Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 797: 1 bowl of Hu spicy soup

Yang Ming's shop.

"Boss! Boss! It's not good!"

Bai strode into the kitchen and shouted loudly.

Yang Ming suddenly raised his head, stopped what he was doing, and asked, "What happened to make you make such a fuss?"

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Bai gasped heavily, rested for a while, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said in a hurried tone:

"Boss, the big thing is bad this time. The Yuanyue restaurant opposite saw us making breakfast, and they followed suit and made breakfast today!"

"Oh! That's it!" Yang Ming's tone was indifferent, his face was calm, as if he didn't take this matter seriously.

Seeing this, Bai suddenly became anxious, "Boss, why don't you seem anxious at all?"

"Bai, don't worry, as long as I make delicious food, the guests will know how to choose."

Yang Ming waved his hand and smiled lightly.

Afterwards, Yang Ming lowered his head and started to prepare a new breakfast.

This dish, called Hu Spicy Soup, once had the opportunity to be selected as one of the Manchu and Han banquets, but it fell short in the end.

Fortunately, the recipe given to Yang Ming by the system includes the preparation method of this dish.

The Hu spicy soup, which started in the Song Dynasty, has many schools in the Central Plains, such as Xihua Xiaoyao Town, Luohebei Wudu, Huaiyang Zhujia, and Kaifeng Suhu Spicy Soup. Some people like spicy, some like salty, some like thick, some like light, and some like chopped green onion, but fortunately, no matter what your preference is, you can find your favorite bowl in the Central Plains.

In the world of Hu spicy soup, there are three fixed elements: gluten, meat, soup, and side dishes. Gluten is the soul, soup is the foundation, and side dishes have different combinations according to different genres.

When people from different regions meet, hometown food is often a good topic.

Wherever the people of Shuchuan go, it is the home game, and the fish-flavored shredded pork and double-cooked pork are enough to set up a dragon gate array for half an hour.

And as long as beef and mutton are mentioned, friends in the northwest will tell you that cattle and sheep that do not grow in the grasslands are not worthy of cumin.

Lanzhou people are very aggrieved, and always spare no effort to tell everyone that there is no ramen in Lanzhou, it is called Lanzhou beef noodles, Lanzhou beef noodles, Lanzhou beef noodles. The friends nodded their heads in sudden realization, and then all thought to themselves, "Who cares about this?"

Cantonese people don't want to talk about this topic, but they can't avoid it. Do you eat civet cats? Eat pangolins? Eat mouse meat? ...I'm in a hurry, Cantonese people will tell you how to eat Hokkien people.

As a Central Plains person, in the communication, but faced with another embarrassment and loneliness.

"What do you have to eat?"

"Hey! My spicy soup and noodles are delicious."

"What? I haven't heard of it, let's talk about the boss of Evergrande."


Every place has special snacks, and some snacks are used to promote the scene, fool tourists, local people do not like to eat. Some of them don't seem to be on the stage, but for the locals, they are as important as the hot kang head of their wives and children.

Hu spicy soup definitely belongs to the latter.

Hu spicy soup is the quintessence of Central Plains cuisine, whoever wins the Central Plains wins the world, and for the Central Plains people, Hu spicy soup is the world.

The morning without Hu spicy soup is not enough to talk about life. As one of the breakfasts, it is definitely a perfect choice.

The first characteristic of Hu spicy soup is spicy.

We are all used to it, spicy comes from chili peppers. In fact, chili peppers came to China at the end of the Ming Dynasty. Previously people preferred the spiciness of pepper.

Of course, as the peppers get hotter and hotter, the peppers get stale. People in the Central Plains are nostalgic and make Hu spicy soup with a lot of pepper. Therefore, Hu spicy soup is a rare dish that can perfectly interpret the spicy characteristics of pepper.

The second feature is the spice foot.

Many foods will add some spices, star anise, cinnamon, four or five are enough. The Hu spicy soup often has 20 or 30 kinds of spices. After a clever combination, it can have a unique fragrance.

One might ask, again pepper, with so many spices, would it be too irritating?

Yes, just get used to it.

Then it is very thick.

In the process of making Hu spicy soup, Yang Ming thickened with a large amount of wheat starch water to make the soup very thick. This allows the spiciness and aroma to be more tightly concentrated in the soup, making the soup rich and mellow.

Because Yang Ming's technology is in place, the Hu spicy soup will not be sticky and greasy.

In the end it was enough.

Although it is called soup, there are actually quite a lot of things in it. There are at least four or five kinds. Commonly used ones are beef and mutton, gluten, fungus, vermicelli, daylily, kelp, peanuts and so on.

After drinking a bowl of Hu spicy soup, I feel refreshed and have dry goods in my stomach.

Hu spicy soup pays attention to using big bone broth as the base soup, which highlights the peppery aroma of pepper, and the aftertaste is slightly spicy. The meat Hu spicy soup will also add some meat pieces the size of fingernails. When I accidentally eat a piece, I suddenly feel This Hu spicy soup is excellent value for money.

These 4 characteristics form the spicy personality of Zhongyuan Hu spicy soup. But also because it is too individual, many people will feel a little uncomfortable when they eat it for the first time.

But when you taste it slowly, you can feel the rich aroma, mellow taste, and spicy enthusiasm. Then I fell in love with Hu spicy soup and couldn't stop.

When the Hu spicy soup boiled, Yang Ming thickened it with a large amount of wheat starch water until it was particularly thick. Finally, a few drops of sesame oil are poured over it, and the fragrance is so fragrant that it makes people inhale, and every cell in the body seems to utter a groan.

Bai stood by and watched Yang Ming cook, smelling the fragrance, his whole soul was about to float up!

When he turned his eyes, he saw that the thick brown soup in the cauldron was slowly pushed out by the hot air at the bottom of the pot, and bubbles of large and small sizes were released. When it gets cold, it quickly turns white and floats away.

Hu spicy soup is accompanied by the aroma of various side dishes, and it floats straight out from the The white mist looks warm and makes people's appetite suddenly increase!

Bai Kui said, "Boss, can you give me a bowl?"

Looking at Bai's greedy cat appearance, Yang Ming was happy and scooped up a full bowl for him.

Bai Zao looked hungry, picked up the spoon and breathed in, and swallowed it in one gulp.

"This is……"

The white eyes were wide open, and the mouthfeel was smooth, but the taste was hearty, and Yang Ming put a small amount of shrimp skin in it, and the fresh tongue was about to fall off!

good to eat!

Bai couldn't help but immediately buried his head and drank the soup. After eating a bowl, I was sweating slightly on my head, my whole body was warm, and there was a peppery taste. After eating, I wiped my mouth, and just now I felt that today's day is really coming, and I am very energetic.

After eating the Hu La Tang Hu Lu Hu Lu, the spicy taste immediately refreshes the mind and warms the body the most. After eating, you will feel hearty and hearty!

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