Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 600: The Book of Ten Thousand Blood (Part 2)

Navy Headquarters.

When admirals at all levels held talks with the Five Old Stars, there was no impermeable wall in the world. Soon, Admiral Crane put the water under water, and the things discussed in the conference room spread, and it was widely circulated within the navy.

For a time, the entire navy was in an uproar!

The Warring States Marshal's bones were not yet cold, the three generals were seriously injured, and the navy suffered heavy casualties, but the Five Old Stars still required the navy to contribute in order to complete the mission of the Tianlong people. This is not only chilling, but also shakes the foundation of the navy!

After the Battle of the Top, the navy has weakened a lot. Admiral Crane, as a think tank, is not clear, how weak is the navy now?

The men dispatched by Admiral Crane understood what she meant, dressed in mourning uniforms, raised a banner with the word justice written on it, and appealed to the other navies:

"Brothers, the Warring States Marshal and we were born to death, and now the world government doesn't care about us, and wants us to work hard to get the resurrection food for the Tianlong people, are you willing?"

In front of them, a group of navy had gathered, all of them were wounded and looked haggard.

When I heard this, I immediately aroused the anger in my heart, and shouted in unison:

"I don't want to!"

Lieutenant General Crane's subordinates continued to incite in a bewitching tone:

"Brothers, then tell me out loud, why did you join the navy?"

"Justice, Victory!"

When the voice just fell, Tuo, who was hidden in the crowd, shouted loudly at this time, and his voice was hysterical, which resonated in the hearts of everyone.

Under the leadership of this trustee, and the idea that the Warring States Marshal had preached at the cost of his own death, immediately aroused the enthusiasm of the navy present!

"Justice, Victory!"

"Justice, Victory!"

"Justice, Victory!"

Originally, the sound was very small, but when more and more navies participated, the sound gathered from all directions was enough to overturn the roof!

The subordinate of Lieutenant General Crane did not expect that the scene would be so warm, and he secretly wiped a cold sweat.

But the script had already started, and he could only go on and on.

"Brothers, listen to me!"

He stretched out his hand in the dark, pressing down on the increasingly uncontrolled navy.

"Brothers, we can't let the Warring States Marshal die in vain, I have a proposal, everyone will leave your name on this flag to fight against the world government to the end!"

With that said, Lieutenant General Crane's subordinate was the first to bite his finger and use his own blood to leave a **** name on this banner of justice, which is shocking!

In the crowd, Kirby watched all of this, and his heart suddenly filled with pride.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the public, Kirby stepped forward and bit his finger as well, leaving his name.

The difference is that after signing his name, he also wrote a line of small characters under the word justice.

"The navy is immortal, justice is immortal!"

Every word, Kebi wrote with heart, although there is no style, but through the **** words, deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone!

All the navy at the scene recognized that Kebi was the young officer who was saved by the Warring States Marshal with his death.

Originally, many people blamed Kebi for the death of Marshal of the Warring States Period.

But when they saw this scene, these thoughts of escapism in these people's hearts suddenly vanished, and instead they felt guilty for it.

"The navy is immortal, justice is immortal!"

To be able to write such words is nothing in the pool, no wonder even the Marshal of the Warring States Period was desperate to save him!

At this moment, the hearts of all the navies are connected, even the navy soldiers who have disabled hands and legs, are supported by their colleagues and come down to this flag, and write their names in blood with a solemn look on their faces!

We build steel castles with flesh and blood, and we condense the future of the world with blood!

Even Lieutenant General He's subordinates did not expect that in just an hour, the large banner was already filled with numerous names.

Even at the back, due to the margin problem, many people's names overlapped, making it look messy.

In addition, after a long time, the blood became dark, and the dark red font gave people a strong visual impact.

But no matter how crowded it is, every word in blood in it, intentionally or unintentionally avoiding the word justice, and the line of small words written by Kebi, like stars holding the moon, surrounding them!

"Justice, Victory!"

"The navy is immortal, justice is immortal!"

At this moment, the navy is united!

The difficulties and hardships in front of them did not break the backbone of the navy, but only reborn them from the ashes, and let the world see the soldiers with iron bones!

The subordinate of Lieutenant General Crane didn't know how he got back to the conference room.

He only felt that the flag he raised was so heavy, it was like the top of Mount Tai.

This flag embodies the will of the navy and the hopes of countless people, and there is absolutely no room for error!


Incredibly quiet!

When they saw this flag with countless blood on it, all the admirals suffocated.

Afterwards, as if they had been rehearsed, each of them had a heavy face and left their names on it one by one!

Karp! Red dog! Youthful! Yellow Ape! Fujitora! crane! And many other generals!

At this time, General Crane arranged for his subordinates to bring a precious video phone bug over and connect it to the Five Old Stars.

"Have you figured it out?"

One of the five old stars, although he is old-fashioned, his eyes are as sharp as knives, even if the screen is separated, people can feel a little tingling.

"We figured it out!"

Crane stood up slowly and placed the banner written in ten thousand blood in front of the Five Old Stars.

Familiar names fell in the eyes of the five old stars, especially the number of names left on them was too many, which made the five old stars feel extremely shocked!


The five old people of the Five Old Stars, who were lying on their backs casually on their backs, suddenly stood up at this time!

This is a struggle from the top and bottom of the Navy headquarters!

No one can ignore a united navy!

Even if the navy is under the direct jurisdiction of the world, now a fool can see that once the Five Old Stars make a wrong decision, the entire navy will dare to escape and become a pirate!

"The navy does not die, and justice does not die."

One of the Five Old Stars murmured this sentence, as if he understood something, and sighed.

"It seems that we have to discuss this matter with the Tianlong people."

Hearing this, the other four Five Old Stars naturally didn't look much better, but unfortunately they were stronger than others, so they had to swallow this breath!

After the video call ended, all the admirals suddenly cheered in unison!

Warring States Marshal, it is saved!

(Talking about civilization without morality series, Konoha Supreme System, waiting for you to change morality)

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