Chapter 149

Looking at the forest rising from the ground in front of him, Kakashi believed that this was the work of Mu Dun.

Because he also knows better about [Mu Dun], he fought against [Yamato] when he was in [Anbe].

However, what shocked him most was the scale in front of him! Because as far as he knew, even (Yamato) couldn’t achieve this level.

“Who did this on earth?”

“Could it be that Dashewan has successfully cultivated [primary cells].”

At this moment, Kakashi thinks so.

However, when he surveyed three battlefields, he was shocked to find that the remaining three people 3 had also fallen.

Because of this, Kakashi couldn’t help asking.

“Parker, are there only six people here?”


[Parker] between the words nodded his dog’s head, with an extremely positive look.

“That’s weird.”

“If there are only 6 people, then this person who uses [Mu Dun] will be?”

At this moment, Kakashi was plunged into thinking.

In his opinion, the person who performed [Mu Dun] is definitely not the three of Junmaro 3.

Because if they had such abilities, they wouldn’t die here! After excluding Junmaro’s trio 3, Kakashi could only transfer the target to Toki’s trio 3.

But as far as he knows, the three of them 3 don’t seem to know [Mu Dun]! In his memory, Shi Yu also has only two types of [Bloodstain Limit], that is, [Magnetic Escape] and [Shalunyan].

But despite this, Kakashi still left a point of suspense.

Because Shi Yu’s talent was too abnormal, he had reason to doubt whether Shi Yu understood this (Bloodstain Limit).

As for Sasuke and Naruto, he directly excluded them! It’s not that he is not optimistic about the two, but relatively speaking, the talent gap between the two and Shiyu is too big.

If it is one of the three of them, then Shi Yu’s possibility is undoubtedly the greatest.

This is understandable! Shocked and shocked, but Kakashi finally got good news.

That is, Shi Yu’s trio 3 shouldn’t be dangerous anymore.

However, new doubts have come again.

Since Shiyu and the others had killed Junmaro and others, why didn’t they rush back to Konoha, but moved on. After thinking for a long time, Kakashi couldn’t think of a reason.

Therefore, he can only continue to set foot on the road to find the three of Shi Yu 3

That night.

The three of Shi Yu 3 were eating happily in the [Valley of the End] while eating hot pot and barbecue, while fighting the landlord.

A figure came into their eyes, accompanied by a dog.

Seeing this person and dog, Shi Yu didn’t have much surprise.

Because Kakashi would come to them, and he expected it, so he proposed to play here for half a day.

The purpose is to wait for Kakashi to arrive! If Kakashi didn’t press: if the script went to find them, that would be ya.

Anyway, they came from Japan to play! But Naruto and Sasuke were surprised. They obviously didn’t expect Kakashi to come and look for them.

But the most shocking was not Naruto and Sasuke, but! He never thought that Shi Yu and the three 3 would have a picnic here, eating hot pot, barbecue, and fighting against the landlord.

Moreover, it is still in the legendary “land of the gods”

Seeing the three of three like this, Shi Yu was also the first to break the silence.

“Teacher Kakashi, Ahuang.”

“Why are you here?”

“Little devil, they all said that my name is [Parker], not [Ahuang]!”

Parker said angrily.

Kakashi, who heard this, also recovered from the shock, and he was naturally delighted to see that the three of them were okay.

“Uh, I just finished the task.”

“When I passed [Parker] before, [Parker] smelled your scent.”

“So, I’ll follow along and take a look.”

Kakashi’s face was not red and heartbeat, obviously not the first time.

His words are also valid.

After all, the last time [Central Ninja Exam] was forced to terminate, it was [Parker] who accompanied Toki and Naruto to find Gaara.

Therefore, [Parker] There is nothing wrong with the smell of Shiba and Naruto! Hearing Kakashi’s words, [Parker] The dog’s face can’t help but twitch.

Naruto and Sasuke also had no doubts, but Shiyu cast a look at Kakashi that you understand and I understand.

However, he did not reveal the latter! “Kakashi teacher, since he is here, sit down: Let’s play together.”

Hearing this, Kakashi smiled slightly, and sat down with the opportunity:

Immediately Naruto passed a few skewers of barbecue and meatballs, and said: “Kakashi-sensei, here, here is it for you.”

“Uh thank you.”

Kakashi took over the skewers in Naruto’s hands, and then pretended to be ignorant: “Tokiba, how come the three of you are here?”

Flowers 0 “Teacher Kakashi, like this.”

“Because Sasuke was abducted by Oshemaru’s men, Tokiwa and I were ordered by Grandma Tsunade to come and take Sasuke back.”


Naruto retelled the story in great detail, and explained how they killed the Five People of Otonin.

After hearing Naruto’s retelling, Kakashi was also probably the cause and consequence of what happened later.

But at the same time, one thing has been proved! That is, the [Mu Dun] on the third battlefield is indeed from Toki.

Although there had been speculations before, after being confirmed, he was still extremely shocked.

Fortunately, he didn’t ask Shi Yu exactly how many kinds of [Bloodstain Limits] were in his hands.

Otherwise, it is estimated that Naruto and Sasuke will be as shocked as yesterday’s! 0 However, the news of [Mu Dun] alone was enough to surprise him.

Because he didn’t have the chance to see Mu Dun from the first generation of Hokage, so the Mu Dun from Shiyu’s show was the most awkward one he had ever seen.

One move to create a forest is too ridiculous! After a shock in his heart, Kakashi asked another doubt.

“Shi Yu.”

“You rescued Sasuke, why didn’t you go back to Konoha, but went in the opposite direction.”

After hearing this, Naruto and Sasuke fell into silence, and their gazes fell on Tokiwa.

Because all this was Shiyu’s plan, they didn’t know whether to tell Kakashi or not.

And they obviously couldn’t make this decision! Shiyu pondered for a while, and then said: “Kakashi teacher, this is how things are.”

“Actually I have a plan”

Shi Yu didn’t seem to intend to hide it, and simply explained his plan to Kakashi.

His idea is very simple! Since Sasuke is going to return to Konoha in the future, it is natural to let a few people know.

And these people must have a pivotal position in Konoha! To this end, Toki has already selected three people, they are Kakashi, Jilaiya and Tsunade.

So if Kakashi is not coming today, Shi Yu will naturally tell him when he returns! “What did you say?”

“Go undercover at Da She Maru!”

Kakashi was shocked in the words, he did not expect Shi Yu to be so bold.

Let Sasuke go to Dashe Maru as an undercover four! Feilu reminds you: Three things to read when reading

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