() "Haha~" Yang Ming laughed twice without laughing, almost igniting Erina's anger again, so he could only suppress his anger and ask, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, but it's a must for students to take classes, not to mention your perfect cooking. If you slack off, do you think you can still be perfect?"

Yang Ming said indifferently, Erina thought about it, and there was nothing wrong. Although Yuanyue respected the strong, there was still something to be done. Even the ten heroes would not slack off. Otherwise, a bunch of people behind them are staring at their position~

But it's not that simple to make her admit defeat. She snorted coldly, thought about it and suddenly asked, "Where are you going?"

"Me? Of course I went to class." Yang Ming thought for a while, "It seems to be some kind of knife skills class."

Erina was stunned for a moment, the corner of her mouth twitched, and she suddenly opened the car door and said, "It happens to be the same for me, let's go together, Miss Ben can take you for a while."

"Huh?" Both Yang Ming and Feishazi were shocked. Of course, Feishazi was surprised that the eldest lady who didn't like letting others get into her car would invite a man without hesitation, but Yang Ming was very tangled. Looking at the building in front of him, he said later: "That, what? Isn't this already there?"

"Eh?" Erina's face was startled. She would rest in the car on weekdays, and it was Feishazi who reminded her that she would wake up. Although she knew the layout of the academy, it was a bit sudden today, which made her unable to react. Zi Meng circled.

Looking at Erina's stunned expression, although the people next to him were far away, they seemed to be watching and discussing something, so he scratched his head and suddenly stretched out a hand and said, "Well, although I don't need to get into your car, but can I ask Miss Erina to walk with me for two steps? It's already at the door anyway..."

Erina came back to her senses, her face blushed, her eyes turned to other places, and she still said arrogantly: "Well~ Although it is a request from the common people, since you have already begged me..."

"Eh? I remember that word, it seems to be please?" Yang Ming asked suspiciously, thinking back to the Japanese he had learned before, it seemed like that was right?

"Tsk," Erina had a tic tac toe on her forehead, but she didn't say anything. She patted Yang Ming's hand and walked out of the car. She walked into the building with a gloomy face, and Feishazi quickly followed. I just glanced at Yang Ming strangely when passing by, but didn't say anything.

Yang Ming didn't know what he did wrong, but the ancients once said, don't be afraid of what you did wrong. When you see a woman angry, you should bow your head quickly, or something big will happen...

A few steps behind Erina, Yang Ming once again sighed at Yuan Yue's capital, not to mention anything else, even this ordinary building is a local tyrant.

But it's really annoying that people passing by keep looking at him. It's completely different from looking at Erina!

Feishako followed Erina, and told her what happened to Totsuki today, and what to do after class. Erina was used to listening to this on weekdays, but I don't know why today she Somewhat unexpectedly irritable, he glanced at the happy Yang Ming who was not far behind and looked around, excited in his heart, he suddenly flipped his hair, turned his head and said angrily: "Hey! What are you doing following behind, it wasn't you just now? Did you let me go with you? Could it be that your memory has decayed to the point of a goldfish?!"

"Huh?" "Didn't you get angry just now? ' The corners of Yang Ming's mouth twitched reluctantly. Now he is more and more unable to guess the girl's mind. Sure enough, it's better to have a straight personality like Lucky Ping Chuangzhen. It's too much work to guess.

But since people said so, it's better for him not to do any unnecessary things to provoke her, or else his stupid mouth will make people angry again.

He quickened his pace and walked to Erina's side, but was shocked by Erina's eyes. He could only walk side by side with her from a distance of two steps, and whispered to himself: "What a troublesome little girl..."

"What are you muttering there?" Erina looked at Yang Ming who was muttering to himself. Although she was embarrassed to talk to him for some reason, she couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Well, it's nothing." Yang Ming hurriedly shut his mouth, but Erina didn't care, and took another two steps to ask suddenly, "By the way, I 'accidentally' heard that you and someone are going to have a halberd-eating showdown, what's the answer? thing?"

"I think I just made an appointment this morning, did you know so soon?" Yang Ming gave her a strange look, but Erina glared back immediately.

"Cut~" Erina cut again inexplicably, but still kindly reminded: "Although your cooking is one in a thousand even from my perspective, don't take it too lightly, the purpose of eating halberds is It is to bring out my best dishes, even if I dare not take it lightly..."

"Is it like the halberd you used to have with Sumo Hotpot?"

Looking at the puzzled Yang Ming, Erina seemed to have cooled down, and asked in a toneless voice, "How did you know?"

"I heard what others said on the way, I was sleeping in the morning." Yang Ming didn't notice it, so he replied naturally, "I heard that Xingping Chuangzhen was eating halberds with your subordinates at noon, and I knew it. Some of your opinions, so some care..."

Erina's face seemed to be a little better, and she asked with interest, "What do you think? Do you think it's bad for me to do that~www.readwn.com~ and even want to stand up for them?"

"That's not true." Yang Ming thought for a while, scratched his head and recalled: "Failure is inevitable, but that's not an excuse for not working hard."

"It doesn't matter how many games you will lose. The key is that you don't learn your lesson after losing. That's the worst thing." Yang Ming sighed.

"Oh~ I didn't expect you to have such an idea. I'm really impressed!" Erina's eyes lit up, and her eyes softened when she looked at Yang Ming. She thought he would treat her like those ignorant commoners. Dissatisfied with what she did, she didn't expect Yang Ming to have such an opinion, and suddenly stopped at the door of the classroom. Yang Ming and Feishazi who followed behind also stopped, looking at her suspiciously.

Well, as for the others, they didn't dare to come over, and they looked here from a distance and couldn't hear what Erina said.

"About my opinion, you may have misunderstood something, or you may have misunderstood something..." Erina turned her head, her face blushed, maintaining a proud tone, and said proudly: "I don't know what you know. , I did say something, but don't get me wrong..."

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