Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 672: pig mate

This can be seen from the clay bombs he made. Larger clay bombs, such as flying dragon clay, have an explosion power equivalent to a missile, but those small clay bombs, such as spider clay, only have one grenade. the power of.

"I feel like I've gone the wrong way before!"

Deidara thought so, and suddenly asked the scorpion:

"Brother Scorpion, you say, can I worship Yang Ming as my teacher?"

"I also want to learn to cook, to learn this unusual art of explosion!"


Hearing this, Scorpion Haoxuan didn't spit out saliva!

Scorpion stared at Deidara intently, and said in a questioning tone, "Are you kidding me?"

"No! I'm serious!"

Having said that, Deidara really stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

"No, Deidara really wants to go to apprenticeship?" Scorpion looked confused.

Then, he followed Deidara to see what was going on.

Who knows, Deidara just came to the door of the kitchen and was intercepted by the ghost shark.

The ghost shark hugged the shark muscle with a serious expression on his face.

"What do you want, this is the kitchen, not you can go in casually!"

Gui Shahu glared angrily, staring at Deidara and Scorpion vigilantly, for fear that they would be detrimental to Boss Yang Ming.

After all, in Akatsuki's organization, Deidara is notoriously the king of destruction, who knows what he wants to do?

In order to be cautious, the ghost shark had to make a black face and perform his duties faithfully.

"This..." Deidara touched the back of his head, "Actually, I have already admired the dishes cooked by Boss Yang Ming, and I want to ask him how to make such explosive dishes!"

Ghost shark: "..."

Can your excuse be any worse?

The ghost shark stared at Deidara stubbornly, with the words "You're kidding me" almost written on his face.

"Anyway, I won't let you in!"

The ghost shark was standing at the door of the kitchen, and it was hard to block it from entering.

At this moment, a voice came from behind the ghost shark.

"Borrowed! Borrowed!...I want to go out!"

Huh? Why is this voice so familiar?

Is it that person?

Scorpion and Deidara glanced at each other, and they could both read a hint of shock in each other's eyes!

Ghost Shark turned his head with a displeased face, but saw that Ah Fei was struggling to lift a stack of plates with both hands.

The plates were stacked two meters high, almost reaching the ceiling, so that his body was swaying and he looked like he was crumbling, extremely dangerous!

When they saw that it was really Ah Fei, Scorpion and Deidara were shocked and couldn't believe it!

As the behind-the-scenes controller of the Xiao organization, how did Ah Fei fall into such a field?


This from another aspect, but at the same time reflects the horror of Yang Ming's shop!

Even Ah Fei has taken refuge in Yang Ming's small shop. What kind of strong people are hidden here?

Thinking about it, it's so terrifying!

When Ah Fei saw Scorpion and Deidara outside the kitchen, he was sluggish for a second, extremely embarrassed.

However, when he thought that he still had to carry these plates and go to the cafeteria on the second floor to fill up the tableware, Ah Fei didn't even say hello, as if running away, and walked towards the second floor.

Deidara's mouth twitched fiercely, and pointed at Ah Fei, still a little unbelievable, this is actually Ah Fei, and asked the ghost shark:

"This brother is really funny. He actually wears an old acquaintance's clothes and his mask. He shouldn't be a fan of that person, right?"

The ghost shark glanced at Deidara, raised his head slightly, and said in a proud tone:

"You read that right, he is that Ah Fei! The behind-the-scenes controller of Zeng Xiao's organization!"

Deidara: "..."

call! call! call!

Deidara took three deep breaths, and finally calmed down the turbulent mood in his heart, and a fire-like light appeared in his eyes.

"I'm becoming more and more interested in Boss Yang Ming!"

Saying that, Deidara flipped his hands and took out several clay bombs, as if the pilgrims couldn't see God, showing a crazy look.

"Ghost shark, get out of the way!"

"I must see Boss Yang Ming today, or I'll blow up this place!"

"you dare!"

The ghost shark tiger's eyes were wide open, holding the muscle of the shark, and slashed diagonally, blowing a gust of wind, radiating energy.

"See if I dare!"

After all, Deidara looked crazy, and handsomely passed the clay bomb in his hand!

boom! boom! boom!

Several explosions exploded, and it was still in front of the kitchen of Yang Ming's small shop, which immediately caused panic among many diners!


Seeing many small shop employees rushing over from all directions, Scorpion's heart skipped a beat, and he cursed at his opponent who was not afraid of gods, but his teammates who were afraid of pigs, grabbed Deidara's back collar, and went to the small shop Go outside the door.

"Humph!" Lei Ya held the Lei Ya knife in both hands, a flash of lightning flashed in his eyes, "Come here if you want, leave if you want, you treat the store as your own!"

"Let me all stay!"

Since Lei Ya did not dare to use powerful ninjutsu in the small shop, he had no choice but to fill his body with electric light like electric eels, as if he had put on a layer of thunder suits. !

"so troublesome!"

Seeing this, Scorpion stretched out a hand from his sleeve and opened the scroll. Due to the limited space in the shop, he only summoned ten puppets.

Puppets are not afraid of electricity, and they are not afraid of life and death. It is also a good choice to use them as cannon fodder to buy time.

Ten puppets wielded long knives, raised spears, or shot hidden weapons in all directions.

The raging hidden weapon and the sweeping wind all made the diners present tremble, screaming and squatting on the ground or in the corner of the wall.

Seeing this, most of the employees had to stop chasing Scorpion and and quickly blocked these attacks, so as not to affect innocent people.

Ghost Shark and Lei Ya also stopped and watched Deidara and Scorpion go further and further with resentment on their faces, and they hated in their hearts.

If it wasn't for fear of affecting the innocent, they would go up and hack them to death.

Seeing this, Uchiha Itachi raised his brows and said, "Troubleshooting the store, I can't die, I'll drive the Batmobile to chase them!"

After all, Uchiha Itachi handed over the chaos of the store to others to manage, and he took the lead and ran out.

At this time, Deidara had a flying clay giant dragon, which was very fast, and when he returned by the wind, he had already turned into a small black spot on the horizon.

Itachi Uchiha's kaleidoscope writing wheel opened his eyes wide and stared at the backs of the two of them. In his eyes, although the two sides were far apart, he could still see clearly!

"I won't let you escape!"

After all, itachi Uchiha followed in the Batmobile!

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