Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 960: sushi master

In a certain sense, the Summer Festival can be seen as a food festival composed entirely of students from Togetsu Academy.

There are three parts to the stage of the Summer Festival——

The first area, - the most popular main avenue area.

The avenue extending all the way from the main entrance, with tents set up temporarily lined up in a row, is the most crowded and lively area during the entire event period.

The second area concentrates the central area of ​​the conditioning building for lectures.

Types of highly specialized dishes that are difficult to provide in temporary tents or that require special equipment will be concentrated here.

The third area is the mountain area with the highest average customer consumption.

Buildings like hidden secret places are scattered everywhere, and they are used as restaurants. If the chef is not well-known, it is difficult to attract customers. Most of the top ten members will choose to launch dishes in this area. .

At this moment.

Yang Ming came to the small shop opposite Jiuwo Zhaoji.

This is a restaurant that focuses on sushi and ramen.

Yang Ming studied at Yuanyue College during this period of time and learned that sushi is one of the traditional delicacies of Eastern Ying.

The main material is the rice cubes seasoned with sushi vinegar to maintain the body temperature, plus fish, seafood, vegetables or eggs as ingredients.

Sushi has been recorded in the Heian period code "Enki-style" completed in 927 AD. Sushi at the time referred to a way of preserving fish. Rub salt on the fish and press down with a heavy weight to allow it to ferment naturally. When the sour taste is produced, wrap it with crystal rice and eat it. After the crystal rice is cooked and cooled, it needs to be repeatedly rolled. According to "Biography of Dongyi - Biography of the Japanese Country", it is recorded that Japanese people eat sea food, that is, sashimi, which is then wrapped with rice grains to form a kind of fast food.

There are many types of sushi, such as "nigiri sushi, rolled sushi, chirashi sushi, five-eye sushi, pressed sushi, sushi, bar sushi, box sushi" and so on.

Among them, "Nigiri sushi" should be very unique in the whole field of Eastern cuisine, and it is also the most mainstream and most exquisite.

"Nigiri sushi" is also the latest "debut" of all sushi, but it has now become one of the world-renowned Eastern cuisine. It has also become a pillar of local culture.

General "Nigiri sushi" production.

Put vinegar in the rice as the main ingredient of sushi, cut all kinds of fresh seafood such as abalone, peony shrimp, sea urchin yellow, scallop, salmon roe, cod fish white, tuna, salmon and other seafood into slices and put them on the white fragrant rice ball On, knead and knead, then smear with bright green mustard sauce, and finally put it on an antique porcelain plate...

Such a color combination is a real "delicious color".

"Nigiri sushi" has high requirements for the freshness of the fish, so the taste is very delicious and the color is very bright. It is the most common type of sushi in conveyor belt sushi restaurants.

Another popular type of sushi is called "rolled sushi".

Use fresh rice + seaweed + vinegar + crab roe + fresh sashimi or other combination and finally use a bamboo curtain and roll it slowly.

Rolling is a very crucial step. If the rolling is not good, all previous efforts may be lost.

It is necessary to roll a section and compact it, and then press it again, so that the rolled rice ball will be firm and not easy to unravel.

Roll it up, put the rice

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