Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 967: Ways to turn things around

In Totsuki Academy, the grades of each course and the performance of the internship will be recorded in the book and kept as a personal file.

Take the list of the preliminaries for the autumn selection of Totsuki College for example. The selection is based not only on the outstanding performance during the dormitory training period, but also on the previous courses such as French cuisine, Chinese cuisine, and Japanese cuisine, and teachers' evaluations. . Taking these factors into consideration, and after repeated discussions by the selection committee in the fall, the 50-person list was arrived at.

Togetsu Academy's expulsion mechanism actually has another mystery.

A student who appears to be expelled for making the slightest mistake has mostly terrible grades and teacher evaluations if you look through his profile.

In other words, those teachers with excellent memories just made a random excuse to kick the unpleasant guys away.

Not only in the autumn selection, but also in the selection of the new top ten talents, these personal files that record the performance so far are a very important part.

The importance of this summer festival is naturally no less than the previous residential training.

The students participating in the summer festival have to go to various places in Totsuki Academy for a total of one week. At this time, they will try their best to get the best turnover.

But... it seems that many people do not understand the true meaning of the summer festival.

"Please leave your achievements in the places where you work."

This is the bottom sentence printed in the notice of the summer festival. It seems inconspicuous and easily overlooked, but it is the minimum passing line for this summer festival.

"Leave the record"

This is the level that Totsuki Academy believes that its students should reach.

During the summer festival, if you are only busy with the part that you are responsible for, like an ordinary chef, no matter who you are, you can go there, without any uniqueness, then it is undoubtedly unqualified.

The students who came out of Totsuki Academy, since they lost their youthfulness as students, should be in that place as a chef in their own small shop, no matter if they work for a short time or a long time. Carve your own imprint!

Leave your footprint in that restaurant!

That is the most basic level of being a chef entering actual combat!

The students working in these small shops where the summer festival is located, how many problems can be realized and how many problems can be solved is the key point this time.

If you don't even know where the problem is, let alone the student who solves it, it's a sorry goodbye.

For those students who are aware of the problem but are not capable enough to solve the problem, the inspectors of Togetsu Academy usually give points according to the situation.

Of course, in the Yuanyue Academy of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are naturally some perversions, and the things that have been done far exceeded the original expectations...

Just like the small shop jointly opened by Saito Somei and Megishima Tofusuke, in just two days, the turnover has already been among the top, thriving, and the small shops behind are far away.

Noon break.

For a long time I sat alone on the bench, looking at today's turnover, I was about to go crazy.


"Why is that! Even if there are two seniors, Saito Somei and Megishima Tousuke, who are competing on the opposite side, why are there more food stalls next door!"

Hearing Jiuga Teruki's maddening voice, the bald chefs under his command all walked out of the shop with a tacit understanding.

at this time.

Yang Ming quietly came behind Jiuwo Zhaoji, "Yo, little apprentice, what's the matter?"


Jiu I Zhaoji, like a drowning person who found a life-saving straw, slammed on it and was dodged by Yang Ming.

For a long time, I hugged Yang Ming's calf without any image, and screamed and howled: "Master, you have to help me, if the turnover of this summer festival does not make it into the top three, my Chinese Cuisine Research Institute will It will be cancelled!"

Yang Ming raised his eyebrows, "Sure enough, you were eating halberds with people in private!"

"Yeah." For a long time, I bowed my head according to discipline.

Yang Ming did not pursue the things that his apprentice concealed. After all, it was his family's private matter.

The apprentice couldn't help but to help. After some inspections of the small shops in the Summer Festival, Yang Ming had already made up his mind.

"Leave the actual results", this is the passing standard of the summer festival.

And the things Kuga Souki has done in this restaurant so far are ordinary jobs.

Wash the vegetables, cut the ingredients, cook some dishes, and just change people, even if they can't be as perfect as they are, they can still do it well. For his performance in the past two days, if Yang Ming were to score the score himself, he would only be able to score a failing score.

Yang Ming is now more and more aware of the true meaning of the summer festival - that is to make you think about how to turn yourself into an irreplaceable person.

In this world, there is nothing that can be successful without hard There are too many people who work hard. In this city, all those glittering stars are dreams, pick up the bricks Dropping it from upstairs at will can hit a person who thinks he is excellent.

Therefore, Yuanyue wants to tell its students that whether it is work or study, excellence is far from enough, and it must be excellent and irreplaceable.

Taking this summer festival seriously is just the beginning of the road to the top.

Okay... so much has been said...

"So! What to do!" Jiu I looked at Yang Ming expectantly.

"First of all, the question is obvious, isn't it?"

To solve a problem, the first step is to identify the problem.

And the problem with this store has been known from the beginning.

"Sure enough, it's still not popular..."

It's a pity to say that a restaurant with such delicious cuisine but not many customers.

"So, what's the reason?"

"The most important issue is the location selection. Opposite the small shop jointly opened by Saito Somei and Megishima Tousuke, an event was held on the first day of the summer festival, which attracted most of the customers who passed by."

"What about other questions?"

"...It doesn't seem to be there anymore."

Whether it's the level of the menu or the atmosphere of the store, these are big problems in other restaurants, but they are impeccable in "Jiuwo Hotel". Don't worry about these aspects, let their energy also focus.

"Now that the problem has been understood, let's start thinking about ways to solve it." Yang Ming said with his hand on his forehead.

"No matter how I think about it, I can only think of the old-fashioned way of handing out flyers and holding events." Jiu Izhaoji said as he pouted himself. Such an old-fashioned way, I know it's not feasible.

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