Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 493: Frozen Throne

Seeing Zaibuzhan and Leiya walking over intact, Kizaru squeezed an orchid finger.

"Oh, what a pity, what a pity."

The corners of Lei Ya's mouth twitched fiercely, and he gave him a vicious glance, feeling extremely resentful in his heart.

Not only does this guy have a wretched appearance, he has a wretched voice, but even his style of play is so wretched, it's disgusting!

Coupled with the fact that the other party can be elementalized at any time, it is almost an invincible existence, which makes them both feel a lot of pressure.

Fortunately, their main task is to contain Kizaru and prevent him from interfering with the real battlefield.

Kizaru floated in the sky, and he also guessed a thing or two about the thoughts of the enemy. Looking at the battlefield between Garp and Uchiha Itachi from a distance, he could only pray in his heart.

"Kapp, you have to hurry!"

Kizaru thought so in his heart, but was suddenly horrified to find that from far and near, the ground was gradually spread over by sky blue ice!

This is the big move of the general Qingzhi, Ice Age!

As soon as the glaciers came out, the entire land in a radius of ten miles was frozen!

What happened there!

Kizaru was horrified for a while!

Although Qingzhi is much younger than him, he is not inferior to him in terms of talent and combat power.

What is the reason that forced Qingzhi to use the ultimate move?

You must know that in this ice age, Qingzhi generally does not need to attack, but is used to assist.

On a vast expanse of ice, a tall and straight figure stood, his whole body turned into ice cubes, only his head remained the same.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Qing Zhi was panting heavily, and once it touched the cooling atmosphere, it turned into a thick mist.

Qingzhi looked at the opposite side with lingering fears. Gui Sha, Jun Ma Lu, and giant panda Yuan Yuan were all intact, but their expressions were very leisurely and fun, and there was no pressure at all.

Qingzhi glanced at the knife in the ghost shark's hand, with a particularly solemn tone.

"What kind of knife are you? I've never heard of it. You are one of the most famous knives in the world."

As if stroking a lover, the ghost shark gently touched the shark's muscle, and the corner of his mouth twitched, as if terrifying.

"I'm not a knife, but my best friend."

"Right, shark muscle!"

As the voice fell, the shark muscle opened its mouth and bit and closed it, as if responding.

"Really?" Qingzhi took a few steps back indistinctly, and was already looking around and preparing to run.

Without him, the sword of the shark muscle is too evil!

As we all know, the essence of chakra is to extract life energy from cells in the body and then convert it.

When the ghost shark passes through the shark muscle and uses chakra to absorb it, even if the green child is elementalized, it still cannot escape, only the life energy in the body is absorbed obediently!

After fighting for a while, Qingzhi didn't notice for a while, and was pulled by the Chakra absorption technique, and he felt that his physical strength began to be exhausted.

If it weren't for the fact that the individual physical skills of One Piece World were stronger than those of Naruto World, and Qingzhi was still the best among them, I'm afraid that after just one round, Qingzhi would have collapsed long ago.

When Qingzhi used the Ice Age, he forced the ghost shark and his party to retreat.

Qingzhi now regrets it a little bit. If it were Kiabou, I'm afraid it would be much easier to deal with ghost sharks.

Qingzhi made up his mind, and waved to the ghost sharks.

"Goodbye, everyone!"

Having said that, his whole body began to crack and then shattered, and his real body had already re-condensed a human body on the ice surface in the distance.

Damn it! This works!

The group of Ghost Shark looked at each other in dismay. It was the first time they saw this kind of escape method, and they were a little confused for a while.

Fortunately, in the next moment, they all remembered their own task of restraining and killed Qingzhi.

Looking at them catching up, Qingzhi felt a deep pain in the eggs.

Do you have to?

With the idea that a dead friend will not die, Qingzhi resolutely ran in the direction of Kizaru.

With Kizaru's eyesight, coupled with the advantage of high altitude, he quickly discovered Qingzhi's whereabouts.

When seeing this young and promising general, Kizaru couldn't react.

"what's going on?"

Afterwards, Kizaru saw a group of people hanging behind Qingzhi, and his face became strange.

"This... Couldn't you be fleeing to me?"

Kizaru touched the light beard on his lips, and a solemn expression appeared on his wretched face.

If even Qingzhi can't handle it, he may not be able to do it either!

"Oh, my waist is so tired."

"No, I have to go to rest."

Having said that, Kizaru waved his hand at Qingzhi from a distance, and it instantly disappeared into a flash of light.

Originally, Qingzhi was planning to exchange enemies with Kizaru, but he came running hard, only to find that Kizaru ran away!

What a scumbag!

Qingzhi looked at Zabuzhan and Leiya with grinning smiles not far away, and then looked back at Gui Sha and his group, and suddenly felt like crying without tears.

Isn't this a trick to your teammates!

The giant panda Yuanyuan took the lead, with a bamboo spear in his hand, the original one-meter-long bamboo spear instantly stretched and turned into a forty-meter long spear!

A touch of cold light came first, and then the spear shot out like a dragon!

The bamboo spear is like a dragon, it is very cunningly straight, it draws a sharp arc in the air, making a sharp breaking wind sound, and a hot spark is rubbed at the spear head!


Qing Zhi didn't even hide, and was shot directly in the head, but there was no trace of blood!

Qingzhi's footsteps moved, and a rhombus-shaped ice cube appeared on his neck, forming Qingzhi's head again.

"It seems that this fierce battle is unavoidable!"

Qing Zhi sighed in his heart, and the cold winter air was blowing from his hands, and his entire arm turned into ice cubes.

Qingzhi bowed his body, pressing his hands heavily on the ground, the endless cold air flooded like a flood!

"Absolute zero! The Frozen Throne!"

The icy cold, which is more terrifying than the Ice Age, spreads wildly in all directions, and anything will turn into icy ice cubes as soon as it is touched.

Who said that only the times can create heroes

Heroes can also create trends!

With one big move, Qingzhi turned this ten-mile radius into his frozen domain. He is the only emperor here!

Then, a towering iceberg suddenly rose from the ground, and on the edge of the steep and steep cliff, a throne carved from ice and snow stayed there quietly.

Qingzhi, like the Great Ice Emperor who was crowned king, sat up carelessly and looked down at the small crowd under his feet.

In order to prevent the ghost shark from approaching, Qingzhi pointed at the ghost shark and his group, and spit out a few words coldly.

"Absolute zero! Knife Mountain!"

With a falling sound, the earth suddenly changed on the route that the ghost shark and his party were advancing!

A pair of sharp skating knives broke out of the ice, each of which was three or four meters high, reflecting an icy cold glow in the light.

The ice knives were randomly distributed around, and suddenly came out of the ground, and everyone was caught off guard, only to parry.

Otaku Welfare, you know!!! Watch online:!!

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