Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 626: Shrimp Shark Fin Soup Bun

For today's auction, Yang Ming deliberately started cooking a few days in advance.

Of course, because the Manchu and Han banquets have different practices and different dishes due to different genres and historical issues, Yang Ming just chooses what he likes to cook.

This first appetizer, despite its small number, is not simple at all.

It has a very unique name, it is called Jade Green Radish Salad.

This radish must have grown underground for more than a year, so it is green and delicious.

In addition, Yang Ming skillfully used the jade color and whimsy to make reasonable use of the green and white background of the jade to carve a green jade lion.

How wonderful is this emerald lion?

Yang Ming cut the radishes into hair-like slender lengths through exquisite knife work, and then cut them into different lengths according to needs.

As for the lion's head, it was carved out of a radish head, and combined with the body, it formed a mighty and majestic lion-like shape, as if lying on the ground with its head lowered to sleep.

Seeing this, Kebi certainly wanted to eat it very much.

However, as a navy, there are also unwritten rules internally, that is, the navy general with the highest rank, that is, the three generals and Garp present, eat first, and then other navies can eat.

If Kirby doesn't follow this rule, crosses the line, and goes to pick dishes before them, even if Karp and the others admire Kirby, they will lose points.

This is also a common problem with all large organizations, even if Kirby is greedy, he can only watch them take a bite first.

Akainu and Kizaru looked at each other very tacitly and spoke first.

"Let's eat together!"

Having said that, none of the other generals moved their chopsticks.

Akainu and the others looked like they were not surprised, and took the lead to put a little shredded radish in their bowl.

As expected of an emerald radish!

I saw that under the yellow light, each shredded radish was crystal clear, like a real emerald gem.

Bringing it closer, even vaguely, you can see your own reflection appearing on it, which is quite peculiar.

Akagi and Kizaru had eaten the dishes cooked by Yang Ming, and because of this, they were even more looking forward to them and took a bite.


A crisp sound rang out slightly. These radishes were not soft at all, but crispy like potato chips. When you took a bite, the juice of the radish inside slowly flowed out, exuding a faint sour taste.

This sour taste is just right, not too sour, and not too bland, which can well arouse people's appetite and make people appetite.

Even people who are used to eating mountain delicacies and get tired of eating them are reluctant to eat, but after tasting a mouthful of this sour radish, they suddenly have a feeling of reopening and seeing Nanshan tomorrow. meal.

After Akainu and the others had eaten, the other navies were eager to move, and a pair of chopsticks flew up to it.

When it was time for Kebi, there was only a handful of shredded radishes on the plate, making people want to cry without tears!

Kirby didn't even know what to say!

Although it is said that these people are good at talking, they also left a shredded radish for Kebi, but this is not enough to stuff his teeth!

With a sigh in his heart, Kebi simply took a big mouthful, and swallowed it in one mouthful.

The faint sour taste came out, and it disappeared before Kebi could savor it carefully.

At this time, Keby secretly said something bad in his heart, and his face was full of regret.

If I had known it was so delicious, I should have tasted it slowly!

Just when Kebi was tangled, Bai pushed a small car and came again.

Kirby's eyes lit up, and he stretched his neck abruptly, looking over expectantly.

Bai put a few boxes of steamers on the table one by one, and said with a smile, "This is a soup dumpling with shrimp and shark fins, please enjoy it slowly."

Before Bai opened the steamer, everyone saw that hot water vapor came out from the gap of the steamer, like a white snake hovering in the air, breathing out a scent full of fragrance.

When Bai opened the steamer, the mellow aroma of the soup bag was held up by the heat, and it burst out violently, sweeping over like a monstrous ocean wave!

For a time, the unique fragrance of soup dumplings, the fresh fragrance of shrimp, the deliciousness of shark fins, the three kinds of mixed fragrances were mixed together and sprayed out.

When the smog dissipated, the scene inside the steamer was immediately clear, which attracted the voices of the admirals swallowing their saliva.

Gollum! Gollum! Gollum!

This soup dumpling is so fragrant and beautiful!

The pleats of the soup dumplings are well-proportioned, and each dumpling is composed of 9 pleats. In the steaming steam, it looks like a budding autumn chrysanthemum in the mist, which is pleasing to the eye.

The soup bun is no better than an ordinary bun, it is not a round individual, but the lower body is draped and straightened so that it can hold the soup inside.

The delicate soup wrapper is thin and well-proportioned. Although it is not as thin as the wonton wrapper, the filling can be vaguely seen from the outside, which makes the index finger move.

Through this thin layer of skin, everyone can see that inside the shrimp shark fin soup bag, the shrimp is almost protruding, and the bright red figure is extremely conspicuous.

As for the shark's fin, it was cooked by Yang Ming with the soup, and it was almost transparent, and it was wrapped around the shrimp, making it difficult to see it with the naked eye.

As a big foodie, Karp had already moved his index finger when he smelled the scent.

At this moment, as if impatient, he picked up his chopsticks and picked up a soup bag.

At first, Garp didn't dare to use force, for fear that if he was not careful, he would puncture this thin layer of skin.

But then he discovered that these skins seem thin, but they have a kind of flexibility, not so simple.

No wonder, it can wrap the soup inside!

Karp is a rude, and he didn't think too much about it, so he ate it in one bite.

"Ouch! It's so hot! Hiss..."

What Kapp never expected was that the soup in this soup bag was still piping hot, as if it had just come out of the oven!

I can't touch The whole tongue is about to be numb!

When Akainu saw this, he was secretly proud of himself, I was a man who turned into magma!

He calmly picked up the soup bag and put it into his mouth, biting his teeth lightly and hissing, the seemingly pliable thin skin was like a woman's clothes, sliding down the sides gently, squeezing out the thick soup inside.

This soup is cooked with shark fin as the main material and ginseng as the auxiliary material.

It can be said that this is a 100% tonic soup, just after taking a small sip, Akainu felt a heat in his dantian, and his whole body became even hotter, and he felt younger.

Of course, in addition to the rich soup, the shrimp is also excellent, full of fragrance and chewy.

It's hard for Akainu to imagine that this is just the second dish, what amazing dishes will follow!

(The new book, Konoha Supreme System, also has delicious food)

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