Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 906: unexpected challenge

() 'Could it be that Yang Mingjun really wants to be here...' Tian Suohui's body softened when he thought of this, and he almost fainted.

But shouldn't you be yelling in this case? Girl, there is someone next to you...

But before she could come back to her senses, she saw a kitchen knife flying out of the side and heading straight towards this side. She couldn't help but exclaimed, but Yang Ming directly reached out and grabbed it, as if sucking iron. He firmly grasped it in his hand, which made Tiansuohui, who was beating in his heart, heaved a sigh of relief...

"As expected of you~ You are still so powerful, but as a man who is a chef of a cooking restaurant, is it really good to stay here and clean up the vegetable garden?" A girl in a school uniform came out, posing Looking at Yang Ming with a rebellious smile: "I will be surpassed by me who is constantly advancing~"

"You are..." Yang Ming looked seriously at the girl who came out with a domineering smile, and suddenly asked curiously, "...Who is it? Why are you shooting at us?!"

Visible to the naked eye, the girl's face suddenly darkened, and she said without a smile: This kind of natural tone really makes me hate you so much! "

"Say, you didn't put me in the eyes of a woman at all!"

Looking at the girl who "seemed" to be angry, Yang Ming thought carefully, this magnetic voice, domineering tone, strange purple pupils, purple hair, and a beautiful figure...

Finally, the looming muscles on the forearm...

"Oh - I remembered, you are that muscular Hojo without a bag!" Looking at the muscles on her arm, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, Yang Ming clapped his hands and exclaimed with a sudden realization.

"Who is full of muscles!" Sure enough, for girls, this topic will be raised first?

"Also, my name is Hojo Miyoko! Remember it for me!"

"Well~ it's all the same~" Yang Ming waved his hand at will, and put the blushing Tian Suohui from his arms. After seeing that she seemed to be fine, he looked at Miyoko, who was grinning and frowning. He frowned and asked, "But we have no grievances, so why did you murder me? If I sue you, you will definitely go to the juvenile detention center!"

"Humph!" Miyoko sneered, flipped her hair, raised her head to face Yang Ming with her chin, and said arrogantly, "I'm not interested in sneak attacking you, it's just a tactic for you!"

"Eat the halberd! Yang Ming!"

"I reject!"

Before Miyoko could finish speaking, Yang Ming bluntly refused. He grinned helplessly and said, "Also, I'm very busy. Today's schedule is full, and I don't have time to deal with you..."

"No way!" Miyoko waved her hand imposingly, and yelled in dissatisfaction, "Why did you refuse my request to eat halberds, I won't ask you for anything anyway!"

"And didn't you defeat Alice in the past few days, that is, you ate halberds with others yesterday?! Do you think you look down on me?!"

Looking at Miyoko with an angry face, Yang Ming helplessly raised his forehead and sighed: "That ah~ that was just a whim, so I played against Alice, and that match was not a formal halberd. I am against wanton plunder. I don't have much interest in other people's things, even if I don't need a failure condition, I don't want to waste time, you should go back first, as for this matter, I will forgive you first..." After saying this, he was ready to squat down and continue to clean up, casually. He threw back the kitchen knife that Miyoko flew over.

Miyoko gritted her teeth and caught the kitchen knife. After thinking about what she suddenly thought of, she showed that domineering smile, and said to Yang Ming who squatted down: "Then I will mortgage myself, if you can win me, I will do it. A member of your chef team, and if you lose, you'll be a member of my future chef team! How?"

Yang Ming paused, turned his head and looked at her in surprise, does this woman really know what this means? Although he has temporarily left Yang Ming's shop, it does not mean that he has lost the slightest power. During the period of the spirit of eating halberd, there were countless high-level people who praised his cooking, but he created it by himself. The future contacts that came out will become his assistants, and if he dares to leave without authorization...

But not many people can keep her...

You don't have to accompany yourself even if you want to eat the halberd!

Yang Ming stood up, looked at her seriously and asked, "Are you sure? Use yourself as a condition for eating halberds?"

"Also, don't you want to be a famous chef? Giving up your dream for a competition is the most ridiculous behavior in the world..."

"It's really hot~ Your tone of not caring about anything..." Miyoko suppressed her voice and walked over with her fists squeezed. , Seeing Miyoko walking towards him aggressively, his heart was startled, and he blocked in front of Yang Ming almost conditioned reflex, which startled the three people present. The figure of , the words of rejection that I had prepared were not spoken...

Ishiki smiled strangely, looking at the girl who stood in front of Yang Ming but didn't dare to open her arms with interest. She touched her chin and didn't know what she was thinking...

"Uu~ that, UU reading this... quarrel, quarrel is not right..." After holding back for a long time, Tian Suohui only uttered these few words, looking at the tall beauty in front of her, Tian Suohui was about to cry Out,

'What did I do? Why did I run out? Yang Mingjun is so powerful and there will be no problem...' Well, in fact, she has tears in her eyes, even Miyoko, who never likes weak people Some unknown shame, as if I had done something very bad...

'But I didn't even say a word to this girl! ' Miyoko is a little crazy, she just doesn't like being weak and dependent on others, and it's not that she doesn't care about other people's demons, what the **** is this atmosphere like she bullied this little girl!

"That..." When Miyoko was about to say something, a big hand suddenly patted Tian Suohui's head, Yang Ming was behind her, the tiredness on her face seemed to disappear, and she looked at it very seriously. Miyoko said: "Now the reason has been found. I once said that I would not let anyone bully my companion, but you brought out the tears of her bullying. In this case, the reason is enough..."

"Shiji, I accept it!"

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