Chapter 109

Short book street, in the Park Izakaya.


With the sound of [Jiraiya], [Tsunade] and [Silent] were immediately noticed.

And at the moment when he saw (Jiraiya), Tsunade’s expression was also startled, with a touch of surprise in his tone.


“Why did you come here”

Obviously, she didn’t expect the latter to come out here! And Naruto was dumbfounded the moment he saw Tsunade, because as far as he knew, the latter should be the same generation as Jiraiya.

In other words, the current [Tsunade] should be fifty years old! But the woman who appeared in front of him now looks like her in her teens or twenties, which is completely different from what Naruto had imagined.

Because of this, he couldn’t help but raise a thought in his mind.

“That woman doesn’t seem to be fifty years old, she must be a lascivious deceiver.”

[Silent] When I saw [Jiraiya], she was also stunned. She also didn’t expect to encounter the other two [Sannin] in the legend within a day.

Seeing [Jiraiya] three people 3 approaching, [Tsunade] took a sip of wine and said immediately.

“What day is today, I can always meet acquaintances!”

Hearing that, [Jilaiya] also said directly: “It’s [Oh She Maru], right?”

“You guessed it.”

“What’s the matter with him coming to see you”

The [Jiraiya] expression between the words was a bit solemn.

For the [Oshemaru] who killed [Three Generations of Naruto], he naturally did not want [Tsunade] to agree to the latter’s request.

Although they were once companions, the latter has betrayed Konoha and the friendship between them.


“It’s just a face-to-face.”

[Tsunade] did not inform [Jiraiya] of the transaction proposed by [Oshemaru] because she was still thinking about it.

Immediately after.

[Tsunade] glanced at Jiraiya, then asked.

“Let’s talk about what you want me to do”

“Then I won’t go around in circles.”

Jilai also responded, and then said: “Tsunade, the village wants you to come [the fifth generation of Hokage]!”

Jilai was also not flushing and heartbeat when he said this, as if the facts were really what he said.

But it was not true! It was obviously someone else recommended him to be the [fifth generation of Hokage] and he refused, so Tsunade was moved out.

For his own freedom, he also took the initiative to ask Ying to come to Tsunade.

This was the scene now! Hearing these words, both Tsunade and Silent looked startled.

But it was also because of Jiraiya’s words that the two of them were sure of one thing.

That’s what Oshemaru said before is true, his really killed [Three Generations of Naruto Sarutobi].

Tsunade didn’t mean anything about this! “Oshemaru did it, he told me everything.”

Hearing Tsunade’s words, he didn’t wait for Jiraji to answer, and Naruto was the first to say, “What is really Oshemaru!”

Tsunade’s words are undoubtedly proof of Toku’s previous speculation that he was the one who met Tsunate an hour ago.

Hearing that Tsunade finally noticed the existence of Naruto and Shiyu, he glanced at Naruto and asked.

“Who is this kid”

“His name is Naruto Uzumaki!”

The feeling of getting the answer was stunned, and a sentence flashed in his heart: “[Nine-tailed monster fox], is the person Zhuli?”

But Naruto at this moment is dissatisfied! Although he knows that Tsunade is one of the legendary three ninjas, he really does not think that the latter is qualified to serve as the (fifth generation of Naruto).

Because in his eyes, the position of [Naruto] is sacred and not desecrated! “What is it?”

“Just like she is eligible to be the [Fifth Generation of Naruto]!”

However, as soon as Naruto’s voice fell, he was yelled at by Jiraiya.

“Naruto, you shut up!”

Others may not know why Tsunade became like this, but it is impossible for him to not know.

After berating Naruto, Ji Lai also asked directly.

“I just want to know what you mean by Tsunade, is it willing or unwilling”

After a short period of thinking, Tsunade still couldn’t get out of the shadow of death of [Katodan] and [Senjue Ropeki].

Immediately, three words were also suddenly spit out from her mouth.

“I reject!”

This result exceeded everyone’s expectations, except Shi Yu.

“Your tone reminds me that when I wanted to make friends with you before, you answered me in the same way.”

“make friends”

“Are you sure you are not a girlfriend”

As soon as Naruto’s words fell, Jilaiya’s head shuddered.

Cang Dang! “Speaking of adults, don’t interrupt the children!”

However, Naruto did not shut up because of this, but said: “What the hell is going on with this woman?”

“[Hokage] How many people dream about this position, but we let her take it, she won’t do it!”

In Naruto’s view, this is a blasphemy against the position of [Naruto]! Because his dream is to become [Naruto] and become a hero like [Four Generations].

“Naruto, don’t get excited!”

Seeing such an angry look on Naruto’s face, Jiraiya also dissuaded him, and then said: “To be honest, Tsunade is the best candidate for the [fifth generation of Naruto]!”

“You may not know something about her past.”


Jiraji also gave Naruto a little science about Tsunade’s past, what the most outstanding medical ninja, the hero who put down the war, the granddaughter of the first generation of Naruto, “and, this matter is decided by [Konoha high-level]! ”

“Also, we are still waiting for her to treat Kakashi, Sasuke and others.”

A meal: Bragging, finally stabilized Naruto’s mood! Hearing the words that comforted Naruto, Tsunade couldn’t help but let out a sneer.


“Jilaiya, this kid is far worse than your previous… disciple.”

“It’s not only eloquence and brains, but it’s also unflattering in appearance!”

“I wonder if you are always confused!”

“Compared with the fourth generation of Naruto, most people will be inferior.”

Ji Lai also squinted

But Naruto at this time was very upset, and he drank it immediately.

“Can you say that again!”

Seeing Naruto’s emotions a bit, Shi Yu, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

“Naruto, there is no need to have general knowledge with someone who has lost faith.”

But it was this sentence that immediately caught Tsunade and Silent’s attention.

They weren’t stupid, they obviously heard something in Toki’s words, as if the latter knew some of Tsunade’s past.

Because of this, Tsunade’s gaze firmly locked on Toki.

“Who is this kid?”

“His name is Takikawa Tokiha!”

Tsunade replied, and Jiraiya continued, “He is not an ordinary kid.”

“Oh, you mean he can stand shoulder to shoulder with [four generations]”

“There is nothing worse than it is!”

Hearing what Zilai also said about Toki, Tsunade was also startled.

Because she had never seen Jilai comment on a person in so many years, especially when compared to his most proud disciple.

Not to mention that she was surprised, even Mute! Although Mute is a student of Tsunade, she has also heard of [Four Generations of Naruto].

The latter didn’t know how many girls fascinated at the beginning! Even now he has passed away, but the prestige of (Yellow Flash) still exists, because he has been included in the history of Ninja.

He is recognized as a strong person! But with such an existence, Jiraiya is saying that Toki is even better than him. Isn’t this surprising? At this time, Tsunade and Silent are looking at them carefully. Yu, they want to see what makes the latter unique that it is worthy of praise and praise! They also threatened to exceed the [yellow flash] five! Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read.

The 113th chapter refers to broken mountains and rivers!

However, after taking a closer look at Tsunade and Silent.

After discovering that Shi Yu was a little handsome, there was nothing special about him.

At this moment, they all doubted whether Jilai was really old and confused. “Jilaiya, are you sure you didn’t joke with me”

“Although I am old, I am not confused yet!”

Jilai said bluntly.


Hearing that Tsunade was stunned, he glanced at Toki again.

“Forget it, it has nothing to do with me anyway.”

Tsunade in the words was drinking another bitter drink, and he didn’t have much interest in the truth or falsehood of this matter.

“Leave aside this trend for the time being!”

Jilai also replied, and then said: “I would like to ask you to reconsider the [Five generations of Hokage].”

“[Naruto], haha.”

Tsunade sneered and continued: “Look for yourself, it’s as good as a maneuver to be outstanding, agile and the most talented ninja [Four Generations of Naruto], isn’t it that he didn’t live long, right?”

“It’s just too stupid to take my life into the village for the sake of the village!”

“Even the grandfather who calmed down the war and the [second generation of Hokage] did not end up regretting the village in the end! “Two 2 Zero Zero”

Regarding Tsunade’s words, [Jiraiya] can’t listen to it.

“Tsunade, you have changed!”

“I don’t care what you are thinking, but how can you say such things”


Tsunade let out a cold snort, and then said, “I am in my 50s, and time will change a person!”

“And Sarutobi-teacher.”

“Obviously, what can you do when you are old? Isn’t this looking for death?”

“[Hokage] It’s nothing at all, only a fool will be it!”

At this time Tsunade was undoubtedly drunk crazy by drunkenness.

But when Shiyu heard Tsunade’s words, he sneered in his heart: “Big Sheep, when you are really fragrant!”

Jilaiya and Shiyu can calm down after hearing this, but Naruto can’t help it! Not to mention that [Four Generations of Naruto] is his most admired hero, just [Three Generations of Naruto] is a plus for caring.

He didn’t allow others to insult these two people! Boom! At this moment, Naruto jumped onto the table and wanted to fight Tsunade.

But it was stopped by Jiraiya! “Naruto, this is a tavern, don’t mess around here!”

“Hmm, I don’t care!”

Naruto shook off Jiraiya’s big hand and pointed at Tsunade: “Huh, you actually laughed at [Grandpa Naruto] and [Four generations of Naruto] in my face.”

“Even if you are a woman, I still can’t miss it!”

After hearing Naruto’s words, Tsunade also had a temper.

Da! Stepped on the table with one foot, shook two large mountains, and said, “Little devil, are you courageous?”

“Dare to talk to me like this!”

“You want to fight, right? Come out with me if you kind!”

Regarding Tsunade’s provocation, Naruto at this moment did not hesitate at all, and agreed with one bit.

With his current mood, it is estimated that ten cows will not be able to be pulled back! Ji Lai also sees this, and can only let the two of them mess around.

While watching the two striding out, Shi Yu said: “Laughter fairy, don’t you be so pessimistic?”

“Maybe Naruto’s trouble, things will turn for the better.”

“is it possible”

Jiraiya replied helplessly, but he also had such a naive thought in his heart.

At this time, the two sides have already stood up, standing more than ten meters apart! Seeing Naruto’s anxious look, Tsunade said with disdain.


“As one of the three ninjas, how can I bully you”

“What did you say”

Naruto said in surprise.

“Well, I’m just a finger!”

“Do not make jokes!”

Naruto in the words finally couldn’t bear it anymore, there was no extra waste, and the kunai was rushed towards Tsunade.

However, facing Naruto’s attack on Tsunade, he was unmoved! When Naruto impulsively in front of Tsunade, he only slightly raised his hand, which easily resolved Naruto’s attack.

Moreover, he took the shuriken from Naruto’s hand along the way! As a Sannin Tsunade, his physique is naturally not covered! Touch! With a flick of his finger, Naruto flew out like a cannonball.

Boom! There was no accident, but he fell on all fours.

Standing up, Naruto rubbed his forehead and yelled abusively.

“Asshole, hit my forehead!”


“Before you stay awake, I will ask you one more sentence, why do you care about the name Hokage so much”

Tsunade asked.

“I’m not like you, I

Be sure to inherit [The Name of Naruto]!”

“Because it is my dream to become [Hokage]!”

Hearing this, Tsunade was taken aback.

Because he saw the shadows of two people from Naruto at this time, this sentence was also confided in their mouths.

Seeing Tsunade stunned, Naruto directly seized the gap and used his strongest moves.

To be precise, it is an incomplete move! The hands are quickly intersected, and a weakly stable [Spiral Pill] is also formed in his palm.

“watch out!”

Seeing Naruto holding a [Spiral Pill] attacking him, I felt a second surprise.

Obviously, she recognized this ninjutsu! However, Naruto is still too immature, and it is undoubtedly foolish to want to beat Tsunade with his current strength.

I saw Tsunade [Time Finger] slammed up and waved to the ground! Boom! With a loud noise, the ground under his feet collapsed directly, and there was a kind of: “One finger breaks mountains and rivers.”

The sense of sight.

And Naruto also staggered because of the unstable lower body, and fell directly to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Zi Lai also had a lingering fear, as if he was hiding the familiar picture in his heart.

“That guy Tsunade’s strength is still so great, I remember that when he was beaten by her before, he would take a hundred and eighty meters to fly.”

“By the way, Naruto is really useless!”

Bang! Seeing the explosive effect of the [Spiral Pill] in Naruto’s hand, Tsunade was also slightly surprised.

“Unexpectedly, he could use four generations of ninjutsu!”

“However, there is only this level at the moment, and there is no momentum for that trick at all!”

After whispering in his heart, Tsunade’s gaze also looked at Jiraiya who was watching the show, “Jiraiya, you taught him [Helix Maru], right?”

“What’s so strange about this, how can I say, I am also his teacher.”


“It’s only you and [Four Generations] who know this trick. It’s no wonder that this kid is always talking about [Hokage].”

After a cold snort, Tsunade continued, “Teach him how to be a master of ninjutsu, which he can’t learn at all.”

“I advise you, let him break this unrealistic fantasy sooner!”

As soon as Tsunade said these words, he couldn’t help it before Jiraji could speak.

“I didn’t say anything nonsense!”

“you idiot!”

“Give me three days, I can learn!”

Hearing that Tsunade was also taken aback for a moment, and then sneered: “Hey, the person is not big, isn’t the tone small?”

“I have always been straightforward, this is my [Nindo]!”

After hearing Naruto’s words, Tsunade said, “In that case, let’s make a bet.”



Tsunade nodded, and then said: “I will give you a week, if you can learn this ninjutsu, I will admit that you can become Naruto, and”

“Give you this necklace!”

In the words, Tsuna pointed her finger at the delicate necklace on her chest.

Hearing Tsunade’s words, Mute immediately couldn’t sit still. Why did you say, “Tsnade-sama, that’s your most important thing.”

But to Naruto, it was a worthless thing.

“Huh, who is rare!”

“Naruto, don’t say that.”

At this moment, even Zi Lai couldn’t help but stand up.

“That is the only ore in the world, and it is also the relic of the first generation of Naruto Master, 0.

If you sell it, you can buy three mountains.”

After listening to Ji Laiya’s explanation, Naruto reluctantly agreed.

“Uh, it’s so powerful, then all right!”

“However, if you lose, then your money will be mine.”

Tsunade raised the wallet in his hands.

Undoubtedly, that is Naruto’s wallet! Moreover, there are a lot of them in it, which is the result of Naruto’s previous luck in the game hall.

“Ahhhh, why did my wallet go to her”

“Tsunade-sama, isn’t this okay, that thing”

The silence was not finished, but Tsunade interrupted him: “There is nothing wrong, he will definitely lose anyway.”

“Go, mute!”

When the voice fell, Tsunade turned around and wanted to leave.

At this moment, Shi Yu, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

“and many more!”

Hearing this, Tsunade was stunned, turned his head to look at Toki, and said, “Why, you kid wants to bet with me, too.”


As soon as Shi Yu answered, Zi Lai Ye and others were shocked! Please download Fei to read the ununderlined version of the novel.

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