Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 873: good man

This hand-made noodle is really perfect. Although the noodles don't account for the first two items in terms of color and aroma, the last word of taste, Jiuga Teruki really brought out the essence.

"Good face, this kind of strength is really amazing!"


With a mouthful of the rich noodle fragrance, a mass of amazing elasticity that seemed to explode cunningly wrapped around the tip of the tongue. The touch like a girl's skin directly overwhelmed the defense line of the noodle maker!

Stab it!

The muscles of the uncle's whole body are swelling at this moment, and the slightly loose robe, at this moment, is directly torn by the muscles!

"This amazing elasticity does not have the slightest pretence, but completely substitutes the fragrance of the soup base, the sweetness and lightness of cowpea are brought into full play, and the slight spiciness and this fragrance are compared, and the fragrance of the noodles is more prominent, This is simply a stroke of genius!"

This mouthful, the uncle ate very happily, one mouthful of noodles went into his stomach, and the whole bowl of noodles was running out!

"Okay, delicious!" The eldest sister on the side didn't organize any language at all. Without him, the food that I have been following for a long time can no longer make her brain think. In the subconscious, only the instinct of appetite is left!

Looking at the last bit of noodles, the uncle suddenly felt a little reluctant to eat it. When will he be able to eat the noodles of Jiu Wo Zhaoji again?

With regret, the uncle is ready to eat the last bit of noodles.

"Uncle, there are tomatoes in the noodles, and if you eat them with noodles, new flavors will appear." Jiu I, who was standing by the side, reminded me as a rule.


The uncle was slightly surprised, isn't this something delicious, why do you have to eat it with noodles?


A whimper came from a table next to it, and it turned out to be the eldest sister.

Seeing her expression, the uncle was startled, "Sister, why are you crying?"

Yes, as he could see, the eldest sister who ate the noodles was already in tears at this moment!

"It feels so warm..."

There is still half of the tomato mixed with noodles on the chopsticks of the elder sister. It turned out that, unlike the uncle's doubts, when I heard Jiuga Teruki's sentence "tomato and noodles will taste different", the elder sister immediately took a picture of me for a long time. It was executed according to Ji's intention, and it turned out like this.

Her state naturally aroused the uncle's surprise. She swallowed the noodles suspiciously with the tomato. The rubbing sensation of the tomato touched the tip of the tongue, mixed with the refreshing noodles. .

Different from the previous explosions, the taste this time is difficult to describe. The sour taste is magically mixed between fragrant and spicy, and the impact is neutralized. Instead, it is unprecedentedly soft and daring. If you insist on describing this feeling In terms of uncle's resume, two words - mother.

Mother's love, isn't it just like this taste, fragrant, spicy, and sour?

Fragrant, represents when mother's love is overflowing; spicy, represents when mother's love is angry; sour, represents when mother's love is hard. This dish is not pure cooking, it contains humanity!

This is beyond the mundane, beyond the world, beyond the rules of cooking!

With the pattern and opinion of the uncle, if you must customize a stage for this dish, then this dish stands on the top of countless dishes, the **** of the cooking world!

That's right, this is God's food!


The chopsticks were severely slapped on the table by the uncle. Under the surprised eyes of Jiu I Zhaoji, the uncle respectfully bowed to Jiu I Zhaoji!

"Fuck, what are you doing, uncle? I'm going to lose my life!" I hurriedly avoided it for a long time.

"That's right, I suspected that your cooking was not at the level of Totsuki Shijie, but now I realize that I was wrong." The uncle sighed melanously, "It wasn't until I ate your cooking that I realized that I Really old."

"You have won awards and awards, uncle, you are also old and strong, aren't you worse than our young people." For a long time, I Zhaoji waved his hand with a smile.

"Oh, I'm getting old." Although he said that, the uncle looked at Jiuga Teruki with more and more admiration, as if... he was looking at his grandson-in-law. Until I was stared at for a long time, I was a little hairy.

For a long time, Teruki I couldn't stand this kind of stare, so I found an excuse and ran back to the kitchen.

I glanced at Yang Ming for a long time. Half an hour has passed, and Yang Ming is still deserted, and there are no guests who need his cooking.

Isn't this nonsense!

All the guests didn't know Yang Ming, and they had never eaten his dishes, so they would be stupid to order his dishes.

"Hum!" Jiu I was proud of Zhao Ji, humming a little tune all the way, and went to my stove to continue cooking, thinking proudly: "It seems that this time, I can easily win the halberd! "

Thinking about it this way, the tune I hummed for a long time became louder, and it felt a little flamboyant.

Seeing Jiuga Zhaoji's sullen face, Uchiha Itachi, who was standing behind Yang Ming, was so angry that he really wanted to hang Jiuga Zhaoji up and beat him hard.

But in the end, reason prevailed over anger. Uchiha Itachi took a deep breath and said anxiously to Yang Ming:

"Boss, this game is really unfair to you. You are in the shop that I have been following for a long time, and there will be no customers ordering your dishes. How can you have a chance to win?"

What Uchiha Itachi said was indeed reasonable, and he was extremely worried that the invincible boss Yang Ming would be smashed into the sand in a Chinese restaurant in this district.

Regarding Uchiha Itachi's words, Yang Ming was very clear in his heart, patted Uchiha Itachi on the shoulder, and said indifferently:

"Don't worry, he has Zhang Liangji, and I have a wall ladder."


what does this mean

Uchiha Itachi looked stunned, but from Yang Ming's tone, he heard the certainty that he was determined to win. He felt a little relieved in his heart.

"Could it be that the boss is really sure of everything?"

"That's right, the boss has always been invincible in cooking competitions, and this time should be no exception."

Just as Uchiha Itachi was thinking about suddenly heard an exclamation from outside the glass window.

Uchiha Itachi turned his head and saw that it turned out to be a group of little fan girls who came here because of Jiuga Teruki, who were yelling at Jiuga Teruki through the glass window.

I saw that Jiu I was slicing the meat, and the force of the shot was very fast, reaching the extreme speed, which instantly made his arms blurred, so that people outside the glass window could hardly see his waving arms.

Seeing pieces of meat floating out, the little fans were stunned, and they all looked at me stupidly for a long time.


These slices of meat can almost dialyze out the light!

His wrists are so powerful!

It looks so safe and masculine!

As the saying goes, serious men are the most attractive, and this is the same for me for a long time. Although I don't know if the things he makes are delicious, his current image makes the little fans feel a lot of goodwill. (https://)

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