Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 851: Burst! Burst!

"The next step is to iron the skin and color it." Muttering, Yang Ming was about to put the seasoning into the pot. The next moment, a strange fragrance swept the audience. Gives a feeling of fluttering.

It is Si Yingshi who is about to show his power!

"Is this your secret, or in other words, your trump card." Boss Yang Ming looked at Si Yingshi, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Looking at Si Yingshi, he took out a bag of strange spices at this time. I don't know what is wrapped in the spice, and the strange fragrance keeps escaping from it, directly sweeping the audience, and even the audience dozens of meters away can smell it clearly.

"This is Senior Si Ying Shi's special sauce! It's so fragrant! I'm sure, even if Senior Si Ying Shi is not using roasted whole lamb this time, but something else, the food will never be weak after the sauce is applied. of!"

"After many years, I can see the cooking made by Senior Si Yingshi with all his strength!"

"This noodle very strange."


Nakiri Erina's eyes narrowed slightly, her eyes were closed, and the tip of her tongue was slightly exposed. After touching the air, she quickly retracted it, digesting the taste in it.

"Anise, sesame pepper, lemon, sweet-scented osmanthus...a spicy sauce?"

In just a moment, Erina Nakiri analyzed the ingredients of the spicy sauce used by Si Ying Shi, smiled slightly, and was full of confidence in Si Ying Shi!

This time, I will definitely be able to defeat Boss Yang Ming!

Si Yingshi's roast whole lamb is cooked very quickly. The whole lamb is placed on the grill. After the bottom end is protected, turn on the fire, and smear the spicy sauce while cooking. After a while, the aroma will be completely It was attached to the body of the sheep, and the golden oil continued to overflow, reflecting the attractive color under the illumination of the fire, and the aroma became stronger.

However, the barbecue is mainly fire, and the things made by fire are not spicy, but they are not delicious. As a French chef for many years, Si Yingshi naturally knows how to deal with this thing. The hot sauce is just an assistant. His real trump card is chili.

Taking out a box of seasonings from the package again, Si Yingshi looked slightly startled. This thing is mainly made of chili powder from the chili pepper. Ordinary people eat a little bit and it will be spicy. Now sprinkle it on the roasted whole sheep, in contrast with their own hot sauce, the effect will be absolutely perfect.

Just do what you say, swirl the chili powder, and in just a moment, the peculiar aroma is mixed with a terrifying spicy taste. The strange thing is that the spicy taste is not irritating to the nose, but has a strange natural feeling. Numb, spicy, indescribable feeling.

Yang Ming is also working hard, and what he made has already surfaced at this moment-roasted bamboo rat. Both sides, it turned out to be a barbecue!

Si Yingshi's progress is fast. Although his cooking is big enough, Yang Ming's roasted bamboo rat has an extra time-consuming procedure - coloring. Using boiled sugar to color the roasted bamboo rat, and then using a special method to marinate that layer of sugar into the skin of the rat, this process is extremely long. The taxi was ahead.


Si Yingshi, together with a few staff members, moved a roasted whole lamb down, carried it to the front of the two judges, and then stood silently by the side.

At this moment, everyone in the arena was silent, staring at the roasted whole sheep in the center, and swallowed greedily. The strange fragrance reverberated in everyone's nose as if it had magic power, lingering. At this moment, those who wanted to eat roasted whole sheep accounted for almost nine-tenths of the audience, and the rest had rhinitis.

Si Yingshi took out a thin knife and slashed lightly on the position of the lamb's chest. The outer skin of the roasted whole lamb shattered with a screeching sound, but a trace of juice flowed out from the muscles inside, and the aroma of meat bloomed in an instant. , just from the smell, it has captured the mind of the referee.



Si Yingshi cut out two pieces of lamb from the roasted whole lamb!

Don't be surprised! No surprise!

It turned out that Si Yingshi spent so much effort just for this grilled lamb chop!

Si Ying, like a western gentleman, leaned forward slightly and said, "My original French-style grilled lamb chops, please use the two judges slowly!"

The theme of this competition is unexpected cooking.

Obviously, Shi Yingshi cooked this dish, completely beyond the expectations of Nakiri Erina and Hong Shanks!

"Scorched on the outside, tender on the inside, good, good! As expected of Shi Yingshi, this level of cooking is already pleasing to the eye just by looking at it." Not stingy with the words she praised, Erina Nakiri took the lead in cutting off a piece of meat, Put a fork in your mouth.

A light bite--


The fresh and tender gravy instantly bloomed in the mouth, which is the unique tenderness of mutton; as the explosive juice hit, the roasted crisper skin also exploded with a click, and the crisp sound mixed with the gravy exploded in the mouth, The unique beauty swept the mind in an instant! The beauty is unparalleled, the beauty is heartbreaking. As if in the soft nostalgia of the beauty, the jade is in the mouth, and the beauty is embraced by the side. That is the pleasure of being in the country of beauty, it is the softness of happiness to the peak of life!

This dish can no longer be described in words. If I have to say it, it is - it should only exist in the sky, how many times have you heard it in the world?

Almost instantly, Erina Nakiri only felt that her complexion was radiant, and she was healed perfectly in an instant!

Beside him, Hong Shanks, who was also a referee, didn't say anything, and silently ate the food. The next moment, his upper body clothes were torn directly. The extremely gentle taste made his crisp head almost stand upright. It's not to cover up his shame, I'm afraid that even the piece of cloth under his crotch will explode!

This dish deserves to be ranked No. 1 by the Totsuki Top Ten Masters!

Si Yingshi watched the performance of the two referees with a confident smile on his handsome cheeks. It seems to be a success. The spicy sauce was first blended into the roasted whole lamb, which not only softened the meat, but also made the later chili powder not too spicy. A slight fusion of the two is an excellent food.

It seems that victory is not far away.

The big star Fuji Kawhi opened her eyes wide and drooled when she saw it, she forgot to live broadcast for a while.

Seeing Hong Shanks's astonishing burst of clothes, she came back to her senses and said in surprise:

"My God! This player Si Yingshi is so strong! It's the first time I've seen the phenomenon of bursting clothes after eating delicious food! I don't know why, but I really want to eat it! Even if it makes me burst out The clothes are worth it!"

The big star Fuji Kazee said excitedly, with that expression, I really want to replace those judges, just for a real treat!

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