Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 813: next gauntlet

Rare is expensive. Yang Ming is well aware of this truth, so the tavern only distributes three places a day, and it depends on luck whether it can be drawn. So much so that in spite of the complaints and even the rude abuse of the drinkers who are waiting in endless queues at the door of the store, they resolutely implement lottery activities every day.

"The price of alcohol on the street is often very expensive, and outsiders rarely sleep drunk. If you come early and drink a bucket of wine, you have exactly three hundred bronze coins."

Although a pot of wine in Yang Ming's tavern fetched a sky-high price of 100,000 yuan, which is hundreds of thousands of times more than a liter of ordinary wine, in order to drink the fine wine brewed by Yang Ming's boss, the guests who came to Yang Ming's restaurant for dinner were still crowded. I broke my head, just to get ahead of others and draw a lottery after eating.

Colorful glass wine, blue and white wine, after the publicity after the red-haired Shanks and Asma drank it, swept the entire Konoha Village in the shortest time.

The news that Boss Yang Ming brewed new wine has suddenly spread through the entire Konoha Village with a hot wind. In this hot summer, he has become a news personality in Konoha Village.

Of course, correspondingly, Yang Ming’s shop, which had gradually decreased in customer traffic due to the rise of Yuanyue Restaurant, has become the most popular restaurant in Konoha Village again, and business is booming day by day.

Of course, a lot of money is also credited to the account like water. Yang Ming didn't care too much about the harvest, because for the current Yang Ming, 10 million or 100 million is not that important anymore, and the left and right are just a number.

If it were Yang Ming when he first came to Naruto World, it would be completely unbelievable, but now he is very indifferent to all this.

Today, the red-haired Shanks walked into Yang Ming’s shop in a daze, and saw Yang Ming sitting at the counter for a rare moment. The red-haired Shanks lit up when he saw him, and hurried forward to greet him, “Boss, is the blue-and-white wine brewing good today? Hey, since I drank this blue-and-white wine from your family, I can no longer drink other wines, it's just like chewing wax."

Yang Ming raised his head, glanced at him, and said lightly: "It's already brewed, if you want to drink it, you have to draw a lottery as soon as possible."

"This..." Red-haired Shanks looked stiff and embarrassed.

I don't know why, the red-haired Shanks had a lot of luck in the world of One Piece, but in the world of Naruto, he is the legendary non-chief. With luck, he has been eating at Yang Ming's shop for a week in a row, but he has not been drawn. can you believe it?

"Uh..." The red-haired Shanks twitched the corner of his mouth, and then regained his incomparable confidence, "This time, I will definitely get it!"

The red-haired Shanks' eyes were filled with a radiance of self-confidence!

The red-haired Shanks found a seat and sat down, flipping through the menu, "What do you want to eat this time?... There you go!"

Seeing the top column of the menu, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of red-haired Shanks, and he greeted Bai Bai.

"I want a mapo tofu!"

"Okay, please wait a moment." Bai smiled, revealing two cute little dimples.

After a period of time.

"Mapo tofu, please take it slow"

Bai came out of the kitchen carrying the plate, placed it on the red-haired Shanks table, and slowly lifted the lid on the plate.

In an instant, the spicy fragrance swept the entire Yang Ming shop.

Smelling this spicy fragrance, a flash of shock flashed across the red-haired Shanks' eyes.

"Is this Mapo Tofu?"

Muttering a few words in a low voice, the red-haired Shanks scooped up a spoon and put it into his mouth.

"Huh? This fragrance seems to draw people into a whirlpool, where there is a world of spicy, spicy, and spicy. It seems that you can see pieces of tofu and pieces of meat covered with armor, and start a fierce battle. The tip of my tongue is the battlefield, the refreshing and non-greasy meat of tofu dances slowly under the spicy aroma.”

Mapo tofu is the most basic dish in Sichuan cuisine. It brings together the five flavors of 'spicy', 'fragrant', 'color', 'hot' and 'ma'. Although it is said to be a basic cuisine, it is not enough to be perfect. Easy. But Yang Ming did it.

No, not only that, Yang Ming also added a more attractive taste of 'crisp' to this plate of Mapo tofu. If a person is extremely hungry, spicy dishes are not suitable, but if you give him this dish, not only will it not hurt the stomach, but it will give people strength, like rebirth.'

"Delicious!" Red-haired Shanks' eyes lit up.

At this moment, two young girls walked into Yang Ming's shop.

Although the assistant beside him was handsome, he was completely obscured by the radiance emanating from the other girl beside him.

The girl was wearing a wide-brimmed pink hat with feathers and a short school skirt with black silk stockings underneath. She had a slender face, slender eyebrows, and amber eyes that looked like an anime character. Hitomi made the whole face look soft and quiet, and she looked like she was only about eighteen years old, and it was the season when flowers were in full bloom. At the same time, there is always a faint smile on her face, which makes her even more mysterious.

The red-haired Shanks was stunned for a moment. He never imagined that one of the chefs of Yuanyue Restaurant would come in person!

Not only was he stunned, but the guests who were still eating were instantly stunned. In front of this girl, everyone looked extremely nervous.

Looking at the reactions of the people around her, the girl's eyes seemed to have a bit of mockery in her eyes.

"I'm Erina Nakiri, the chef of Totsuki Restaurant, and I'm going to formally issue a letter to Yang Ming's shop!"

"Boss Yang Ming, our Yuanyue Restaurant will send three chefs to challenge you, each of us will send one person to serve as the judge, and our Yuanyue Restaurant will send me to serve as the judge!"

Then she took off her hat, and the golden braid was undone, and the smooth blond hair cascaded down the brim of the hat.

The faint fragrance drifted into the nose of the red-haired Shanks with the Academy was the first passer of this junior high school straight high school, and was the highest decision-making body [Totsuki Tenjie Council] 】The youngest genius in history!

And it has the highest level of human... the taste of God.

Therefore, since he was a child, he has been entrusted with the work of taster of major famous restaurants in the country. Taishan Hokuto in the cooking world is a regular customer of Nakiri Erina.

It was enough to show how prominent the girl in front of her was.

However, what really scares everyone is that her judgment will be known to the entire industry. If she is given a badly cooked dish to taste, she will definitely not hesitate to evaluate all the food because of her poisonous tongue. people.

And these evaluations are summed up as [incompetent]!

Chefs who have been criticized in this way will no longer be able to survive in the cooking world. For those chefs who rely on craftsmanship to eat, it can be said that their entire lives have been ruined.

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