Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 771: too delicious

"This is Nakiri Erina sizing the river prawns and putting them in a low-temperature oil pan to cook them; put the brewed Assam black tea into the pan, add the prawns and fry them until the juice is tight. Put the prawns on a plate and sprinkle with the fried fragrant aroma. Sam black tea. After the river shrimp is marinated, change the knife with flying water, pour balsamic vinegar and Assam black tea, add osmanthus, add fish film. Everything is ready, put it in the refrigerator and freeze it into Assam black tea shrimp jelly, take it out when eating, change it Cut the knife into a square shape, put it on a plate, get out the fog, and serve it on the table."

After listening to the other party's words, Hongdou's face was stern!

However, although the red beans do not understand, but feel that this dish is full of mystery.

The red beans leaned forward, she smelled the fragrance, and it floated in the distance, and it was thicker and more attractive. She looked down from the top and couldn't see what was on the plate, but only saw the warm air in the air. Dispersed, wandered around and reached the tip of her nose again.

The red beans were starving and her eyes were straight. She seldom saw the dishes that were almost the same as the menu pictures. The slightly hot black tea covered it, and there were still bubbles that were not broken, and the shrimp inside was looming next to it. Head out.

She was already thinking about how many surprises she could have in one bite.

"Be careful of being hot." The waiter put the dishes and reminded thoughtfully.

Red Bean replied "Thank you", she twisted her body, picked up the shrimp, and slowly blew the air to cool it.

After waiting for a while, she took a bite, poked her teeth and broke the skin of the shrimp, and when she pulled the long shredded shrimp, her mouth was filled with the aroma of cinnamon and black tea, but the meat was tender and fragrant from the sauce. taste.

"Hmm!" Hongdou couldn't help widening her eyes, her heart bursting with joy like fireworks, and she sighed in a low voice, "It's delicious."

Only there is such a sentence in "Sick Plum Museum" that can describe Hongdou's mood at this time.

"Or it is said: "Plum is beautiful when it is curved, but it has no posture when it is straight. "

This food in Yuanyue Restaurant advocates a pure and simple feeling, returning to the basics, just like the warm flavor of an old grandmother's cooking, and insists on using fresh and healthy seasonal food, more emphasis on the breeding, planting and production process, all are very rigorous, Hygienic, humane and environmentally friendly, comfortable and safe to eat, tasteful and healthy.

The dishes of Yuanyue Restaurant gave the red beans a full surprise!

Compared with the Yangming shop opposite, Yuanyue Restaurant's dishes are full of innovative ideas.

How hard is it to innovate in food! Food innovation is even more difficult than giving birth to a child. Having a child is a one-time pregnancy, so just listen, because you will give birth in October. Continuous innovation requires endless creativity, but this creativity requires profound culinary skills and cultural accomplishment, as well as broad vision and knowledge, and of course, inspiration must be integrated in the end.

Creativity is the most difficult point. Creativity is the expression of a chef's comprehensive quality. The creativity contains all the perfect elements of traditional famous dishes, such as good ingredients, good taste, good knife skills, of course, there must be modern fashion elements, but also production skills, production skills are difficult, it requires the above elements. , cleverly combined. Talking about taste, texture, composition, and color, there are traditions, fashions, perfect combination, seamless, and it is a pleasing and delicious famous painting on a dinner plate, a painting in a dish!

And now, the dish placed in front of the red bean combines all of these and cooks an amazing food!

After taking a mouthful, the red beans turned to the soup. As soon as I got close to the tip of my nose, I could smell the strong aroma. After drinking the soup, the soup penetrated into my lips and teeth. The texture was soft, smooth and tender, and the saltiness was suitable. The same and surprisingly harmonious taste.

This meal of red beans was extremely enjoyable, one bite after another, completely forgetting the rest. When I feel full of food and drink, I feel relieved, put down my chopsticks and take a sip of soda water through my mouth, and the sweetness flows through my throat, which relieves the somewhat tired and crooked energy.

The feeling of surprise and satisfaction is too strong, and she especially wants to find someone to express her thoughts. For some reason, her first reaction was to raise her head to look for the beautiful waiter, but she didn't find it, only to see another girl in the same uniform froze at the bar.

With a look of contentment, Hongdou walked out of the restaurant door. She saw the young lady who was handing out flyers by the door and approached with a smile.

I don't know if I love that Assam black tea shrimp too much. Red beans feel that the lady also has a strong and delicious cinnamon and black tea fragrance.

Hongdou is like a woman with happiness in her pocket. She wanted to find someone to talk to, so she said to the young lady who distributed the flyers:

"Your Yuanyue Restaurant is really good, and the food is delicious, and it is not inferior to the Yang Ming shop opposite!"

The little sister handing out the flyer showed a sweet smile. She didn't show any dissatisfaction because of being disturbed by the red beans, but she showed a proud look on her face.

"That's not right! Every chef in our Totsuki restaurant is a top chef, always looking for new sources of inspiration in the ninja world to ensure reliable first-class raw materials!"

"Based on this principle, the chefs of our Yuanyue Restaurant will go to the seaside to find those clams, crabs, and langoustine in the deep sea, and will also go to the distant snow country to find those hidden in the cold kingdom. of cod, seaweed and curds.”

Hearing this, Hongdou was shocked!

"It turns out that you have done so much work!"

"This is what we should do!" Miss Pie Flyer said proudly with a proud look: "In order to maintain the pure flavor of the dishes, we never use olive oil, foie gras and other foods with regional characteristics. We put even more thought into sourcing ingredients than we do in the cooking process.”

"Guest, each chef of our Totsuki restaurant has a different direction of cooking. One of them is almost obsessed with the praise of the ingredients in cold regions such as the Land of Snow. He uses musk ox, pike, and scallops unique to cold regions. As well as a variety of wild mushrooms and wild berries and other raw materials, all kinds of carefully prepared dishes have a fresh style of natural simplicity.”

"If you have a chance, you can try it, of course, the price will be higher!"

"In addition to these, you can also go to the VIP room," where you won't even see the usual Bordeaux red wine in other restaurants, replaced by the beer carefully prepared by our restaurant Totsuki. There is also a series of menus specially prepared for VIPs. Of course, if you want to experience it once, it will take more than four hours, and you must order before 8 pm. "

Hearing this news, Hongdou's heart was pounding!

It turns out that in Yuanyue Restaurant, there is more than one chef who is comparable to Boss Yang Ming!

And, there are many more unexpected delicacies here!

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