Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 963: Tousuke Megishima

"I know a little bit about fish fillets, but I want to say that in this dish, the thickness of the fish fillets is really just right."

Yang Ming grabbed a piece of fish, and the tender meat was even more delicate under the light, like a piece of rough jade.

After eating Saito Somei's sushi, Yang didn't forget his mission to detect the enemy's situation, and by the way ordered a ramen from Megishima Tousuke.

If food can really "heal people's hearts", Yang Ming thought, a bowl of hot ramen would definitely be ranked among them.

Yang Ming observed the guests who were eating ramen.

A bowl of thick soup, each sticky noodle sticking to the thick soup, smoked barbecued pork with marinated young bamboo shoots, and sprinkled with a handful of chives.

The fragrant satisfaction completely surrounds the guests, and topped with candied eggs, seaweed and red ginger, it tastes so good.

It is worth mentioning that Tosuke Toyojima uses high-quality wheat flour from Canada, and has intimate contact with yeast for 180 minutes, and constantly adjusts the temperature and humidity of the surface.

Next, after 2,000 times of repeated pressing and grinding, the dough is kneaded by hand into a shape with many wrinkles, and then left for 48 hours. Then the dough is poured into the dough machine, and it is Megishima. Winter is unique.

After being covered with soup, such unique noodles are not only smooth and delicious, but also full of the original aroma of wheat.

It has a taste that no other ramen can replace.

Dongying people will often say that the key to a delicious bowl of ramen is the soup.

The soup head is the soul of ramen, and Tomojima Tou is supplemented by a mellow soup base that is slowly simmered for 15 hours over high heat.

Usually, a small bowl of broth is made from a dozen pieces of pork bones and chicken feet. When the soup is clear and milky, it is combined with the exclusive recipe of Tosuke Onagijima.

The subtle taste of all the collagen dissolved in the soup base needs to be savored.

Boil soup, boil noodles, and make noodles.

Don't look at the simple and repetitive actions.

Tofusuke Megishima can hold this patience is a clear stream.

Yang Ming couldn't help but look forward to it.

As a ramen expert, what kind of delicious ramen does Tousuke Megishima make?

Yang Ming opened his writing wheel again and fixed his eyes on Tousuke Megishima behind the counter.

I saw his palms facing each other, and the ends of his fingers were inserted into the outer edge of the flour in contact with the wall of the basin, and then he was seen lifting the flour from the outside to the inside, from the bottom to the top.

Immediately, he pushed the raised flour into the water in the small hole in the middle, and then saw that he mixed it with his hands at the mouth of the hole, and evenly mixed the flour covered on the water with the water plate to form a snowflake-shaped dough with a grape shape. .

Although this is an unremarkable action, Yang Ming understands the peace face clearly. This is a very detailed issue, and Tousuke Megishima's movements are so skillful, there is no pause in the movements. .

Not long after it started, there were bursts of exclamations from the surrounding guests. Tossuke Megishima, one of the ten heroes of Yuanyue, made many onlookers applaud and marvel with his skillful face-mixing techniques.

"The technique of making noodles seems to be ordinary, but in the ordinary, he is skilled, and every movement is very smooth, which is enough to prove that he has a lot of experience and time in making noodles. Sure enough, Yuanyue Shijie is not simple! "

A guest who seemed to know the opposite point said so.

Tousuke Megijima turned around and started kneading and beating the dough to make it more chewy.

After doing all this, I saw him put the dough aside and start making other ingredients.

He minced garlic, onions, red peppers, plus ripe tomatoes, all cut to the right size and shape.

"Well... is this ready to make soup base?"

Yang Ming touched his chin, looked at the ingredients cut at the Megishima Dongsuke cooking station, and said, "What kind of ramen is he going to make?"

Tofusuke Megishima is very skilled in kneading noodles, cutting ingredients, or doing other things.

There was a large pot on his cooking table, and he seemed to be stewing something, and then kneaded the roughly fermented dough and cut it into long pieces.

Knead each section back and forth a few times, so that it has no edges and corners, this is in preparation for a flawless ramen!

Immediately, put the small noodle section on the panel, put in an appropriate amount of oil, and use the bottom of the palm to push it out from the bottom to the top to expand the noodle section.

Flip over.

And then did the same.

After a few back and forth in this way, strips of ramen noodles with high quality and high quality are ready.

After the ramen was ready, the stew in his pot seemed to be about time.

I saw him lift the lid of the pot, and suddenly a strong fragrance wafted out from the inside.

The fragrance blew away with the wind, making the audience who smelled it drooled and drooled for three feet!

Tousuke Megishima is indeed a ramen expert, and he really has two brushes for pasta. He opened the properly cooked pot, and suddenly a tantalizing smell came out from it.

"Oh oh oh oh... just smelling this scent, I know it's the best chicken bone soup in a It's delicious and makes me tremble..."

"Wow... I can eat several big bowls of rice just with that chicken soup!"

The surrounding guests made such a surprised sound, and their saliva was drooling from the chicken soup.

However, Tosuke Megishima's pot of chicken soup didn't seem to be finished yet. I saw that he put the vegetables he just cut into the chicken bone soup, and then added chicken wings, drumsticks, etc. for a second stew!

Let these ingredients simmer fully in a large pot to incorporate the flavors, so that the soup base of his ramen is complete.

The ordinary people around could smell the strong aroma of the chicken soup from the Tofu pot on Megi Island, and Yang Ming naturally smelled it too.

"Chicken soup? Do you want to make stewed chicken noodles with mushrooms? Tsk tsk!" Yang Ming said to himself.


Tofusuke Megishima is indeed a taciturn representative, without saying a word, he directly brought a small bowl of ramen to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming can be said to be an expert in pastry. He has absolute experience in "noodles" and has eaten countless pasta dishes.

But when he saw the ramen in front of him, Yang Ming's expression changed slightly.

" there a red mushy food in a small bowl other than a bowl of ramen?"

Yang Ming squinted slightly and took the small bowl in front of him and said, "Is this chili sauce? Are you going to put it in the noodles and eat it?"

Yang Ming picked up the mushy red sauce in the small plate and put it into the ramen, then picked up the ramen with chopsticks and slowly sucked it into his mouth.

Tofusuke Megishima can be said to be full of confidence in the ramen he made. He turned around and continued cooking without seeing Yang Ming eating his ramen.

And the face of Yang Ming who ate it also changed!

this... this is...

At the moment of entrance, the energy of the ingredients is continuously launched like a turbulent wave!

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