Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 654: Ah Fei came to eat braised red scallops

Not to mention the news of Yang Ming's first martial arts tournament in the world, it spread to the ninja world through Tsunade, the channel of Hokage, and what a sensational effect it caused, let's look at Yang Ming's shop at this time.

A Fei walked alone on the street, as if he had lost his soul, aimlessly, without direction, without purpose, wherever he went.

Since the last time, after Yang Ming held a food auction in the city of food, Black and White decided to revive Madara Uchiha, and officially turned against Ah Fei, disobeying his orders, instead of resurrecting Lin, Madara Uchiha was resurrected, and Ah Fei was tragic. !

As soon as it came, the Xiao organization had already split, and the two guys, Scorpion and Deidara, ran away with Orochimaru.

Second, Liu Dao Payne wooed the rest to his side.

Originally, Ah Fei had at least one black and white beside him, but now he is completely alone.

Before he knew it, Ah Fei followed his memories of the past, walking like a corpse, and returned to Konoha Village, the hometown where he was born and raised.

Walking on the bustling street, Ah Fei felt like he had passed away, as if he had returned to the life in his past memories at this moment.

It is a pity that he is no longer Uchiha Obito, but a rage and unable to retaliate, a loser and a loner.

"There is……"

A Fei looked at the long queue in front of him, and suddenly came back to his senses, and a wisp of fragrance permeated from the small shop, which made the appetite great!

"Ah... it turned out to be Yang Ming's shop."

Once upon a time, Ah Fei quite liked to come here to drink a glass of sad wine to ease the sorrow of new China.

However, since the last food auction, Ah Fei has never been here again.

"Would you like to have a meal?"

"Anyway... I don't have anything to do."

Thinking of this, Ah Fei moved away, stood behind the crowd, and lined up quietly.

I don't know how long it took, just when Ah Fei's stomach was grumbling and he was almost dizzy with hunger, the long queue finally reached the end, and it was his turn to go in.

Seeing his old acquaintance wearing a whirlpool mask, Zaibuzhan gave him a special look, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes, for fear that he was here to cause trouble.

However, in seeing Ah Fei's one-eyed eyes, there is a look of sadness that is greater than that of a dead heart. If he doesn't cut his heart, he sighs in his heart:

"It seems that this is a man with a story."

Thinking like this, I turned my head away without cutting it, and didn't pay too much attention.

Ah Fei didn't care about the vigilance of Zai Zai Bu, he came into the store like a walking corpse, and found a stool to sit down at random. Opposite him was Matekai, who was reading the newspaper with Erlang's legs crossed.

"Bai, bring me a red-roasted red shell!"

A Fei took a look at the new menu, and the braised red scallops in the whole feast of Han and Han felt very fresh.

Bai smiled like a flower, bowed slightly, and his attitude was full, "Okay, please wait a moment."

After Bai came to the kitchen to inform Yang Ming, Yang Ming nodded and started to prepare the dish.

Braised red scallops are relatively simple, and it is a dish that mainly depends on whether the heat is enough.

Yang Ming cleaned the basin and filtered the red scallops with clean water again before preparing to fry them.

Heat a pan, add oil.

When the oil started to scald, Yang Ming threw the red shells down and fished them with oil.

pat! pat! pat!

When the red shell with a little moisture was put on the pot, it immediately caused a violent rebound, and even a small fire broke out on the oil pot.

Yang Ming was not nervous at all, grabbed the handle of the pot, and quickly started to stir fry!

The flame clings to the red shell, like a fiery snake, swallowing flaming flames.

But no matter how arrogant the fire snake was, it still couldn't resist the shaking of the iron pot like a landslide.

When it was half-cooked, Yang Ming grabbed a handful of basil leaves and chili peppers to bring out the umami of the chili.

Suddenly, like Mars hitting the earth, the two sides have undergone wonderful changes.

A strong fragrance hits the nostrils and refreshes the heart.

Soon, a braised red scallop was completed, which was brought to Ah Fei by Bai.

"Guest, please use it slowly!"

Bai said politely, then turned around and left, there are many guests today!

A Fei turned his eyes, betting on this dish, and couldn't help but be stunned.

The chibi is very small, probably bigger than a baby's palm, and it is not completely peeled off. The two shells are closed and slightly opened to avoid the meat inside being scorched when stir-frying. The mouth is wet and covered with sweet and delicious juice. The population is flowing.

Eating red shellfish actually requires a little skill, and it is not elegant at all.

There is no need for Ah Fei to ask people about how to eat Chibei, because this is clearly written on the menu, and Ah Fei has already read it.

A Fei used his index finger and thumb to pull the Chibei open into his mouth, sucking out the juice first, then sucking on the side, pulling the Chibei tail with force, and with a grunting sound, the whole Chibei meat was thrown into the mouth.

It sounds slow, but it actually takes less than a second.

In the blink of an eye, the Chibei meat was sucked into Ah Fei's mouth.

Inhale the juice first, slip it into the mouth, and immediately stimulate the taste buds, and a umami spread out.

Different from the umami taste of seafood, it may have been in the bottom of the sea for a long time. This umami taste has a little astringent taste, mixed with the spiciness of pepper, and it has a unique taste.

As soon as the Chibei meat entered the tongue, it was flexibly rolled up by the tip of the tongue, tangled, pulled between the teeth, and instantly torn to shreds by Sen Bai's teeth.

Taste carefully, the role of taste buds is fully exerted.

So delicious, so sweet!

Spicy in the fragrance, sweet in the spicy, like a nine-song loop, from fragrant to spicy, from spicy to sweet, and then from sweet to fragrant, back and forth, it is always regrettable that there are not enough varieties and tastes~www Chibi meat is plump and delicate, delicious, rich in protein, vitamins and essential amino acids and trace elements. It is a typical high-protein, low-fat, high-calcium natural animal health food.

For girls who like to lose weight, red shell meat is simply the best tailor-made food.

It doesn't take much, just a small plate, invite friends and get together, add a bowl of rice, enough to eat.

Of course, as the saying goes, extremes must reverse.

Although red scallop meat is delicious, it is not that the more you eat, the better. For some people who are weak or allergic, eating red scallops is not so good, because it is easy to cause diarrhea.

Also note that the red shell should be eaten while it is hot, it will not taste good when it is cold. When it is cold, the meat will become hard and old, and it will feel like eating a stone, which is very uncomfortable.

Absorbing the chibi meat according to the method on the menu, Ah Fei kept making the sound of "Zizi", as if playing a unique symphony. The wonderful fun is unforgettable.

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