Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 697: Yang Ming shot

"I give you 8 points for this fragrance. It's too much. You shouldn't put pepper powder after white sesame seeds. The two fragrances are mixed together, not only will it not have the effect of one plus one more than two. Quite the contrary, they affect each other's scents."

"Why didn't we feel it!" Raikage and Kirabi twitched the corners of their mouths!

Later, they heard Yang Ming continue:

"This chicken leg was roasted a little dark. If you give a bad review, you can only give you a maximum of 7 points."

"You think it's bad, you can give it to us!" Raikage and Kirabi groaned wildly in their hearts!

In the eyes of Raikage and Kirabi, Gaara has done it perfectly!

However, Yang Ming was not satisfied!

What the hell!

Yang Xianxian's patient comment made Gaara feel ashamed. Originally, he was complacent because his cooking skills had improved greatly, but at this time, all this feeling was gone.

"Master is right, I will definitely improve in the future!" Gaara said humbly.

This still needs to be changed?

We already feel great!

Raikage and Kirabi swallowed their saliva and cursed in their hearts.

Under their eager eyes, Yang Ming took a good time, picked up the knife and fork, inserted the fork, pressed the chicken leg, and cut off a small piece of meat with a light stroke of the knife.


Yang Ming swallowed it.

Contaminated with the taste of honey, white sesame, and pepper, it turned into a whirlwind and poured into the tongue.

Gaara's cooking skills are still very good. Under the gentle chewing of his teeth, Yang Ming didn't feel the meat is too dry, but the outer skin was a little smoky, and when it reached the meat, it became smooth and juicy.

The clear sweetness of honey, like a beauty bathed in a fragrant pond, brings a unique enjoyment to the tip of the tongue. After tasting it, there is a sweet taste that remains between the teeth, leaving people with endless aftertastes.

Yang Ming slapped his mouth and shook his head. Under Gaara's nervous eyes, he said:

"The chicken thighs you baked are not very good, but they are excellent."

Hearing such an evaluation, Gaara was overjoyed, but before he could show a happy expression, Yang Ming continued:

"Unfortunately, the taste of honey, white sesame, and pepper is too strong, but it covers up the original taste of chicken legs, making it seem overwhelming."

Everyone: "..."

At this moment, Rai Ying and Kirabi felt like a turbulent wave in their hearts, wishing they could **** Gaara's roasted chicken thighs from Yang Ming's hands.

Since you don't think it tastes good, you can give it to us!

It is a pity that Yang Ming upholds the most basic qualities of a chef, never wasting any food, and ate all the remaining chicken thighs.

Yang Ming picked up the napkin and wiped the corner of his mouth. Perhaps he felt the resentment in the hearts of Lei Ying and Kirabi, and said involuntarily:

"You have come from afar, and I have nothing to say to you, so let me roast chicken legs for you to try, and take it as my apology to you."

"How does this make it happen!" Lei Ying was verbally humble, but his light eyes clearly betrayed his true thoughts.

Yang Ming naturally understood and waved his hand: "This is what it should be!"

Saying that, without waiting for him to pick up the ingredients, Gaara hurriedly said:

"Master, if you need anything, just tell us."

Seeing that this apprentice Gaara is so good, Yang Ming has no reason not to call him!

"Bring me a bottle of red wine and an onion."

Gaara nodded, stepped down quickly, if riding the wind, three steps and two steps, then went to look for materials.

And when the other guests realized that Boss Yang Ming was going to show off his skills, they all gathered to see how he did it.

The cafeteria on the second floor is naturally not as good as the kitchen. Yang Ming did not intend to make it too complicated, but simply did it in a way that everyone could do.

After taking the ingredients that Gaara handed over, Yang Ming started cooking.

Yang Ming picked up a knife and exerted force in his hand, and a small bird with knife energy flew out, following the root of the chicken leg in his hand, peeling off the meat completely, leaving only a bare bone.

Yang Ming flattened the peeled chicken thigh, placed it on a smooth silver plate, took out a toothpick, and made small holes in the chicken thigh.

These holes don't need to be big or deep, just in this way, they can make the seasoning taste better.

Afterwards, Yang Ming poured red wine on it, sprinkled the sliced ​​onion strips, and marinated a little.

It is worth mentioning that there are more onion strips, just covering half of the plane of the chicken thigh, and the length is just as long as the chicken thigh.

After marinating for a while, Yang Ming rolled the chicken thigh like wrapping sushi, wrapping all the onion strips inside, then took out the kelp, used it as a rope, wrapped the chicken thigh in a circle, and tied it slightly. stand up.

Afterwards, Yang Ming brushed a layer of oil on the grill and placed the chicken thighs on top.

The surface of the chicken thigh is covered with a layer of red wine, which can protect the chicken thigh from the flames as much as possible.

At the same time, after roasting with fire and heat, the taste of red wine penetrates into the chicken, and it also brings a different flavor when it is dyed.

When the chicken thigh meat is heated, the onion strips wrapped inside also work together, exuding a sultry fragrance, the kind of fragrance that is so beautiful and crisp to the bones, only onions can do it.

In just two or three minutes, accompanied by the sound of sizzling barbecue, the good smell could no longer be suppressed, and spread out towards the surroundings.

The grapes of that kind of red wine are rich and sweet, with the slightly pungent smell of onions, like a woman riding in red makeup, she is sexy, but at the same time, it has a wildness, which makes people have the urge to conquer it.

When Yang Ming sent the roasted chicken thighs to the silver and cut off the kelp that was bound, you could see that the tender yellow chicken thighs had been dyed with a layer of grape red and scattered. With an intoxicating scent, it attracted the attention of many diners, causing a burst of drooling sounds.

Yang Ming handed the roasted chicken thigh to Raiying and Kirabi, and said:

"This is a small note of mine, please take it slow."

Kiraby smacked his mouth, whether it was him or the eight tails in his body, his mood was extremely excited at this time!

It is a blessing for Sansheng to be able to eat a meal prepared by Boss Yang Ming!

The eyes of the eight tails shone with dazzling light, and the eight tentacles surged wildly, shouting: "Kirabi, you are so hurry to eat, I can't wait!"

Kirabi nodded, suppressed the excitement in his heart, picked up the knife and fork tremblingly, and cut it open.

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