Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 67: The best food for home travel

The process of waiting for food is like waiting for a girlfriend on a date, full of anxiety and anxiety.

Crackling! Crackling!

The wood was burning, making a crisp sound.

Everyone sat beside them, staring blankly, and the delicious food had already appeared in their minds.

What will it be like?

Naruto wiped the saliva from his mouth, imagining the taste of the food, whether it was numb or tender, in short, as long as it was made by Yang Ming, it would definitely be delicious!

Under the eyes of all kinds of expectations, time seems to have passed very long and very short.

Naruto only felt his head shake, and Yang Ming walked over and pushed the burning wood away.

Let's eat!

Naruto was the first to rush up, and he didn't care about the scalding mud that was being burned, so he scraped it open with his hands.

"Oh, it hurts!"

While Xiao Ying was laughing, Naruto dug for a while, and finally found a beggar chicken wrapped in soil, and his hands were already red from the heat, and they were about to blister.


Naruto shivered when he was burned, and then let go, and the wrapped beggar immediately fell vertically and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Sakura got angry.

With one hand on her hip, she pointed at Naruto with the other, and said, "Naruto, if you spoil the dishes prepared by Boss Yang Ming, I will never forgive you!"

Sakura scolded Naruto until she apologized.

Yang Ming crouched down and looked at his masterpiece.

I saw that the layer of soil that the beggar chicken was wrapped in had already been burnt to a lump, and the surface cracked like a spider web.

When Yang Ming picked up the fist-sized stone and knocked it, the mud block suddenly shattered and splashed all around.

Others came up curiously, but seeing the jet-black appearance of the beggar chicken, they lost their appetite.

Yang Ming didn't see it either. After all, the conditions were poor, so it was like this.

He turned his head and said to Kakashi, "Next, I'll trouble you to clean it up with water."

"no problem!"

After Kakashi agreed, he quickly formed a seal, and a stream of water was born out of thin air and slowly flowed onto the beggar chicken.

Afterwards, under Kakashi's superb control, the water flow washed the skin of the beggar chicken clean, but did not soak the beggar chicken itself at all.

When the cleanup was over, the beggar chicken was still warm, as if it had not been affected in any way.

It's a pity that everyone's expectations for Yang Ming were too high. After this time, their enthusiasm dropped a lot.

Naruto is really hungry.

He didn't care about the three, seven or twenty one, he just tore off a chicken leg and took a bite.



This was Naruto's first thought after eating it.

Next, it's crisp!

After being braised, the skin of the chicken became very brittle as if it had been braised, but it shattered with a "click" sound when it was bitten lightly.

When he broke through the defense of the chicken skin and his white teeth rushed to the chicken, Naruto immediately felt a smooth and tender touch, as smooth as silk, and the taste was great!

Then, the juice contained in the chicken exploded instantly under the chewing of the teeth, bursting with unimaginable deliciousness!

Concentration is the essence!

These juices contain the most essential parts of pheasants. These pheasants have never eaten any feed. They are all wild, and the juice seems to contain the power of nature.

When the whole chicken leg was eaten, Naruto's appetite instantly exploded, and he could not wait to swallow the whole chicken.

Unfortunately, he is still too young and too naive!

As soon as Kakashi saw Naruto's greasy mouth, but with a comfortable expression on his face, he knew that beggar chicken must be delicious.

So, Kakashi quickly took action and grabbed a beggar chicken in one hand, and he ate it directly without caring about the heat.

Kakashi bit into the chicken belly first, because this is the tenderest and most delicious except the buttocks.

Since the spice is under the stomach, it is very close, when Kakashi took a sip, his mouth suddenly filled with fragrance.

The spice cut from wild shiitake mushrooms should not be too fragrant, as if it was directly turned into a cloud and sprayed directly into Kakashi.

In an instant, Kakashi's tongue was occupied by the vigorous fragrance, and it passed through his throat and went straight to his nostrils.

fragrant! So delicious!

Kakashi, who was overwhelmed by the aroma, didn't care that his hands were burned red, and immediately ate it in big chunks.

Sasuke and Sakura reacted a step slower, and they could only watch a beggar chicken being eaten by Kakashi.

After the two were unwilling, they quickly ran over, intending to **** the last remaining pheasant.

"This is mine!"

Unexpectedly, Naruto grabbed it one step ahead and showed off to Sasuke and Sakura.


Sasuke glanced at Naruto disdainfully, and quickly formed a seal with his hands.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Sasuke only uses chakra to scare Naruto.

This also caused the ejected fireball to be very small, only the size of a fist, exuding scorching heat and hitting Naruto in the face.

"You bastard!"

How could Naruto know that Sasuke would start a fight if he disagreed, so he quickly let go, threw the beggar chicken to the other side, and hurriedly avoided himself.


Sasuke swept away his figure and quickly grabbed the beggar chicken.

But at this moment, the soil under his feet loosened, and an iron hand like an eagle's claw grabbed Sasuke's Tu Dun! Heart beheading technique! "

Kakashi's shadow clone was unexpected and pulled Sasuke into the ground, but the deity snatched the beggar chicken.

Seeing that Sasuke only showed one head on the ground, Sakura recalled at this moment, the fear of being dominated in the survival exercise, momentarily dumbfounded.

Unlike her, Naruto still had a slow fighting spirit, immediately formed a seal, and used the technique of shadow clone.

Due to the huge chakra in his body, he used an ordinary shadow clone into a multiple shadow clone.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of Naruto appeared in a puff of smoke.

"this is mine!"

Naruto made a statement and attacked in groups.

How could Kakashi be frightened by such a small battle, nibbling on chicken legs while walking leisurely among the Naruto people.

Just like walking as comfortable as running water, Kakashi swept his legs or slashed his palms. Suddenly, one by one Naruto clones were continuously defeated.

Suddenly, there is a lot of change!

The ground under Kakashi's feet cracked open, and a palm popped out.

"Haha, I caught you!"

Naruto, who was staying underground, laughed heartily, this kind of feeling of doing his own thing in his own way is really cool!

"too naive!"

Kakashi is a veteran here, how could he not know the shortcomings of the decapitation technique in his heart?

Although it was really sudden, Kakashi didn't panic at all, he moved his footsteps, and at the critical moment, he managed to dodge Naruto's attack by coincidence.

Moreover, he kicked over and stomped Naruto's hand under his feet.

In just a short while, the seventh class members were completely defeated!

In this scene, Uncle Dazner was stunned, and he felt like he was overthrown by three views.

"The world of ninjas is so terrifying, isn't it just a beggar, what's the use of this?"

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