Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 838: I am rich and proud

However, at this time, the big star Fuji Kazee ignored the number of people online on the live broadcast, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and stared at the face in Yang Ming's hands, his magnified personality reflected from his exaggerated eyes.

So fragrant! It looks delicious!

Yang Ming saw that she wanted to eat and was too embarrassed to eat. He was overjoyed. He handed over the fried noodles and said, "Let's try it."

"How can this be done!" The superstar Fuji Kawami swallowed, "This is the noodle that Terumi Mei-sama ordered, how can I eat it."

At this moment, when I saw the big star Fuji Fengxue Eating Food, I still didn't eat it, and the barrage was swiping again.

"Ahhh! The anchor, if you don't want to eat it, you can give it to me!"

"I have eaten three boxes of instant noodles. Do you have the heart to continue to let me eat instant noodles?"

"Anchor, your saliva has betrayed you, hurry up and eat it!"

"My broadsword is thirsty!"

At the same time, the ID "Shuiying Terumi Mei" said: "Anchor, I'm not here now, you can eat for me."

"This, this..." The big star Fuji Fengxuehui looked at the remarks of the barrage, especially Mizukage Terumi Mei, so she finally made up her mind, "Okay, then I will try it for you."

This is so reluctant to say, but she is already happy in her heart!

The big star Fuji Kayuki took out his chopsticks, followed the inner wall of the big bowl, picked up a column of noodles from bottom to top, and put it into his mouth.

The refreshing noodles spread in the mouth, and the aromas of ginger, chopped green onion, etc. are mixed.

Looking up, the big star Fuji Fengxuehui looked at Yang Ming in amazement and exclaimed:

"Perfect! This is really a flawless jajang noodles!"

Suddenly looking at the fried sauce noodles, the big star Fuji Fengxue E was in a trance for a while. No other condiments were added to this dish. All of them were natural materials. The diet was healthier and the taste remained original.

"The refreshing texture of the noodles spreads out in the mouth together with the taste of the noodle sauce. The intoxicating taste of the noodle sauce also joins in. In this way, the mouth bursts with several aromas at the same time!"

The big star Fuji Kazee's eyes widened for a moment, and he froze on the ground.

In a trance, her memory flew, thinking of all kinds of things since she became famous.

It is said that there are hundreds of flavors in life, and the big star Fuji Fuyuki laughed lowly, a meal, but he saw the flavors and all kinds of life.

Reaching out his hand to support his forehead, he hadn't remembered the past for a long time. The big star Fuji Kazee doesn't think that he is a person who is easy to get caught up in memory, but this dish reminds himself of the sour memories of the past, as well as those colorful youthful arbitrariness.

No more words, the big star Fuji Feng Xue E walked out of the taste of the cooking, pursed his lips, and seemed to be making his next decision, he put his chopsticks in the fried sauce noodles, and then sent the second mouth, the third mouth... But She kept her head down, so that people couldn't see her expression at the moment.

Watching the big star Fuji Kazuki immersed in delicious food, the barrage is not lonely:

"Hey! The anchor, what does it taste like? Why don't you speak suddenly?"

"Kill you to death with one punch! Don't hinder the anchor from comprehending life!"

"Upstairs, don't say you know it well, if you have the ability, you can give gifts!"

"What's the noise! ​​Isn't it good to watch the anchor eat noodles quietly?"

"Don't talk about it, let me open another pack of instant noodles first."

At this time, it is another round of gift giving carnival!

"Orochimaru' sent a cruise ship to the anchor!"

"Penn' sent the anchor a cruise!"

"Hawkeye Mihawk' sent the anchor a cruise!"

"Edward Whitebeard' sent the anchor a cruise!"


The entire TV screen was swiped with gifts!

the other side.

In Yuanyue Restaurant, at this time it was gloomy and gloomy.

One by one, watching Boss Yang Ming's live broadcast, especially the number of online viewers, is still rising, and everyone is speechless.

Kie Rina put her hands on her hips, pointed to the live broadcast on TV, and said angrily: "Look, the boss Yang Ming has already started the live broadcast, and the number of people online has almost reached 4 million! If this continues, we don't even think about it. If you have competed with Boss Yang Ming, I am afraid that he will be suppressed by him from now on, and he will not be able to turn around at all!"

"Then what should we do?" Tian Suohui asked weakly.

"That's a good question!" Chierina raised her chest, the waves in front of her were turbulent, and she raised her head proudly, "Doesn't his boss Yang Ming like to live broadcast? There is a famous saying in the East, it's called success, Xiao He is also Xiao He, then We will use the live broadcast method to show the world the strength of our Yuanyue Restaurant in the next game with Boss Yang Ming, and defeat him in one fell swoop!"

"In that case." Si Yingshi stood up first, "In the second game, let me challenge Boss Yang Ming. I will use my French cuisine to defeat him in one fell swoop!"

Si Yingshi is one of the two contestants who came out of Yuanyue Restaurant's internal selection and also the number one of Yuanyue's top ten heroes. He is good at French cuisine and has high attainments.

As for the other contestant, of course, it is the male protagonist of the world of the spirit of eating the halberd, Yuki Ping Chuangzhen. This is an existence that is open to hanging. Just like Naruto, the stronger the stronger the stronger, the stronger he became. The last time he personally challenged Yang Ming and failed. , It can be said that it is a painful experience, and there is a rapid progress in cooking, which obviously can also threaten Yang Ming.

clap clap clap!

Kirei Rina nodded, "Very good, then I'll contact the big star Fuji Kazee now and invite her to broadcast our game live. I think she won't refuse such an invitation."

After an hour...

The big star Fuji Fengxue E left Yang Ming's shop with satisfaction. This time, for her, it was a real gain of fame and fortune. The number of fans makes me feel as happy as I have eaten a mouthful of honey.

"Ms. Fuji Kaze-e, please stop!"

Not long after walking out of Yang Ming's store, the big star Fuji Kazee heard a sound of stop coming from behind.

She was surprised, she paused and turned around suddenly, but she saw a girl who was dressed in fashion, with long blond hair and a delicate face, looking like a rich family daughter.

The big star Fuji Kayuki was surprised, thinking that Kirei Rina was her fan, and asked subconsciously, "Are you here to get my autograph?"

"No no no!" Kirei Rina shook her head and said in a surprising voice, "Ms. Fuji Kazuki, I want to ask you to do a live broadcast for me!"

Saying that, she opened the suitcase and filled it with a whole box of money, which could brighten the eyes of the blind!

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