Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 645: Court dessert

If you feel tired of deep-frying, the white radish Buddha statue carved by Yang Ming has a place to be used. It is fresh and natural, and with delicious and sweet white radish, it is definitely a very wonderful combination.

With a click, the white radish broke off, and the shallow sweet flow inside would flow out and penetrate into the mouth, sweet and comfortable.

Of course, as carnivorous creatures that would die if they didn't eat meat, how could the Four Emperors and Garp take care of eating white radish?

You can only let it be a decoration on the side!

After all, they are top foodies at this table, and they are very happy to compete with each other. If the speed is slow, let alone grab someone else's, and even whether they can keep their own share is still a dilemma.

After eating the appetizers and main dishes, the banquet gradually came to a stage where it was about to end.

As the most high-end cooking encyclopedia, Manhan Quanxi has naturally not forgotten that in this final stage, desserts must be placed.

This dessert is not an ordinary dessert, but a royal dessert for the imperial court.

Their function is to enrich the variety of food, and secondly, to relieve cravings and eliminate tiredness.

As a court dessert, naturally, it is not just a single variety, but a combination of several desserts.

Due to the large number, this time, not only the common Shiro and Junmalu, but also Neji and Dingci came out with a cart full of delicious food, which made the mouth water.

Wheels! Wheels! Wheels!

The familiar sound of the axle, from far to near, aroused the curious eyes of the guests.

After tasting so many delicious dishes in the past, all the guests' mouths were raised, and they became more critical, hoping to taste more eclectic dishes.

A pair of curious eyes followed the direction of Bai and the others, watching them serve the food.

When Yushan bean yellow, sesame rolls, golden cakes, jujube mud cakes, canary sparrows, and wishful rolls are placed on the table one by one, the mixed and convergent aromas flourish, like a volcanic eruption, erupting suddenly.


A torrent of aroma broke out suddenly, sweeping everyone present, like a stormy sea hitting a boat, and it was overwhelmed at once!

Just like the beginning of the world, like the big bang of the universe, this turbulent sweet and greasy fragrance, the whirlwind blowing is big and strong, beyond people's expectations!

It's too late to say, but it's too late, whether it's Whitebeard or the navy, they're all involved in the aroma vortex!

For a time, the whole house is full of sweet and greasy fragrance!

White Beard put down the chopsticks in his hand, the serious expression on his face disappeared, revealing a comfortable expression.

Not to mention, Charlotte Lingling, the aunt who is also one of the four emperors, as the ultimate lover of desserts, she is going crazy now!

Aunt Charlotte Lingling disregarded her image, completely ignoring the surprised eyes of other people. Like an inflatable ball, it has grown abruptly several times, and it looks very funny.

But it's all worth it!

Aunt Charlotte Lingling could feel it, and with the aroma filling her body, it seemed that every cell in her body was screaming and moaning happily!

"This wonderful!"

"This fragrance should only be found in the sky, how many times in the world can I smell it!"

"It's not a loss to be able to smell this fragrance in this lifetime!"

Aunt Charlotte Lingling let out all kinds of exclamations, and she even stood up happily and danced on the spot, as if she could express her inner joy only by venting her heartily like this.

Aunt Charlotte and Lingling are like this, not to mention other people, just a little bit of resistance and they are captured.

Whitebeard and the others put their noses on the table and sucked hard, and their faces suddenly showed an extremely intoxicated expression.

That feeling is like ascending to heaven!

"It's amazing, this kind of food actually exists in this world!"

"I have lived for so long, and I have never seen such a delicious dessert!"

I saw that in their sight, the desserts fell like a hill on the white plate, and the red jujube mud cakes were evenly mixed between the golden golden rolls, which gave a neat sense of hierarchy.

The aroma of black sesame is tangy, and the rich soy bean fragrance lingers on the tip of the nose. All these kinds of things can't help but move the index finger and increase the appetite!

So, Whitebeard and Aunt Charlotte Lingling looked at each other, very tacit understanding, not interfering with each other, not robbing each other, and silently picking up a piece of dessert they liked.

White Beard took a bite of Yushan Bean Yellow.

This is……

The elastic Yushan Douhuang is bouncing and dancing!

It's like there are countless table tennis **** bouncing up and down in the tongue!

Why...the desserts are so elastic!

Whitebeard looked at the dessert in front of him with a shocked expression, and his heart was inexplicably shocked!

He never knew that desserts could be made like this!

Whitebeard ate this mouthful of Yushan Bean Yellow, only to feel as if it had released a shocking dragon, and the whole tongue was ravaged by a delicious and explosive taste.

A little taste bud, an inch of territory, every inch was eroded by the dragon, and in the end, there were only two words left in Whitebeard's mind...

good to eat!

It's so delicious that you can't forget it, as if all the troubles in the world are thrown into the clouds!

"Oh! It's really delicious, but unfortunately there is no good wine!"

Whitebeard was not greedy enough, while tasting the dessert in his mouth, he sighed regretfully. He could only lift his wine gourd and pour a few mouthfuls into his mouth to satisfy his appetite. .

The red-haired Shanks stuffed a mouthful of jujube mud cake into his mouth, and his mouth and cheeks were bulged on both sides, like a goldfish, which looked rather funny.

But Shanks ate too much and his mouth was too dry. After a while, he choked his throat. Under the funny eyes of others, he tried his best to slap his throat. , made a thumping sound, and then barely swallowed.

"Ha...ha...ha... come back to life!"

Shanks ate too hastily, and finally swallowed his stomach, he picked up the wine gourd, poured wine into his mouth, and said to the white beard with sympathy: "Oh, that's right, a man doesn't have wine, it's like he doesn't. It's like a woman's company, I'm so bored!"


Shanks rolled his eyes and pointed out: "I heard that in the small shop opened by Yang Ming, there is a special wine for drinking!"

"What kind of wine?" Whitebeard's eyes lit up.

For an alcoholic like Whitebeard, eating well is worse than drinking well!

Shanks said with a look of longing: "I heard that one is called Depressed Wine, and the other is called Monkey Wine. I really want to drink it!"

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