Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 634: monkey brain

High-energy alarm ahead, not recommended to watch.

People with strong tastes and those who like dark dishes can check it out. I have already suggested so many. If you still feel nauseated after watching it, you can't blame me.

The original noise of the auction has weakened and gradually became silent.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and quietly watched Shiro and Junmalu push the car and came out of the kitchen, then parted ways, delivering food along different routes.

Bai pushed the car and slowly came to the table of the short and fat Tianlongren.

The cooking this time was very mysterious, and each plate was covered with a black curtain, making it impossible to guess what it was.

When it was put in front of the short and fat Tianlongren, when the curtain was lifted, only the "tofu" with the big mouth of the bowl could be seen.

"What is this?"

The short and fat Tianlongren couldn't help asking, and tentatively took off the shielding items with both hands, trying to see what was sacred inside.

Naturally, he did this in vain and couldn't move it at all.

The short and fat Tianlong Ren was curious, and always felt that the shape of this dish looked strange, so he sniffed it.

A faint fishy smell came from the nose, which would not make people feel uncomfortable, but aroused the wildness in the depths of people's hearts, just like a satyr encountering a beautiful woman.

Bai smiled slightly and explained: "Because if you know this dish, it will be very unappetizing, so Boss Yang Ming specially ordered us not to let you know."

"I also ask all the guests to be considerate."

After saying that, Bai bowed slightly to all the guests, and did his best, so that people couldn't find faults, but they felt good in their hearts.

In the Manchu and Han banquets, there are very top ingredients, which are collectively referred to as "Eight Treasures", such as the familiar bear paw, monkey brain, and hump, which belong to the ancient "Eight Treasures of Mountains".

Of course, in addition to this, there are also various species such as the Eight Treasures of the Sea, the Eight Treasures of Birds, and the Eight Treasures of Grass, which can be said to be protected species in various fields today.

Actually, it's a monkey brain. It is a very classic dish for the Manchu and Han banquets.

Of course, due to modern conservation of natural animals, most people don't eat this dish anymore.

But in the past, not to mention that there were no regulations to protect wild animals, many people could not even eat enough to eat, and even went to the fields where they had to gnaw the bark.

Therefore, in ancient times, especially in the country of big foodies, the cooking of monkey brains has a long history.

After all, if you can't get enough to eat by yourself, you can always eat to fill your stomach.

As we all know, in this country, there is a superstition called supplementing form with form, that is, eat what you lack. Although this has been scientifically proven to be nonsense, there are still many people who believe it blindly and don’t listen to other people’s advice at all.

For example, if you are impotent, you eat tiger **** and deer penis. If your brain is not good, you eat monkey brain.

Even in modern society, the behavior of eating monkey brains has almost disappeared, but in the food country of Yangcheng, there are still a few countries. If you go to those hidden dark restaurants, you can still find that there are still monkey brains eaten raw. way of doing.

In the past, cooking monkey brains was quite bloody. They used an iron hammer to knock the skull on the spot, and then lifted the white cloth on the monkey's head, and found that the hair on the top of the monkey's head was shaved, revealing a large hole. The reason for the anesthesia, the monkey seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and blinked. The chef seemed to be professional and focused like a doctor. He poured a large spoon of hot oil into the hole on the top of the monkey's head. It was still sizzling inside. The monkey struggled in vain in agony. Then, diners choose their favorite condiments and scoop out with steel spoons to taste.

Of course, Yang Ming wouldn't do that.

Yang Ming took the monkey's skull with both hands extremely carefully and placed it on a plate. The incision for the skull surgery was neat and there was almost no bleeding. The main blood vessel was tied, and the other blood vessels were blocked by local anesthesia.

According to classical cooking, the brain must be soaked, squeezed dry, and frozen overnight to harden. The trickiest part of working with absolutely fresh brain is not letting it go jelly.

As for the practice, let's just downplay it.

The short and fat Tianlong people found that there was a lot of condiments next to this dish on Bai Duan.

As a Tianlong person who grew up with a golden key and lavishly washed up with shark fins, this short and fat Tianlong person can be said to be a well-informed foodie.

He added shallots to the cream that looked like it was boiled yellow, and the fragrance rose immediately, and the fragrance was fragrant. He added chopped thorn berries, and then took a sip and ate it.

"This is……"

After the short and fat Tianlongren ate it, he frowned, picked it up, and squeezed out the Sichuan font.

Afterwards, the taste gradually spread, and his frowning brows slowly stretched, and his eyes gradually narrowed, revealing a slowly appreciative appearance.

The taste of monkey brain is not like the imagined tofu brain. It is very fishy and smooth. Those who say that monkey brain is like tofu brain must have never eaten it and brag about it.

In fact, the taste of monkey brains, which is more like parsley and thyme marinated sauce, is kind of weird on the first taste.

For those of you unfamiliar with these two, imagine the weirdness of mixing mustard with vinegar and miso paste to get goosebumps.

But don't say it, it tastes really good.

It's like eating mustard, it's hard to accept at first, but if you taste it slowly, you will find, hey, why is it so delicious.

Of course, if you eat it without knowing the truth, the taste is still acceptable, and it slips into your throat as soon as you **** it, feeling delicious.

Especially after the monkey brain enters the abdomen, it makes people feel an unprecedented feeling, and a hot air rises from the dantian.


The short and fat Tianlong Ren first took a breath of cold air, feeling his blood rushing to his brain, and the whole person's spirit suddenly became much clearer.

"This taste is really unique."

The short and fat Tianlong people have a mouth. They just ate the monkey brain. They felt a little uncomfortable at first, but later they regurgitated, giving people a strange and strange feeling.

It should be said that this dish is considered very rare no matter which world it is in.

It is precisely because of its strange and dark materials, and its crude and simple production, which makes it a unique and novel feeling for those who are accustomed to eating delicacies of mountains and seas, or those who have a rough meal.

Seeing that everyone was eating about the same, Yang Ming raised his hand, Bai and Junma Lu suddenly understood, they stepped forward, took away the tableware, and then introduced the next dish.

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