Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 486: Sorry, I'm also the main character

Genius to remember the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Naruto was furious, he felt like being played by Luffy, no more nonsense, a thousand Naruto clones rushed up .

"Let you have a taste of Naruto Combo... uh... what are you doing!"

Just when the digital Naruto clones were about to use the physical technique, they suddenly found Luffy grinning, and then his arm bounced back with the help of elasticity, and his fists hit Naruto clone's little brother!

Holy shit! What do you want to do?

Due to the large number of Naruto clones, each clone was not strong enough to escape, so he could only watch himself being hit by Luffy.

In an instant, with a click, the chickens flew and the eggs were broken. Even the people watching the battle from a distance were terrified, and they only felt that the lower body was cold.

This must be a pain in the ass, right?

What is even more terrifying is that although the shadow avatar technique is powerful, it has a pitfall compared to the ordinary avatar technique, that is, after the shadow avatar is broken, the experience will be passed on to the deity's mind.

Although the pain didn't pass along, it made Naruto jump with excitement.

"You bastard! I will never spare you!"

Naruto covered his lower body, his face was ashen, and he was sweating wildly, sweating again and again, and he looked like he had lingering fears.

"Spiral pills!"

"Spiral pills!"

"Spiral pills!"

One after another voices came from Naruto's clones, and they were seen in pairs, one helping to roll the balls, and the other picking up the spiral pills and rushing up with the other clones.

Nearly 500 clones lifted the sky-blue rotating sphere together, and some even jumped up from Luffy's front, back, left, and right, swooping down from the air like eagles, with a rhythm that would put Luffy to death.


Seeing this, Luffy saw that his jaw was about to fall, and he looked astonished.

Naruto was proud for a while, and secretly said, now you know what you're afraid of, right?

But then, Luffy was not as helpless as Naruto imagined, but instead had an expression of eagerness to move. Not only was he not afraid, but he was wary.

Naruto snorted coldly, "I want to see how you can solve the current situation."

Originally, Naruto didn't have any disgust towards Luffy, but after one thing after another, it was obvious that he hated Luffy very much.

In particular, Luffy's little brother who just punched several of his clones with one punch is even more disgusting!

I can't bear to cut off my son and cut off my grandson's boxing!

But the next moment, Naruto was instantly stunned. He didn't expect that the power of the Devil Fruit was unpredictable and unpredictable!

I saw that Luffy stepped his feet into the ground, and then, with the characteristics of a rubber man, his body twisted in place, just like we usually twist a towel, and his whole body tightened like a towel.

Then, Luffy opened his arms and let go of his tightened body.

When the spring is pressed for a long time, it will rebound violently once it is released, and the same is true for rubber.

"Rubber! Big windmill!"

Luffy spun rapidly on the spot, much stronger than an ordinary windmill. In just a short time, a tornado blew up beside him, the sand and dust rolled in, and the strong air flow even the Naruto deity behind him. feel it.

Later, as Luffy's rotation speed became faster and faster, the size of the tornado expanded rapidly, and soon formed a huge wind field the size of a basketball court with Luffy as the center.

In this wind farm, only the eye of Luffy is safe, and other areas are full of death.

At this time, you can see the fragility of the clone.

Before the Naruto clone near Luffy threw the spiral pill in his hand, he was blown away by the blade-like whirlwind, or directly involved in the meat grinder, and then disappeared into a light smoke with a bang. not see.

bang bang bang! bang bang bang!

The sound one after another erupted, and in Naruto's speechless eyes, the army of clones he had been optimistic about before was stabbed by nearly half without even playing a role, which can be described as a heavy loss.

"So dizzy..."

Although Luffy's skill emptied half of Naruto's clones at once, the sequelae were obviously very serious. Even if he stopped spinning, he still couldn't find the north and south in a daze.

"good chance!"

A gleam of light flashed in Naruto's eyes. This is the time when the enemy is empty, and it is the best time to take advantage of the danger.

"Let's go together, don't let him recover!"


The remaining Naruto clones were like a rainbow, like a cat smelling fishy, ​​and rushed towards Luffy from all directions again.

This time, after absorbing the previous lessons, Naruto also put aside his contempt, and no longer regards his opponent as an enemy that can be easily pinched, but an opponent of equal strength.

So this time, the Naruto clone is divided into two parts, the front army and the rear army.

The former army stepped forward to be responsible for the harassment, and specifically attracted Luffy's attention, so that he could not take care of others, and bought time for the attack of the latter army.


Even if Luffy is still dizzy, facing a group of parallel clones, he can still pick up dozens of times, whether it is punching and kicking, or hitting his head with a can be easily stunned The human clones caused enough damage that they couldn't bear to disappear at once.

And at this time, the rear army behind the front army launched!

"Shuriken in all directions!"

With a loud shout, the Naruto clones from Luffy's front, back, left, and right threw out the shuriken in his hand at the same time, and threw the remaining shuriken at an extremely fast speed to achieve the saturation of the attacking firepower. .

call out! shhhhh! shhhhhh...

The continuous sound of breaking wind sounded, and the dark shuriken pierced the sky, like locusts from far and near, thousands of numbers shrouded the sky above Luffy, like a dark curtain covering the sky. The sun is fierce, and if a tsunami is generally able to drown everything!

In the face of this tsunami, Luffy's figure seemed so small and thin, like a small shrimp in the ocean, who could only accept the arrangement of fate.


Luffy is not a little shrimp, he is the protagonist like Naruto!

Under the aura of the protagonist, are these attacks still a thing?

Luffy looked indifferent, his mouth suddenly widened and he took a deep breath. With a large amount of gas pouring into his body, his thin stomach swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if blowing up a balloon.

Luffy's belly was getting bigger and bigger, even his head and limbs were squeezed into the swollen belly, and the whole person suddenly turned into a ball.

The next moment, the shuriken poured down like a downpour, and landed on Luffy.

What makes Naruto speechless is that Luffy's spherical stomach is very tough, and the shuriken he shoots can't break the defense at all!

This is also due to Naruto's ignorance of Luffy's possession of the rubber fruit, and also because these shuriken are not sharp enough, and are bounced off by Luffy's bloated stomach. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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