Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 918: Use 4 pots at the same time

() "Haha, it seems that both sides have fighting spirit!" Kawashima Rei looked at Yang Ming with little stars in her eyes, but she still knew what to do, so she quickly explained, "Then, next, the theme is Chinese cuisine, There are no restrictions on ingredients, and the time is limited to one hour! This halberd duel approved by the Central Food Halberd Administration..."

"Officially begin!"


Both of them got to their places and quickly started the processing of the ingredients...

Miyoko took out a pumpkin and several fruits, while Yang Ming took out quite a few ingredients, including rice, glutinous rice, various meats, a few lobsters, and even a chicken... All in all, basically all the people flying in the sky, running on the ground and swimming in the sea appeared, which made the audience stunned for a while.

"Is there such a dish in Chinese cuisine that requires so many ingredients?"

"I think should not be……"

"Don't that guy think that he can win Hojo-san by taking out a bunch of things and burning them?"

"Cut, I thought he was a transfer student with great strength, so he's a rookie!"

"It's just..."

"What a bunch of idiots!"

Just when a bunch of people were laughing at Yang Ming, a female voice that seemed to be a little uncomfortable came from one side, and when I looked around, it was a girl with red hair with her arms folded and her eyebrows somewhat arrogant. .

"In Huaxia, there is a very powerful chef who once made a map of the sea bream continent that combines the four major cuisines. Later, someone improved it and made a real map of the continent. It's useless. Snapper, and the dishes made from real local delicacies, this dish has become the top dish of Shuchuan Chrysanthemum downstairs, and some people have used dishes from four other countries to make it, but the real taste It's not as good as the original, and although the production method is public, even a high-level chef may not be able to make it..."

"Although he is not bringing out the ingredients of the continent map, but the dishes that use so many ingredients should be the continent map,"

The girl talked eloquently, with a longing look in her eyes: "I just don't know what kind of continent map he will make, I'm a little bit looking forward to it..."

The last sentence was whispered by myself, but it also stunned the students next to me. The girl wearing other school clothes knew at a glance that she was not a student of her own school. Why is the professional knowledge richer than the people here. ah? !

The two people on the stage had iron pots in front of them, but there was only one on Miyoko's side, while Yang Ming's side had four, and he was in control of four iron pots at the same time, even those with top pyrotechnic skills were not necessarily can do it.

The gap was widened all of a sudden, but this doesn't actually mean anything. The starting points of the two sides are different. One is only making a single dish, while the other is making a dish that is a combination of several dishes. That's it.

"But I heard that the legendary continent map is not so easy to complete. What it contains is not only the familiarity of various dishes, but also the craftsmanship of combining various dishes into one."

Erina frowned as if worried, and whispered to herself, "Can he really do it?"

"Anlaanla~" Mrs. Nishino heard it. After she said comfortably to Erina, she looked at Yang Ming with some anticipation, ignoring Erina's sudden panic, and whispered:

"I think this young man is young, but his passion for cooking is unique. My intuition tells me that as long as he can do it, he will try his best to do it."

"And, absolutely will do it!"

The big screen showed Yang Ming's calm and handsome face. Although it looked nothing, Erina could see in his eyes an incomprehensible feeling that he would never admit defeat, and the slightly wrinkled brows slowly let go. down...

"Aah~ But Erina-chan seems to really care about Xiao Yangming~ It's so enviable~ It really makes people not only sigh about their youth~"

"Hu, nonsense! I don't care about anything~"

"Ah, shy~"



Mr. Chapelle ignored the two women who were teasing each other, and looked at Yang Ming who was quickly processing the ingredients he had on hand.

But the enthusiasm in those eyes, even Mr. Chapelle, who is so far away, can clearly feel it!

Chinese cuisine is known as the cuisine of fire, probably not only because of the superb use of flames, but also because of the unstoppable flame-like enthusiasm!

The corners of Yang Ming's mouth, who was handling the ingredients at an astonishing speed on the field, began to slowly twitch up unconsciously, a smile that could ignite a flame, and his eyes never cared about anything.

Become full of victory, the desire for cooking grows strong...

"Hi! Time is up!"

Rei Kawashima gave a cute shout, blinked her eyes cutely and said, "Then, according to the production speed, the order of serving will be decided, and Miyoko Hojo will serve first~"

The people in Jixing She couldn't help but feel worried. No matter what, the person who served first has a great advantage. Unless there is a huge gap, it will be greatly affected by the previous dishes.

Although Yang Ming's production speed is still very fast today, the perfect control of the rhythm and speed, like dancing to finish the dishes, those female students who are watching are seriously shining stars~www.readwn .com~ The boys also looked at a considerable part of their attention...

Under normal circumstances, Yang Ming would not let others take the lead, but after all, it is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive dish, and the difficulty factor is almost several times higher than that of Miyoko's cooking, so he lost in this aspect. Miyoko.

With a confident smile, Miyoko walked to the judge's table with her dishes and lifted the lid in front of everyone...

A mellow and sweet smell spread out and spread to every corner of the venue almost instantly. Although the cover had been lifted for a while, the strong aroma still condensed in the venue for a long time...

"This is?"

Chapelle said in surprise: "Pumpkin?"

The dishes finally showed their true colors, but it was a golden pumpkin gu. There were fruits and vegetables of various colors in it, shining with colors that made people feel refreshed just by looking at them, and the strong sweet aroma of pumpkin. It is also mixed with the fragrance of fragrance, and it smells like the most soothing place in the body has been ignited, and people can't help themselves and drool saliva...

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