Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 776: eat ants


In the midst of a crisp sound, Yang Ming lowered his head in astonishment, but was surprised to see that the clothes he was wearing burst open!

Seeing this, Yang Ming couldn't help showing a strange expression.

He almost forgot that the delicacy in the world of the spirit of eating halberds can burst clothes after eating it!

This is a little embarrassing!

And the next dish, it is very interesting, this is called "Nagano fresh ants climb Hokkaido prawns", sometimes the ants are not completely dead before serving, and they will playfully climb on the table.

Hokkaido peony shrimp lay lazily and thoroughly on the plate, let the little ants on its back be free and happy, is it a smart beauty or a dark dish? You can only know if you try it.

Why is this Nagano ant fresh?

The reason is very simple, this is the ant that has just been caught.

This dish is dedicated to bringing "different soul" and "Eastern style" to customers.

The platter of the prawns was very good. Two plump prawns were lying on the silver platter like beautiful women. The shells of the prawns had already been shaved off, leaving only the white and tender prawn meat displayed in front of Yang Ming, even the tails of the prawns. It was neatly placed, with ants scattered all over it, and some half-baked bodies still wriggling and dying.

The steam rising from the dishes, looking at the beautiful scenery that all seems to be alive, just makes my mouth water!

Well, Yang Ming prefers dark cooking, so for ordinary people, ants that challenge the optic nerve, he didn't feel the slightest bit wrong, but felt eager to try.

Yang Ming looked at the shrimp meat in front of him, his heart seemed to be scratched by a cat, and the curling aroma was like a small hook, hooking people to eat.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming steadily picked up a pair of chopsticks and carefully picked up a shrimp. His hand was very steady, as if picking up a piece of tofu. He was afraid that with a little force, the shrimp meat and the ants on them would be cut off. .

The shrimp on the chopsticks is white at the front, and the closer it is to the tail shell, the brighter the red, a vivid red like a flame.

"I'm welcome!"


Yang Ming cut off the head of the shrimp, opened his big mouth, and ate it in one bite.

Put a mouthful into your mouth, bite down, and chew lightly with your teeth.

"Yeah!...It's delicious!"

Yang Ming only felt that the mouth of the shrimp was very tender. The best thing was that it was delicious and unusual, but at the same time it had a light aroma, with a slight taste of lime, which not only removed the fishy smell of sea water, but also gave it to the tip of the tongue. The taste buds bring a unique enjoyment.

After chewing carefully, the shrimp meat combines various flavors. These combined flavors not only do not steal the freshness and sweetness of the shrimp meat, but also highlight the deliciousness that other ingredients cannot match. The only thing missing is the fishy smell.

"It's delicious! There are no seasonings added to this shrimp, and the original and pure taste of the shrimp is completely preserved. It's really amazing!" Yang Ming took a bite of the shrimp and sighed with emotion.

And when the teeth were lightly bitten and the ants were eaten, a more strange feeling suddenly flooded into Yang Ming's heart.

"This is……"

"This is actually formic acid! My God!"

Even though Yang Ming had already prepared before eating, when he really ate it, it made him feel like his pores were wide open and his taste buds were fully opened!

"I feel that I can even taste the forest flavor!"

After eating this dish, a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

When I came to Yuanyue Restaurant today, wherever Yang Ming went, he could almost see the word "luxury".

Every detail is tirelessly telling Yang Ming's story about luxury, and every corner is trying to make Yang Ming feel how luxurious the food it is selling is.

Therefore, the restaurant is luxurious, the tableware is luxurious, the decoration is luxurious, the pillars are luxurious, the floor is also luxurious, and even the maid clothes worn by the beautiful waiters can be very luxurious, even the ones Yang Ming just ate. Fatty beef is also advertised as luxurious ingredients in Yuanyue Restaurant all the time.

Originally, Yang Ming did not take this kind of thing out of the ordinary.

In the world of Spirit of Halberd, no matter where they are, most people inevitably equate nobility with taste, and then equate taste with luxury.

The chefs in the world of the Spirit of Halberd have long since drawn an equal sign between "luxury" and "taste", but in Yang Ming's view, this is a bit dazzling, and there are a few more. Divide pretentiousness.

Yang Ming's current life is not luxurious, but he has always felt that his words and deeds are far from the nobility. In Yang Ming's impression, nobility and luxury are two completely different categories.

Let’s look at the correspondence between European and American aristocrats in the 19th century. Regarding the taste of the aristocracy, they said: “XXX’s home is unpretentious, it is a rare good taste”, “He is the kind of old-fashioned aristocrat, wearing a coat twenty years". They will praise a person's simplicity and cherishing, low-key and unassuming, but they will never regard visible luxury as a taste, especially not as aristocratic taste.

Take a pair of handmade top leather shoes for example, it is very expensive, but it can be worn for ten or twenty years. The knowledge here is not only its own quality, but also your attitude to wearing it.

First of all, you will cherish it, so the walking posture is correct, and you can't just kick anything you see on the street. Secondly, you are willing to take some time to take care of it, usually when you go home, take it off and don’t forget to plaster it, and on weekends, you leisurely anoint it with oil and color. Man, he would rather do it himself.

So this pair of shoes can be worn for a long After ten years, it is slightly old, but not old, it can be seen that it has been well cared for, and it can be seen that its owner cherishes things. It's called aristocracy.

I don't necessarily like expensive external things, but I must be careful to spend money on Qin Muchu. His taste is not in what he buys, but in his style of life and even as a person; the things he has don't tell him, the way he owns them tells who he is.

Of course, a person cannot be a slave to material things, but his personality may be radiated occasionally through material things. Simply put, it's upbringing.

"Upbringing" is such an ancient word and how unfamiliar it is today. This word was originally the perfect match for taste. However, due to the difficulty of upbringing and the ease of luxury, people in the spirit world of halberd-eating spirits would only allow the taste to be given to them. Luxurious, let the endless splendor of the empty cover up the lack of education.

Over time, it even affects many people, making people think that the traditional aristocrats in Europe and the United States all aim at luxury.

Well, I know that the above will definitely make many people who like the spirit of eating halberd unhappy, this is just a personal complaint.

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