Chapter 216

Immediately after.

Naruto left this battlefield behind Gaara because they were worried about meeting other members of the [Akatsuki] organization.

After converging with Chiyo.

Shi Yu and the others came to a plain with endless green grass.

Putting Gaara on the ground, Naruto also said hurriedly.

“Shi Yu, hurry up and take a look.”


Shi Yu nodded, then slowly squatted down.

At this moment, everyone is extremely worried, because they know the consequences of being taken away.

It is also because of this.

Even though they knew that Shiyu’s medical ninjutsu was good, there was still a touch of worry on their faces.

But Yui Shiyu didn’t panic at all, because everything was under his control.

In fact, after the battle between [Central Ninja Examination] and [Ichio Morizuru] was over, Tokiwa planted a seal in Gaara.

Once Gaara’s (Tailed Beast) is taken away and the suppression of its power is lost, the seal will be automatically unlocked.

And Shi Yu planted a strand of chakra from [One Tail] in this seal.

The purpose is to save Gaara a life! Originally, Shi Yu didn’t think so much, but just didn’t want Gaara to die.

He didn’t think of his unintentional act, but it became the key to saving Gaara now.

1 Because of this [one-tail] chakra, Gaara always keeps a sigh of relief.

Although he can’t live, he won’t die easily! Shi Yu did this just in case.

In case the mother-in-law of a thousand generations didn’t press: the plot is coming, she died early, or she is not ready to sacrifice herself. If that is the case, Gaara will really hang on! Therefore, Shi Yu kindly kept a hand.

It is also because of this breath that he can help.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have boasted to Naruto before, saying that he has the ability to treat Gaara.

Because he found that the thread of [one] Chakra in Gaara’s body had been unblocked, and he held the latter’s last breath.

Because of this, Shi Yu is not in a hurry! If Gaara is completely dead, it will not help to input the chakra of (one tail).

At that time, it was only possible to rely on Chiyo’s 【Reincarnation】! Of course, this was Shi Yu’s final plan.

After seeing Shiyu’s inspection, Naruto asked again.

“Shi Yu, how is it?”

“With me, just put your mind on it.”

When the voice fell, Shi Yu started to rescue Gaara, and entered some (one tail) chakras while healed Gaara.

[One Tail] The seal is in his body, it has been fused with his chakra, and it is a part of his life.

This can explain why [Human Zhuli] and [Tail Beast] appear in the same spiritual space.

This is why the [Tail Beast] will die if it is removed from the human column! But the [Tail Beast] will disappear for a period of time.

Because they are already a community! Once [Human Zhuli] died, the body would not be able to condense Chakra.

The power of the tail beast will stay in Zhuli’s body, and only after the tail beast Chakra completely dissipates from the body of the [Human Zhuli], will it re-consolidate between the heavens and the earth.

Therefore, this process is destined to be a long one! And while Shiyu was treating Gaara, the [village] organization who came to rescue Gaara also rushed to the scene.

Kankuro and Temari are among them! “It’s done!”

After restoring Gaara’s vitality, Shi Yu also got up and collected his strength.

When Temari saw Gaara still in a coma, he couldn’t help asking.

“Shi Yu, Gaara, he’s all right”


Shi Yu nodded, and then said: “The signs of life have been restored. I guess I will wake up in a while.”

After getting Shiyu’s confirmation, Temari is also in his heart.


Those Sand Shinobu who didn’t understand Shiyu’s abilities, but they didn’t believe it.

Because in their perception, once the tail beast is pulled away, it will definitely die.

Unless the gods take action, it is impossible to bring them back to life! Because this kind of thing has happened more than once in their [Shayin Village].

Although they doubted in their hearts, they didn’t tell the truth.

After all, Konoha helped them [Sakura Village] this time. Not only did he heal Kankuro, but he also helped them find Gaara.

Because of this, Chiyo has personally verified it.

However, she was shocked to find that Gaara was extremely vigorous at this time.

Moreover, the powerful body in her body actually suppressed her.

But this is not the point, the point is that she is very familiar with this chakra.

That is [Ichio]’s Chakra! [Shouhe] was sealed into Gaara herself, so she believes in it.

Originally, she had sacrificed herself to save Gaara by using [Reincarnation], which was the best way she thought of.


But what she never expected was that Shi Yu actually saved Gaara to life.

At this moment, Shi Yu really looked like a godlike existence in everyone’s eyes.

They knew that Konoha’s Tsunade was the first person in the ninjutsu world of medical ninjutsu, but they didn’t expect her disciples to be so terrifying.

Because of this, Tsunade’s height in their hearts has also risen! Half an hour later.

Gaara finally woke up from a coma, and the scene in front of me was bewildering.

He fell into a coma during the battle with Delada.

So, he has no idea what happened! “What the hell is going on”

Hearing Gaara’s words, Naruto smiled and said, “They all came here to save you.”

“help me”

“Well, you really caused me a lot of trouble.”

Naruto’s voice fell, and Kankuro echoed.


“You brother really caused a lot of trouble for everyone.”

Seeing the words of the two, Temari said with a big sister’s attitude.

“You two are too arrogant too 040”

“I Gaara is [seal], pay attention to your attitude!”

Having said that, there is a smile on Temari’s face.

Immediately after.

As the sister of Temari, he immediately cared: “Gaara, how are you feeling now”


Gaara made a soft cry and was about to stand up, only to find that his limbs were slightly stiff now.

This is normal! Gaara has been on the verge of death for so long, the whole body is exuding coldness, only a ray of flame is beating in the heart.

If it weren’t for Shi Yu to leave the seal, if he is alive now, then Qiandai can only die.

“Don’t stand up yet, your body is still very stiff now.”

As Temari’s words fell, everyone around them also sighed after a while.

“Great, Master Fengying is fine!”

“Yes, thank goodness!”

“No, the one who wants to Xie Muye…Xia Ren!”



At this moment, everyone’s eyes shifted from Gaara to Shiyu’s body.

Although Shi Yu was just forbearance, there was no disdain or contempt in their eyes at this time.

Some are just grateful and amazed! I have such a heaven-defying medical ninjutsu at a young age.

However, if Chiyo tells them how to defeat the scorpion, it is estimated that they will be able to startle the scorpion.

At that time, it will not be as simple as amazement! To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download and fly

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