Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 490: Nine Tails Naruto VS Akainu

Akainu faces Naruto Nine Tails alone, and the whole person is not well!

He said he was the only one who came to play in a group!

Naruto Nine Tails doesn't care about Akainu's thoughts. Brother Yang Ming just said that if he does well, he will reward him with delicious food!

Thinking of the wonderful dishes that Yang Ming cooked, whether it was Nine Tails or Naruto, saliva flowed out.

In Akainu's eyes, Kyuubi's eyes were actually glowing when he saw him, and disgusting saliva flowed down the corners of his mouth, as if he regarded him as a prey.

At this moment, Akainu only felt a chill all over his body, and he actually had the illusion of facing the predator at the top of the food chain.

"Just a beast! How can you stop my absolute justice!"

Akainu's stern and iron-blooded face is completely cold and hateful, without any sense of the world.

In his opinion, sin must be punished and justice must be publicized!

No matter who is in front of him, whether it is a human or a beast, as long as it is the source of evil, he must give the most ruthless punishment!

Huhuhu! Whoohoo!

A scary light burst out from Akainu's eyes, his knees were slightly bent, his iron fists were clenched tightly, and his aura was like a rainbow!

The word justice raised by the cloak behind him looked so dazzling under the scorching sunlight!

"Beasts! Die!"

"Big! Spit! Fire!"

In the roar of the gust of wind, the cloak flew high, the red dog punched out together, and the lava fist formed by the intense high temperature flew out, at a speed visible to the naked eye in the air, like inflating a balloon, forming two incomparably huge Iron fist, like two small mountain peaks roaring like!

This move infuses the power of the Akainu fruit to maximize the ability, and the temperature of each fist is as high as several thousand degrees Celsius!

Once it appeared, where the lava fist passed, even the atmosphere vibrated violently, and the steaming hot air emanated, leaving a trail of white mist behind the lava fist.

The lava fist looks huge, but its speed is not slow at all. If a meteor hangs upside down, it will fly out like a sharp arrow, and it will come to Jiuwei in the blink of an eye!

The hot air hit Naruto Kuwait's face, and he almost couldn't open his eyes. He only felt that the skin on his face was stinging from the heat.

Naruto Kuwait's pupils shrank suddenly, and the alarm bell rang out in his heart!

will die!

If unfortunate enough to be hit by Akainu's trick, even Naruto Nine-Tails will be evaporated by the high temperature of several thousand degrees Celsius in an instant with the huge chakra self-healing ability in his body!

At this time, Naruto Nine Tails realized that he underestimated the enemy!

What he is facing is not a minion who can be easily bullied, but the top combat power in the One Piece world!

A little bit of carelessness can lead to death!

Naruto Nine-Tails had the illusion that the other party was nothing more than just because he patted Akainu's Martian rain just now.

It was because of this illusion that his reaction was a beat slower, so that even if he wanted to dodge it now, it was too late!

A ruthless look flashed in Naruto Nine Tails' eyes. He is also a decisive person. As soon as he saw something bad, he spontaneously and instinctively cut off his tail to survive!

The nine tails that covered the sky and the sun were swaying in the air, stirring the wind and clouds like a madman. At this moment, they all hang down, forming an airtight defensive rung ahead!


Once Akainu's two lava fists with a temperature of several thousand degrees Celsius touched the nine tails of the nine tails, it was as if Mars hit the earth, and a fierce conflict broke out!

With their fight as the center, a gust of wind swept out the majestic heat violently, and wherever they passed, the originally messy auction was instantly razed to the ground!


In the fog-filled battlefield, there was a cry of pain from the nine tails, and the voice was desolate and sad.

Yang Ming had already followed Luo away from the outside. Seeing this, his heart tightened and he stared at the center of the battlefield, worried that Naruto Nine-Tails would be unpredictable.

When the thick fog gradually dissipated, the desolate scene inside was revealed.

Nine-tailed Naruto's body was charred black, and his nine tails broke off in unison. The broken tail was still scalded by the high temperature of several thousand degrees Celsius, and there was a fragrant barbecue smell.

As the saying goes, taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Akainu is worthy of being a veteran who is well versed in this way. He was not polite at all, and hit Naruto Nine-Tails with a stormy attack, not giving him a chance to breathe!

"Beast! Aren't you crazy?"

Akainu threw out a punch, with a domineering, armed look with black grease on it, and hit Naruto Nine-tailed fiercely in the face.

Under the inertia of the huge force, Naruto's face was swollen, and his mountain-like body collapsed.

"Beasts! Blame it, you're on the evil side!"

Akainu's leather shoes stomped on Naruto Nine Tails' face, staring at him condescendingly, his ruthless eyes bursting with murderous intent!

"Justice must be absolutely implemented!"

"You're not the first, and you're not the last!"

"When you die, I will arrest all the friends and relatives who are infected by your sinful blood!"

Akainu said solemnly, his ruthless iron-blooded face did not seem to be fake at all.

Akainu has always regarded himself as an existence that absolutely implements justice. Regarding the God of Cooking Pirates who dared to challenge the order of the world and killed the Tianlong people, Akainu has a killing intent in his heart, and vowed to wipe out the family and friends of this group of people. Just like what the World Government did to One Piece's relatives and friends back then.

Kill the chicken! Warning the monkey!

Naruto Nine-Tailed's swollen face was swollen from the beating, and with strength rising from nowhere, he raised his eyelids with all his might, and suddenly let out a roar:

"you dare!"

For Naruto, when he was most difficult, it was his elder brother Yang Ming who led him to be optimistic, and when he was most helpless, it was his teacher Iruka who accompanied him through his lonely life.

Kakashi, Sakura, the lecherous fairy, and the friends of Konoha Village are all his most precious treasures!

He absolutely does not allow anyone who dares to blaspheme and threaten his relatives and friends, even if they are people who are not in the same world as him!

Dragons have reverse scales, and they will die if touched!

Obviously, Akainu's words completely ignited Naruto's anger!

Akainu looked down at Naruto Nine-Tailed from above, one hand turned into flowing lava, exuding a high temperature of several thousand degrees Celsius.

As if God had issued a verdict on sinners, Akainu's ruthless voice came:

"Justice will prevail!"

"Ming dog!"

Just like the giant lava hand that ran through Ace in the original book, Akainu's eyes filled with murderous intent, and he had already made up his mind to fight quickly!

The giant lava hand fell, like a sharp spearhead, it would stab into Naruto Nine Tails' heart!

"Don't even think about it!"

Nine-tailed Naruto was furious in his heart, and his body was like a turbulent ocean tide, and a majestic scarlet nine-tailed chakra emerged.

For a time, the wind was surging, and the sky and the earth changed color!

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