Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 793: Omurice

Nakiri Erina raised her forehead and sighed, looking at Soma Yukihira with weird eyes.

"I didn't expect you to be such a person. I really misjudged you before."

Xingping Chuangzhen looked embarrassed, his eyes flickered for a while, he quickly changed the subject, and said, "Aren't you worried about Yang Ming's counterattack, they make breakfast, we do it too, can't we do it!"

Erina Nakiri rolled her eyes, "The question is, who will do it? How to price it?"

"You have to know that our Yuanyue Restaurant has just arrived, and it is such a large restaurant. It costs a lot of money every day. If the breakfast is too expensive, I am afraid that no one will come. It is too cheap, and we are losing money. !"

Yukihira Soma gave a thumbs up, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Don't forget, I'm still here!"

"I'm the best at home cooking, so I can do this kind of breakfast."

"Oh?" Erina Nakiri raised an eyebrow, "What are you going to do?"

"Of course it's omelette!" Soma Yukihira said with a serious face.

"Ah? It's so ordinary!" Erina Nakiri looked in disbelief.

Seeing this, Sophia Yukihira rolled up his sleeves, and a raging fire burned in his eyes.

"Since you don't believe me, let me make it for you!"

Having said that, Soma Yukihira turned around and entered the kitchen.

"It's interesting." Erina Nakiri raised her orchid fingers, a glint of light flashed in her eyes, and followed behind into the kitchen.

When it comes to omurice, the North Star in Osaka is a must!

It is said that there is the birthplace of omurice. In addition to eating the Yuanzu omurice that is puffy on the outside and soft on the inside, you can also see the style of the early Western restaurants in the Eastern Ying Dynasty.

In the spirit of eating halberd world, omurice is divided into two different ways.

One is the half-cooked omelet rice. The thick omelet vibrates with the aftershock. After gently cutting it open with a knife, the egg liquid hidden in it is like a golden waterfall, covering the fried rice.

Eat half-cooked omelette rice, usually with a sauce boiled with beef and red wine, or a special curry sauce, put it in your mouth, the gravy is rich and delicious, the smooth egg has a buttery fragrance, and it is served with soft, glutinous and plump rice. Licking the plate clean by the end.

The other is to fry the fried rice first, then fry an egg skin in the pot, turn the fried rice upside down, wrap it with a layer of egg skin, pour orange-red tomato sauce on it, or make It looks like a bear and a pikachu. It is usually sold in maid restaurants. It is a very delicious dish.

In two different ways, the omelette rice is equally delicious.

Today, Kohei Soma is cooking omurice in the second way.

Egg fried rice and egg skin spread are both technical tasks, which require both sharp eyes and good control of the heat.

Xingping Chuangzhen used tribute eggs, which happened to be used to make omelettes. Gong eggs are petite, much smaller than ordinary eggs, and slightly larger than pigeon eggs. They are a kind of newborn egg.

Newborn eggs, known as "smart eggs", are the first clutches of eggs produced by a young hen within 30-60 days before the start of laying. Newborn eggs are smaller than ordinary eggs, but have high nutritional value, and a small egg collects all the essence.

In order to test the freshness of the newly-born egg, Kohei also opened an egg and found that the yolk was firm and elastic, and it was not easy to break even if it was poked with a fork. The yolk is light yellow, unlike other soil eggs.

Koping Soma chopped the onion and diced the ham, then turned on a small fire pan, added a small piece of butter and heated it until it melted, then poured in the chopped onion, and fry over medium heat until the sweetness of the onion came out.

Melt the butter and fry the onions until fragrant, so that the taste is more authentic, and the aroma of the omelette can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

After stirring for a while, Koping Soma then poured in the diced ham, stir-fry evenly, then poured in the tomato sauce and continued to stir-fry.

During this process, Kohei Sou really kept using a shovel to loosen the agglomerated rice until the rice grains were distinct.

Omelet rice is Kohei's specialty. He waved the spatula in the shadow of the sword and made the rice, ham, and eggs dance in the pot. The aroma was overflowing for a while, and the onlookers Nakiri Erina wanted to eat a bite. .

Afterwards, Kohei Soshin poured in salt, pepper and soy sauce, stir-fry evenly, and put out the fried rice for later use.

Next, is the highlight of the egg fried rice.

Whether the egg fried rice can be done well, this is the critical moment.

Xingping Chuangzhen broke the eggs, poured a little salt and stirred evenly. Heat the pan over low heat, spread the surface of the pan evenly with butter, pour the egg mixture into the pan, and stir quickly with chopsticks when it is slightly sticky to the bottom.

When making the egg skin, Xingping Chuangzhen was very careful. He melted the butter on a low fire, and then poured the egg liquid into the pot to let the egg liquid flow evenly at the bottom of the pot. This will prevent the egg skin color from flaring.

When the bottom of the egg was slightly cooked and there was still some uncoagulated egg liquid on the surface, Soma Kohei immediately poured the fried rice in the middle, flipped up one side of the egg skin to cover the fried rice, and finally lifted the egg skin on one side carefully with chopsticks. Slowly slide to the other side, and finally flip it upside down into a plate.

In the whole process of omelette, Koping Sosama has always used a low fire, so that the eggs are not easy to cook quickly.

Koping Soma made the omurice to the extreme, like a wonderful performance.

Xingping Chuangzhen squeezed tomato sauce on the surface of the omelette, and made the omelet into the shape of a bear. A cute and delicious omelet rice is done.

After finishing the second way, Koping Soma made the first egg fried rice and I won't go into details here.

He scrambled the eggs into a three-dimensional, spindle-shaped half-boiled egg roll, swayed over the fried rice, and slashed with a long, sharp knife from end to end. Serve with rice and finish with a hot, fragrant curry sauce.

Soma Yukihira wiped the sweat from his forehead and handed two different plates of omelette to Erina Nakiri with a gorgeous smile on his face.

"Please enjoy!"

She glanced at the half-boiled omelette first, and the savory curry sauce was poured on the surface of the half-boiled The tender half-boiled egg was covered on top of the soy sauce chicken fried rice. Bright eyes!

When she opened the egg skin with a spoon, and the moment she was steaming, she dug out the golden and attractive egg skin. The fragrance of the egg was enticing and appetizing, and it felt very healing. I just felt that the omelette rice can always describe the ordinary life so warmly.

"I'm welcome!"

Nakiri Erina scooped up a large spoonful of fried rice, mixed with slippery eggs and curry, stuffed her cheeks bulging, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, she couldn't stop taking a bite! Seeing other people's stomach growl!

At this moment, Nakiri Erina only felt that she had only eaten an omelet, but she was satisfied as if she had eaten a full banquet!

Even she, who has always been venomous, couldn't help but be astonished and commented:

"This egg is extremely soft and tender, and the inner layer actually has a little uncoagulated egg liquid. After mixing it with fried rice, it has an unbelievable multi-layered texture. First, the softness of the egg is eaten first, and then the rich uncoagulated egg is eaten. The egg liquid wraps the fried rice, making the aroma of the fried rice a little smooth, and the deliciousness is irresistible!".

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