned to look at Yang Ming with a simple and honest face, "Boss, what did I do wrong?"

"You didn't do anything wrong." Yang Ming calmly looked around at the chaos, a scene of chicken flying and dogs jumping into pieces, "It's just that this world is sick, and it is terminally ill."

Hearing this, the confused supernova gluttonous girl Joe Ellie Bonnie quit.

Joe Ellie Bonnie had her hands on her waist, her pink long hair was shawl up to her waist, and peach blossom eyes were full of resentment.

"You bastard, do you know what you guys did! I'm really **** off!"

Seeing that this woman actually offended the boss, she frowned without frowning.

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