Chapter 239

【Root:】In the base.

Danzo was looking down at Sai who was kneeling on one knee, and his cold voice slowly sounded.

“Unexpectedly you would mess up the task!”

“Master Danzo, because there is a reason for it.”

“Oh, then you give me a reason to convince me.”

“That’s because Dashewan died!”

As soon as Saai said this, Danzo’s old face without waves finally made waves.

He never thought that Oshemaru would die, but he didn’t think it would be Shiyu, Naruto, and Yamato.

Because in his opinion, Trio 3 should not have this strength! “Dead”

Danzo murmured, and then asked: “Do you know by whom he died.”

“It was killed by Shi Yu!”

“You mean Takikawa Tokiha”


Seeing Sai nodding, Danzo’s heart was suddenly stunned by the ripples.

Oshemaru is alive or dead, he doesn’t care at all! Although the latter is stronger, there are people who are stronger than him in this world.

Moreover, Oshe Maru has offended many people for research purposes, and Tuesday and death by accident are also within the scope of acceptance.

This is also the 16 reason why Tuan Zang didn’t feel much consternation after hearing the news of the death of O She Maru.

However, Sai was telling him that killing Oshemaru turned out to be a ninja! He even knew that Shiyu’s strength should be very strong, but he was already so strong without the latter.

You must know that Oshemaru is one of the legendary three ninjas! Even he was not sure to kill it, but now it was achieved by Shiyu.

Can this not shock him! “Sai, you saw it with your own eyes”

From Danzo’s words at this time, it can be heard that there is still a doubt in his heart, and he does not want to believe this fact.

This is understandable! Anyone who doesn’t know Shi Yu hears the news carefully will also have doubts in his heart.


Sai responded, and then said: “I was guarding at the time, so I didn’t see it with my own eyes.”

“Then how are you sure that Dashemaru is dead”

Danzo continued to ask, as if he had found a horn that could be drilled.

“At that time, there was a earth-shattering battle, and then it was said that I couldn’t sense the Chakra of Oshemaru, so”

Sai probably told the story, but it was a little changed when it fell in Danzo’s ears.

“Since you didn’t see it with your own eyes, this news is not necessarily true, maybe it is the method they used to fool you.”

“Or Oshe Maru escaped, but they didn’t notice it!”

Danzo analyzed it, and the magnificent heart was slightly relieved.

Until there is no conclusive evidence, he would not believe this fact! “Oh, yes.”

“According to time, didn’t you just arrived at Tiandiqiao today? Why are you back now?”

“That’s because of [Flying Thunder God’s Art]

“[Flying Thunder God’s Art]”

Danzo, who was in the middle of the talk, some of his heart was surging again just now.

[Flying Thunder God’s Art] He hasn’t heard this accurate statement for fifteen years, but in the past fifteen years, he hasn’t heard anyone learn this [Space Ninjutsu].

Three figures flashed in Danzo’s mind, Shiyu, Naruto, and Yamato.

In the end, the face that froze in his mind was neither Shiyu nor Yamato, but Naruto.

Yamato’s bottom line Danzo basically understands that he is unlikely to learn the [Flying Thunder God Art].

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that the latter learned by chance.

As for Shi Yu, Danzo felt that the latter had such a possibility, after all, his talent was there.

However, it made him think that Naruto is the most likely! Most people don’t know the secret of fifteen years, but as the leader of [Gen:], he knows it all.

Naruto is also the son of [Four Generations of Naruto] in addition to [Nine-Tailed Juli].

Although not many people know this secret, he definitely knows it! It is because the [Flying Thunder God Art] is a famous skill of [Four Generations], and it may be that he left Naruto before he died.

And Naruto and Jilai went out to practice for more than two years, it is possible to learn this 【Flying Thunder God Art】.

That’s why he thought it was Naruto! And because of that, Danzo asked in a confirmatory way: “Is it the Kyuubi Renzhuli?”


Seeing Sajing shaking his head, Danzo was also taken aback.He obviously didn’t expect that he would guess wrong.

“But Yamato”


As Sai shook his head again, the waves in Danzo’s heart became more and more turbulent.

Obviously, this result was far beyond his expectations! Since Naruto and Yamato were eliminated, the only four of them in front of them were Sai and Toki.

He is clear about Sai’s abilities, and he hasn’t mastered the [Flying Thunder God Art]! Then the answer is obvious.

Just when Danzo thought there was a possibility of other people, Sai’s words shattered his conjecture.

“Master Danzo, the [Flying Thunder God Technique] is exactly that Takigawa Tokiha!”

“Captain Yamato and I were sent back together with him. I can testify of this!”

After getting the confirmation, Danzo didn’t know what he was thinking under his rolling eyes.

However, the flickering consternation couldn’t be concealed! He felt that Shi Yu was not easy for two years, but he didn’t expect the latter to be so perverted.

It turned out to be: I learned the [Four Generations] Art of Thunder God without speaking! At this moment, Danzo suddenly thought of something.

Maybe two years ago… the one who killed Shi Yu and sent to monitor Shi Yu was not Ji Laiya, but Shi Yu himself.

“If that’s the case, this one would be too scary!”

Just as Danzo was muttering in his heart, Sai’s voice also rang again.

0 Master Danzang, I have a request.”

Hearing this, Danzo was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: “What request?”

“Enable me to temporarily stay in Kakashiban under the name [Sai]”

“Do you want to continue to observe Shiyu?”


Sai nodded and didn’t lie.

“I have the same idea.”

“But, Sai, you have to understand that feelings will attract hatred, and hatred will attract war.”

“You may be right.”

Sai responded, and then said: “So, I want to witness it myself!”

“That’s it, you can withdraw.”


A flash of joy flashed in Sai’s eyes where the voice fell, and then he disappeared before Danzo’s eyes.

Although Sai told Danzo most of the things, he didn’t tell about Sasuke.

Obviously, he did hide some things! However, this was also because Danzo did not ask him, and this was a response to Shi Yu.

After Sai left.

Danzo looked into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long time, he slowly spit out a word.

“Takikawa Tokiha, will you be the next [yellow flash]”

However, Danzo couldn’t think that the current Toki was much better than the [Hafeng Water Gate].

Because the two are no longer at the same level! And to be precise, Shi Yu is “golden glitter”

! Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading

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