Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 885: rare

Tian Suohui hesitated for a while before yielding to Yang Ming's gaze and trying this 'Watermelon Banlangen Instant Noodles'.

"Xiaohui, how does this dish taste?" Sakaki Ryoko and Yoshino Yuki both looked at Tiansuohui and asked.

Tian Suohui almost didn't cry: "I, I... You may not believe it when I say it, but now I actually think that the taste of octopus feet in peanut butter is not bad!"

To be honest, when Tiansuo Hui first entered, it felt like soba noodles, which were more springy, and the Banlangen soup was attached to the surface of the noodles, which was very sweet. But the noodles have no taste at all, or the instant noodles are more resistant to this kind of taste, the more chewy the taste will be less. After eating four or five mouthfuls of the back plate, I can taste the slightly earthy medicinal smell of Banlangen, which is definitely not medicinal! The smell of the medicine completely filled the mouth, it was like a pill, it was really hard to swallow, Tian Suohui could not wait to throw it out immediately.

Well, can I say, is this the author's personal experience? Extremely in tears.

Hearing Tian Suohui's words, Yang Ming couldn't help laughing.

And Sakaki Ryoko and Yoshino Yuki looked at each other in dismay, and didn't dare to taste it for a while.

The other boys also felt a chill behind them.

"What a terrible feeling, the smell of this dish..."

"I think it's a bit hot for the eyes."

The boys were all talking, completely refusing to try.

On the one hand, Sakaki Ryoko and Yoshino Yuki were judges, and on the other hand, out of the curiosity of girls, they tried this Isatis root instant noodles.

The results are obvious.

Sakaki Ryoko and Yoshino Yuki were also about to cry.

"I feel like I don't want to eat instant noodles anymore, this taste is so strange, very strange..." Yoshino Yuki hurriedly drank water after taking a mouthful of instant noodles.

Banlangen instant noodles, think about it is drunk.

Sakaki Ryoko was also helpless.

"Hahaha." Yang Ming smiled and thought it was very interesting. It seems to be good to cook dark dishes occasionally. It really brings a good mood.

The younger sisters finally recovered their strength, and they all gave Yang Ming a blank look.

Especially Tian Suohui, who looked at Yang Ming with those big watery eyes, made Yang Ming feel as if he had committed a crime, as if he had indeed done something he shouldn't have done.

"It tastes really weird..." Tian Suohui was still unable to extricate himself from the taste of Banlangen instant noodles.

On the other hand, Isshiki looked shocked: "No way, my octopus foot peanut butter actually lost to Yang Ming's dark cooking? This is impossible, this is the dark cooking that I finally researched."

This sentence made several boys secretly slander. This guy is not good at researching something, and he actually likes to ponder this kind of dark food. Really...

Isshihui was very unwilling, so he went to taste the watermelon isatis root instant noodles.

After only one bite, Yi Shihui gave up, with a shocked expression on his face: "This, as expected, I can't even compare to Yang Ming in dark cooking..."

Yi Sehui was speechless, with only a capital letter on her face, she was completely devastated.

Immediately, Issei Hui hid in the corner to draw circles, and never mentioned the challenge to Yang Ming again. After losing to Yang Ming several times in a row, even the Dark Cuisine lost to Yang Ming, Isshiki felt that she needed to be quiet.

Yang Ming smiled slightly and ignored him.

As for Isshihui's emotions, Yang Ming can't worry about it at all, Isshihui definitely belongs to the kind of Xiaoqiang who gets stronger and stronger.


The dark cooking competition came to an end, and Yang Ming and the others started carnival again, but Tian Suohui still couldn't forget the taste of Banlangen instant noodles. Yang Ming only touched the girl's head, which made Tian Suohui blushed. I didn't dare to look at Yang Ming anymore.

"Hey, Xiaohui blushed. It's the first time I've seen her like this. She's so shy and cute, hahaha." Yoshino Yuki laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, me too."

Having said this, Tian Suohui's face turned even redder, and he stammered and explained, "No, no..."

Yang Ming smiled. He hadn't felt so comfortable for a long time. After all, in the Naruto world, everyone looked at him with adoration, with a very respectful and cautious attitude, for fear of accidentally offending Yang Ming.

Although it may be cool at the beginning, over time, Yang Ming feels a sense of loneliness that is too high. Layers of invisible film, there is a kind of indescribable awkwardness and discomfort.

But in Yuanyue Academy, everyone is treated equally, even if Isshihui and Tian Suohui knew Yang Ming's identity, they didn't reveal it. Seeing people with colored eyes, they get along very well.

This made Yang Ming feel like he was back in his student days, and there was no mutual benefit, just a simple exchange.

Everyone was having fun together again. Playing to the exciting place, Isshihui actually only wore an apron and started walking around the room with red Yang Ming was speechless for a while, this guy Isshihui really has a special hobby Change ~ change ah.

Yang Ming couldn't complain about the hobby of Yi Sehui, it was too hot for his eyes.

The party continued, and it was late at night, and everyone was still carnival.

Soon, because everyone was exhausted, and soon lost their strength, they lay on the ground at will and fell asleep. Only Yang Ming had already slept before, so he was still relatively awake at this time and had no sleepiness.

In addition, there is also a color wisdom.

As a senior at the school, Isshi Hui tidyed up the messy room, then sat in front of Yang Ming and said with a smile, "Boss Yang Ming, welcome you to join our Jixingliao again."

"Thank you." Yang Ming replied.

"The dishes are all finished, and there is still a little fish, I'll do something." Isshiki said with a smile, and then she went to cook with her naked body and apron on.

Yang Ming narrowed his eyes, his face a little serious.

Is it a dish made by Isshiki?

After a while, Isshi Hui prepared a dish and gave it to Yang Ming.

I only saw Isshiki holding a plate of dishes. The style is relatively simple, but there is a fragrance.

"Try it, I made grilled fish with peppercorns." Isshiki said with a smile.

Yang Ming nodded and tried to take a bite.

The fish meat almost melted in the mouth. It melted in Yang Ming's mouth, and the rich aroma came to the nostrils. This dish is also a perfect use of spring ingredients. The taste is soft and delicate, just like the day of early spring.

Yang Ming was slightly surprised by this level of cooking, and finally looked at Yi Sehui seriously.

Yang Ming savoured the taste of the grilled fish with peppercorns, and sighed in his heart that he was indeed one of the top ten heroes of Yuanyue, and indeed he was not at the same level as ordinary students.

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