Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 801: Otsutsuki Peach Style: I want to counterattack, mouth and teeth

Sky Arena, on the ring.

In the face of the powerful Xiangji Shi, Xiao Li resolutely uses the eight-door Dunjia, like a tiger coming out of its cage, it is bound to win!

call out!

With a sound of explosion, the ground under Xiao Li's feet collapsed and sunk, and the whole person shot out like a cannonball, fast as lightning. The audience watching around could not see his figure at all. Lee's move!

In the audience, a burst of exclamation sounded!

"So fast!"

Sanji's pupils shrank suddenly, his curled eyebrows wrinkled, and he held a cigarette in his mouth, fighting spirit high.

"But I'm not weak either!"

Sanji was not to be outdone, his toes were a little bit, his figure was spinning, his black leather shoes rubbed against the ground quickly and caught fire.


Sanji kicked out with one leg, and there was a feeling of cutting through the void, and there was a sharp wind whistling in the wind!

boom! boom!

Two figures with the same speed, intertwined with each other in the sky, whip legs swept across, fist winds swept, the sound of collision was constant, between electric, light and flint, I don't know how many times they fought, it was dazzling.

At this time, from the TV, Yang Ming heard the voice of the big star Fuji Kaze-e again:

"Audience friends, look at everyone, the battle between a gentleman and a madman tells us that if people don't offend me, I won't offend them; if anyone offends me, give me three points; if anyone offends me again, I'll pay back one shot; if anyone else offends me, I will cut the grass and root out the roots. !"

"As a gentleman, Sanji's legs were very good, and he originally had the upper hand. Unfortunately, when Xiao Li, a madman who practiced kung fu, broke out, he came from behind and pressed Sanji to fight!"

Yang Ming: "..."

Listening to the live broadcast of the big star Fuji Kazee, Yang Ming silently pressed the controller and turned to other programs.


Perhaps it was the great success of the big star Fuji Kazee's live broadcast, or the world's No. 1 martial arts competition was too popular. Yang Ming found helplessly that other stations were occupied by the live broadcast of the competition.


When Yang Ming saw one of the live broadcasts, his eyes suddenly narrowed!

This is a 201st floor landlord challenge, the challenger is impressively Otsutsuki Momo!

"Why did he come? Wasn't he taught enough?"

Originally, Yang Ming thought that after the Otsutsuki Tao-style escaped by luck, the farther away he was from his sphere of influence, the better because he would hold his tail between his tails. !

I saw that Otsutsuki Peach-style's lost arm had regained his hand after being transplanted with Orochimaru, but compared to other parts, the skin looked white and miserable, and there was no reincarnation eye in his hand.

Otsutsuki-style opponent is the owner of the 201st floor, one of the seven seas from the world of One Piece, the sand crocodile Crocodile, who has the natural ability of the fruit of sand, and can turn his whole body into sand, with a strange and powerful ability.

In the ring, the sand crocodile Crocodile was holding a cigar, and looked at Otsutsuki Peach with contempt in his eyes.

"Is that why you want to challenge me? What an over-the-top brat!"

"Let me tell you, I won't show mercy for ridiculous rules. If you want to challenge me, you must be willing to risk your life!"

When Crocodile Crocodile finished speaking, the audience immediately cheered for him and appreciated his strength.

At the same time, the number of people betting on the victory of the sand crocodile Crocodile has doubled in the betting on the game. Obviously, everyone is optimistic that he will win.

Facing all this, Otsutsuki Momo-style sneered.

"What a stupid inferior creature!"

Otsutsuki's peach-like demeanor and tone are completely the look of a creature at the top of the food chain facing a lowly creature. contempt.

"Haha!" Crocodile Crocodile moved his wrist, his eyes flashed with a flash of murderous intent, and he said solemnly: "Lower creatures? It seems that I want to teach you a profound lesson and teach you to be a human again!"

Otsutsuki Momo-style smiled sinisterly, "If you have the ability, then come!"

Accompanied by the referee's "Start!"

Crocodile Crocodile moved instantly!

"Sandstorm! The Hand of Death!"

The sand crocodile Crocodile pressed down on the ground with one hand, and the ground composed of hard granite quickly turned into grains of sand in a change visible to the naked eye under the horrified eyes of the audience!

The sand crocodile Crocodile raised one hand, the ground subsided, and then rose with a bang. In the roaring sandstorm hurricane, the sand and gravel condensed and solidified, turning into a huge hand with a hundred feet in size, and suddenly fell from the sky with the power of the sky. !

The terrifying sonic booms roared in layers, and the compressed palms carried the suppressed air pressure, setting off long serpentine waves, even the audience in the auditorium was only swept away by the remaining strong wind. They all feel a pain in their faces, like shaving with a knife!

It is conceivable that the Otsutsuki Momo-style in the center of this attack is under pressure all the time!


What caught everyone's attention was that Otsutsuki Taoshi showed a sneer, a sneer that looked down upon him.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Afterwards, Otsutsuki opened the hand with the eye of reincarnation, and a cold color flashed in his eyes.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"


Even if Otsutsuki's peach style's strength is only half left, the repulsive ripples emitted are still strong, and the space is rippling with layers of ripples, each layer is stronger than the other, and when it comes into contact with the giant hand of sand, it instantly crushes everything. , the power to destroy everything, all of a sudden smashed into scum!

"What!" Crocodile Crocodile looked horrified, realizing that he had kicked the iron plate, his expression changed and changed, but he was unwilling to surrender because of his face, so he had to grit his teeth: "Elementalization!"

The voice fell, and the body of the sand crocodile Crocodile, formed of flesh and blood, turned into a human-shaped gravel made of grains of, which was immune to all physical damage.

"Stupid!" To this, Otsutsuki Mochi just sneered, "It's a low-level creature, even his brain is so stupid!"

The next moment, the aftermath of the repulsive force that came with the victory slammed onto Crocodile, the sand crocodile, and the terrifying repulsive force came, crushing and annihilating every grain of sand, turning them into the smallest particles in the world!

"Come here for me!"

Seeing that the sand crocodile Crocodile turned into fly ash and annihilated, Otsutsuki Peach-style hand raised it, and the flesh and blood essence of the sand crocodile Crocodile turned into a stream of light, fell into his hand, and turned into a red pill.

Otsutsuki Peach-style took the pill in one bite, and in an instant, the feeling on his body became stronger.

"Yang Ming, Yang Ming, you never thought that as long as I can swallow the essence of dozens of strong men, I can regain my strength and even climb to the top!"

"By that time, it will be Yang Ming's sacrificial day!"

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