Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 466: Yang Ming has become the strongest pirate newcomer in history

Navy Headquarters.

Several warships slowly entered the port. Strangely, there were no traces of battle left on them, but they seemed lifeless.

In a nutshell, it's like dead parents.

Afterwards, the navy soldiers who came up to meet them saw that, headed by Admiral He, several lieutenant admirals had gloomy expressions on their faces, as if they had encountered something difficult, and stepped down from the warship with heavy steps.

What's even more strange is that the other non-commissioned officers who came down with the Vice Admiral did the same.

The officer who greeted him was just a colonel. Seeing this, he could only bite the bullet and go forward to welcome him.

But before he could speak, Lieutenant General He waved his hand, indicating that there was no need for trouble, and walked straight to the office of the Marshal of the Warring States Period.

As one of the top sixteen lieutenant generals in the naval headquarters, Lieutenant General Crane's actions have attracted much attention.

After they left, there was an uproar in the ordinary navy.

"Isn't that the famous Lieutenant General Crane? Why do they all look listless?"

"Shhh! Be quiet, didn't you see that they were a little less than when they left?"

"Hey! Hiss! Hiss!"

Dogfight Dogman and Ghost Spider are both long-established Vice Admirals. They didn't have any cover up when they were dispatched before. Many people thought it was going to be a big operation.

Unexpectedly, they turned back in just a few hours.

"Could it be that……"

There is a navy's pupil dilated, his face full of disbelief.

At this time, the colleagues around them covered their mouths and signaled them to keep quiet with their eyes.

dong dong dong! dong dong dong!

There was a knock on the door, and the Warring States Marshal pushed the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose with his fingertips and said, "Come in!"


The door opened, and a cool, humid wind from the sea blew in from outside.

The Warring States Marshal was blown away by the cold wind, and his head, which had been devastated by official business, suddenly shook.

Seeing that it was Lieutenant General He, the Warring States Marshal forced a rare smile.

"It's Xiaohe, how are things going?"

Lieutenant General Crane said nothing, and sat on the opposite sofa with a silent face, as if he had exhausted his strength before spitting out a word from his chest.

"Fighting dogs and ghost spiders, glorious!"

Glory is death.

Hearing this bad news, the Warring States Marshal restrained the only trace of smile on his face, and unknowingly increased his strength in his hand, pinching the expensive pen in half.

With a click, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the Warring States Marshal in China.

"So the negotiation failed?"

But to the surprise of the Warring States Marshal, Lieutenant General Crane shook his head.

Holy shit! What the **** is going on here!

Can you finish talking in one breath! Anxious to death!

Although the Warring States Marshal roared furiously in his heart, his face was as gentle as ever, as he quietly waited for Lieutenant General Crane to come out of the tray.

Without the pressure from his superiors, General Crane relaxed a lot from his nervous nerves, and slowly told the whole story to himself.

Listening to Lieutenant General Crane's remarks, the Warring States Marshal's fingers touched the table unconsciously, making a rhythmic thumping sound.

"I didn't expect that things would turn out to be so twists and turns!"

The Marshal of the Warring States period frowned, and his fingers touched the table more frequently. It could be seen that he was thinking about countermeasures.

"This matter must be explained to others."

"I originally planned to release the wanted order for the God of Cooking Pirates later, but it seems that it should be announced sooner."

With that said, the Warring States Marshal took out a stack of wanted orders from the drawer and handed it to Lieutenant General Crane.

When she swiped through the wanted notice, her expression changed.

Yang Ming, the head of the God of Cooking Pirates, has a reward of 3 billion.

Uchiha Itachi, cadre of the God of Cooking Pirates, has a reward of 2.8 billion.

The cadre ghost shark has a reward of 2.5 billion.


The financial manager, Jun Ma Lu, offered a reward of 300 million.

As for why they offered so many rewards, the above concealed their great achievements in capturing the naval admiral alive, but focused on Yang Ming and his party's daring and daring to kill the Tianlong people, which is a heinous crime.

Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a pretense, the Warring States Marshal never thought that he would be able to hold the news for too long. As long as he can hold on for a while, it will be the date of Ace's beheading!

Even so, for the first time a pirate was offered a bounty with such a sky-high price, it has not been seen in a thousand years!

At the same time, the amount of this reward has surpassed that of Qiwuhai, which is comparable to the new Four Emperors!

The intention of the Marshal of the Warring States period is naturally very sinister. Once the people of the Four Emperors learn that there is such a pirate group, I am afraid that they will sleep and sleep, thinking that the God of Cooking Pirate Group will threaten the status of the Four Emperors. Someone will take the initiative to find trouble with Yang Ming and his party.

This is the art of expelling tigers and wolves, the taste of which cannot be known to outsiders.

The Warring States Marshal pushed the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose with his fingertips, and a white light flashed on the lenses.

"Isn't this Yang Ming going to hold a food competition in the Chambord Islands, we will fulfill him!"

"Xiaohe, you should ask friends from the media to focus on publicity. This competition is mainly about desserts."


Although Yang Ming didn't say what the theme of the competition was, General He, as the right-hand man of the Warring States Marshal, couldn't hear the meaning inside!

Dessert, that is the favorite of the aunt, one of the four emperors!

That is a neurotic who can destroy an island just for dessert!

With such a fuse, coupled with the threat of a bounty from the wanted order, the Warring States Marshal would not believe it, and the Four Emperors would not be caught!

At that time, not only can the transaction with Yang Ming be completed, and the red dog and the yellow monkey can be exchanged, but also can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, watching both sides have to live and die, but the navy is enjoying the success, how happy!

What a good strategy to kill two birds with one stone!

He Zhong will be satisfied, his face swept away the previous decadence, and hurriedly said goodbye, and walked quickly towards the outside.

She can't to see the unlucky appearance of Yang Ming and his party!

The ocean is rippling with blue waves, and seagulls fly over it from time to time.

In the world of One Piece, due to the vastness of the ocean and islands are scattered, the transmission of messages is very inconvenient.

Under such circumstances, trained newsbirds take to the stage of history, with a bag around their necks containing the latest issue of the newspaper, and fly to islands and ships drifting at sea.

quack quack! quack quack!

Accompanied by an unpleasant bird call, a newspaper fell from the sky and stuck on the face of a sleeping man below.

"Hey, what a bastard!"

The man took the newspaper away from his face, revealing a mature uncle's face, with a few scars around one eye, and a red hair on his head that was particularly eye-catching.

He is one of the four emperors whose fame resounded in the second half of the Great Route, the red-haired, Shanks! [.]

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