Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 778: tasting snails

"Unfortunately, why is Yuanyue Restaurant more stingy than me? For a French snail, there are only three snails!"

Has anyone eaten snails?

French snails are a must in Western dishes. There are more and more people who like this taste. Snails have nothing to be noble in the hall. There are not many people who like them. They are not as good as oysters, which have the temptation to fascinate all beings.

Of course, it is not only edible, but also has high nutritional value! The protein content of French snails is higher than that of cattle, sheep and pork, but the fat is much lower than them. It also contains various minerals and vitamins. The enzymes contained in it can eliminate stagnation, while glutamic acid and aspartic acid can enhance the vitality of human brain cells. Scientists believe that eating more snails can have nutritional and cosmetic effects on the skin and hair.

French snails are made by:

To cook snails, generally take the snail meat out of the snail shell, cook it in boiling water, and wash the snail meat with the internal organs removed, then put it back into the complete snail shell, and add minced garlic and celery to the shell at the same time. and cream, spread a layer of cream on the snail meat, then mash the snail meat with onion, garlic, etc., mix with butter and seasoning, after this is done, send it to the high temperature oven and bake for a few minutes.

Generally speaking, restaurants that cook French snails have trays dedicated to roasting snails. There are at least 6 round holes on the tray, and a snail is placed in each round hole.

Put the "modified" "snail" into a round iron plate with 6 round holes at the bottom, and bake it on the stove. When the cream is baked, the snails can be taken out and eaten.

When the tray full of snails is taken out of the oven, the fragrant snail feast is mouthwatering.

It tastes delicious with baguette or garlic bread.

And this is also where Yang Ming feels extremely sad. He clearly cooked at least 6 snails at a time, but only 3 snails came out. What a scumbag!

The roasted slightly golden snails, lined with green olive leaves, looked very refreshing, exuding a nice smell of green smoke, spreading out towards the surroundings.

The French use a special tool for eating snails, a special kind of pliers. When Yang Ming was eating the snails, he held the snails with tongs in one hand, picked out the snail meat from the shell with the other hand, dipped it in the sauce and ate it in one bite.


"It's this taste, this unique taste that only has snails, it's really delicious!"

Yang Ming opened his mouth and closed his mouth. In the sound of crackling, he even bit off the crispy snail shell. Only then did he realize that the snail shell was originally very thin. Crispy and delicious.

The snail meat inside is white and tender, soft and delicious, and it tastes with silky stickiness, mixed with the taste of sauce, sweeping the whole tongue, as if to bring a taste to the taste buds on the tip of the tongue. A different kind of party.

Yang Ming lowered his head and took a closer look. The white and black stripes of the snail's shell were dyed with golden yellow. With the slight umami inside the shell, it tasted especially delicious, like eating fried potato chips. The sound of clicking is constant, but it does not knock teeth at all, which is very good.

Crack clap! Crack clap! ...

These pleasant sounds kept coming out of his mouth. Yang Ming couldn't help but pick up a snail and bite it again. This time, he opened his mouth wider, and the feeling of eating was clearer. During the chewing process, even the juice inside the snail could be eaten. It all penetrated, and I didn't feel that my mouth was dry at all, but the more I ate it, the more appetizing it became, and the more I ate it, the more I wanted to eat it!

After eating the second snail, Yang Ming kept on eating the last snail along with the olive leaves underneath, revealing the thin white porcelain underneath, neat and mellow, depicting a small river flowing on it. Under the light, it is like ripples of light, which makes people feel peaceful.

A ray of heat floated up, and the smell of snails followed. In front of the delicious food, Yang Ming opened his mouth to be a snail. It's not enough for Yang Ming to plug his teeth!

To put it bluntly, French snails are an extremely luxurious dish. It is very difficult to make. From the birth of snails, breeding and processing, to the process of cooking, every process is a process of witnessing luxury.

Yuanyue Restaurant has made this French snail dish, which can be said to be a master, and it has integrated the essence of all French snail dishes from the past dynasties.

Each snail completely absorbed the flavors of butter, onion, garlic and other condiments. Yang Ming deeply realized this while chewing slowly. The juice in the snail was mixed with onion, garlic and butter. The taste, as the teeth rubbed gently, the mixed fragrance inside itself was secreted, giving Yang Ming an extremely rare taste.

Moreover, this dish is not greasy at all, even if the snails are eaten up, there will be no oil stains left on the silver plate, because the only little oil is absorbed by the snails themselves, and nothing flows out.

The snail shell wraps the white and tender snail meat. During the baking process, the aroma inside is locked and does not overflow. At the same time, it also ensures that the nutritional value of the snail does not dissipate and stays inside. Such a delicious dish.

"The chef of Yuanyue Restaurant is really good. He has done the best in this French snail, and he is even better than the blue. He has his own unique style."

Yang Ming sighed with emotion in his heart.

"This kind of national is not something that ordinary senior chefs can do. It seems that this should be the master chef of Yuanyue Restaurant."

Thinking of this, Yang Ming couldn't help but glanced at the menu. Just eating these three snails cost him a full 10 million!

Yang Ming's eyes twitched fiercely. If it weren't for him being a big local tyrant, he would not be able to afford such a luxurious meal at all!

Not to mention anything else, just to enter this VIP room, Yang Ming has to pay a VIP recharge fee of 100,000 yuan first, which is really not something ordinary people can afford!

It can be said that every minute and every second of staying in Yuanyue Restaurant is like running water, as if the money is worthless.

Of course, this is also Yang Ming's fault. He chose more expensive and luxurious dishes. That's why. In Yuanyue Restaurant, there are many dishes for ordinary people, but they are relatively few.

All in all, if you come to Yuanyue Restaurant once, if you can taste the most authentic French snails, it will definitely make people feel that the trip is worthwhile, and the great satisfaction of the taste will make people feel more fulfilled and have unlimited memories.

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