Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 809: Just around the corner Togetsu Restaurant

"That's great, that boss Yang Ming was able to defeat Xingping-kun, it seems very challenging!"

"Ah! My broadsword is thirsty!"

"I want to challenge Boss Yang Ming right now and have a halberd meal!"

"Hey hey hey!" Seeing these people fall into a frenzy one by one, Soma Kohei was speechless and wanted to remind him.

It's a pity that Koping Soma was directly ignored by them.

It is worth mentioning that although Xingping Chuang is really the hero of the spirit of eating halberds, he is only a student who has just been admitted to Yuanyue College. Almost every chef in the room is his senior and senior sister. I don't know how much better than him in cooking.

And Yuanyue Academy, the most arrogant in the world of Spirit of Halberd, has assembled almost the best batch of chefs in the world, and each one is full of confidence in himself and does not feel that he is inferior to others.

What's more worth mentioning is that facing highly skilled opponents, not only will it not demoralize them, but it will arouse their inner frenzy to have a halberd-eating game!

But now, the group of people in front of Kohei Chuangzhen is in such a state.

"I have decided, I will challenge Boss Yang Ming next!"

"Go go go! Boss Yang Ming is mine, I should go!"

"With all due respect, you are all chickens, and you are not as strong as me. To challenge Boss Yang Ming is to die!"

"Fuck! You are so arrogant, does your father know? If you have the ability, come to eat a halberd!"

"Come here, who is afraid of who, see how I beat your parents even if they don't know you!"

Seeing that each of these chefs are the world's first-class chefs, arguing like an aunt who buys vegetables in a vegetable market, Yukihira Soma really felt a headache!

Xingping Chuangzhen held his forehead speechlessly, lamenting that he was being treated badly.

"Okay, don't make trouble, you guys want to challenge Boss Yang Ming, have you ever thought about the theme of eating halberds?" Kopei Soma asked.

"Don rice." Isshiki said seriously.

Issei Hui, the second-year senior member of Yuanyue College, the leader of the Jixingliao dormitory, and the seventh seat of the "Yuanyue Ten Heroes Council". On the surface, he is quite friendly and cheerful to people, but in fact it is unfathomable. Mostly wearing a pocket cloth or a naked apron, the third form is a competition swimsuit.

Koping Soma: "Do you have any clues?"

Isshiki: "No, do you have a good opinion?"

Soma Yukihira: "If not, why don't I play in your place?"

"Don't! You can't even win with Boss Yang Ming this time, so you want to do it again? Don't go out and be ashamed again." Isshiki looked at Xingping Chuang with disdain.

Tian Suohui asked curiously, "Master Chuangzhen is so powerful, but he still lost to Boss Yang Ming, Lord Isshi, are you really sure that you can win Boss Yang Ming?"

"Humph!" Yishi smugly raised his hair, "According to my observations during this period of time, I have discovered the biggest weakness of Boss Yang Ming!"


Isshiki is really not astonishing, and the moment he exits, it immediately causes an uproar!

"I'm not a match for Boss Yang Ming compared to Chinese food, but if he compares to non-Chinese food, he is a weak chicken." Chuangzhen pointed out the shortcomings of Boss Yang Ming.

"You think, his Yang Ming shop is all about Chinese food. Have you ever seen him cook Western food?"

As soon as these words came out, the other people were immediately stunned, and then suddenly realized!

"I see!"

"Fuck! Such an obvious weakness, I actually ignored it before!"

"As expected of a senior Ishiki! This kind of observation, and this shameless method, is really a role model for my generation!"

"Bah, bah, bah!" Yoshiki glared at the rude guy with a look of anger, "What is a shameless method, I'm clearly planning a strategy to win a thousand miles, there is no way!"

"Ah! Senior Isshiki's kung fu without being disciplined is also top-notch!"

Isshiki sighed and decided not to dwell on this topic, and changed the subject:

"Isn't everyone eating lunch? Today is my turn to cook lunch. I will make a rice bowl for everyone to have lunch. Chuangzhen, you can also see if my rice bowl can inspire your dishes. ."

After all, Isshiki rolled up his sleeves and walked to the kitchen.

Xingping Chuangzhen happily urged: "This is the best, let me see what your rice bowl looks like."

"Donburi is also called donburi. The main method is to spread the dishes prepared with various corresponding ingredients and the soup on top of the packed rice, from which the name "donburi" is derived. Traditional rice bowls have land. Sanxian rice bowl, meat-sliced ​​eggplant bowl, mushu persimmon bowl, etc., because of the simple ingredients, cheap price, relatively more nutritious, and easy to make, they are usually popular among students, friends and office workers as fast food. Just make an orthodox braised beef rice bowl."

As Isshiki explained, he cut the beef into pieces, simmered it in hot water for a while, added oil to the pot, sautéed the shallots and **** until fragrant, and Isshiki picked up the bean paste and said to the crowd: "The soul of this dish is the bean paste, among which I The bean paste in my hand is the best, and the bean paste is divided into different grades according to the year, three years for the new sauce, five years for the old sauce, more than ten years for the mellow old sauce, this bowl in my hand is more than ten years old.”

After that, he poured the bean paste into the pot, fry the red oil, then poured the boiled beef and added soy sauce, sugar, pepper, wine, monosodium glutamate and star anise, pepper and other spices, and finally added water to soak the beef , Slowly simmer over low heat until the juice thickens. This is because Tiansuohui's rice has been cooked. Isshiki put the steaming rice on the plate, and scooped a spoonful of the stewed beef over the rice.

"Okay. Braised Beef Let's have dinner everyone."

After all, Ishigami greeted everyone.

"Well, it's very fragrant, the beef is also stewed and delicious, and the soup mixed with rice tastes great."

"Not yet, although it is very fragrant, the overall taste and the combination of ingredients are still too simple, and since the soup is infiltrated into the rice under the action of gravity, it will inevitably cause uneven taste." Poison Tongue Nakiri Erina took a sip. Then he calmly analyzed: "Such a combination of rice bowls will make you feel tired after eating a few more bites."

Ishiki thought for a moment: "Erina, do you mean to make a fuss over rice?"

Erina was worthy of her vicious tongue, and immediately said: "With all due respect, I only give a 7 out of 10 for this dish. If you want to challenge Boss Yang Ming like this, you can't do it in your current state."

"You are the chef. Next, you have to challenge Boss Yang Ming. You have to find a solution for Isshiki-kun on this issue."

"Senior Isshiki, don't worry, there is still time, slowly think of a way." Koping Soma patted Isshiki's shoulder and comforted.

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