Chapter 266

Naruto Office.

When Tsunade saw Shiba and Naruto return, there was also a smile on his face.

“Everything is done.”

“It’s done.”

Hearing Toki’s response, Tsunade said, “Then take a good rest these few days, I guess Jiraiya should be back in a few days.”

“Oh, right.”

“Go and see Kakashi. Although the guy didn’t say anything on the surface, I can hear a trace of worry in his words.”


Shiyu nodded, and after a few brief conversations with Tsunade, Kazuto Naruto left.

Looking at the boy who disappeared in Hokage’s office, Tsunade looked contemplative.

“Is he really just a boy under the age of sixteen?”

Having been in contact with Shi Yu for so long, she felt that Shi Yu’s maturity and stability were completely inconsistent with his age.

Because of this, Tsunade’s mind couldn’t help but a touch of groundbreaking thoughts surfaced.

But the idea was immediately killed by it in the next second.

“What am I thinking?”

“Although his character is mature and stable, he is a child after all, and I”

At this point, Tsunade also stopped talking.

I got up and looked out the window, my rolling eyes didn’t know what I was thinking

After leaving the Hokage Tower.

Shi Yu and Naruto are separated, it’s not early today.

And they also came back from the [Northern Secret House] just now to take a good rest, so they decided to visit Kakashi tomorrow morning.

However, Shiba ran into Sakura and Ino on the way home, and they seemed to have just completed the learning content specified by Tsunade.

After Ino found out that Sakura and Tsunade had learned medical ninjutsu, she also saved her face and let Sakura teach herself.

Later, Shiyu and Tsunade mentioned by the way, and the two of them had studied with Tsunade together.

It’s okay if Yu doesn’t show up at this time, the two basically won’t be able to draw their swords.

But if Shi Yu appeared, it would be terrible, just like now.

The moment they saw Shi Yu, their listless pretty face instantly glowed with brilliance.

I can’t wait to go back and put on a good makeup look, and show my best side in front of Shi Yu.

“Shi Yu!”

“Shi Yu!”

The two screamed in unison, and then trot to Shi Yu to become stronger, and two pairs of beautiful eyes fell directly on Shi Yu’s body.

One person pulled Shi Yu’s arm, and it was no different from fighting for favor! Shi Yu felt the softness from the mountains halfway between the two, knowing that the two women nowadays have matured and are old enough to be picked.

However, in comparison! Kozakura is really small, no wonder Ino calls her “airport” every day


However, relative to them.

Shi Yu felt that the [Xi Ri Hong] and [Red Beans] should be taken down first, otherwise the mature flowers would wither over time.

“Shi Yu, you just came back.


Seeing Shiyu nodding, Ino asked again, “You probably haven’t eaten yet.”

“I just ate a bowl of noodles: I filled my stomach!”

“How can you be full with noodles.”

Ino responded, and then said: “Why don’t you go to my house for dinner, my mother just marinated pig’s feet today, it’s fragrant.”

Hearing that Ino was so courteous, Sakura was unwilling to lag behind.

“What’s so good about braised pig’s trotters? My dad’s sauced beef is a must!”

“Shi Yu, let’s go to my house.”

“Go to my house!”

Ino hurriedly said.

“my home!”

Kozakura replied.


Just as the two were arguing, a word suddenly came out of Shi Yu’s mouth.



The two women who heard this were stunned, and immediately fell silent.

“In order not to disappoint you two, I took a compromise.”

“You two guess the box, whoever wins today I will go to dinner.”

“Don’t be discouraged by the one who loses, I’ll go tomorrow!”

“As for whether it’s Ino’s [Stewed Pork’s Trotters] is delicious, or Sakura’s [Sauce Beef] is better, I only know if I have tasted it.”

“What do you think of this?”

Shi Yu’s remarks directly confused the two who were jealous of the wind.In fact, their original intentions were not like this.

But now, it was Shi Yu’s senior management who compared whose food was more delicious, and the battle for her husband was resolved in a disguised form.

Although reluctant to do so, they are also helpless.

Because this is undoubtedly the best way at the moment, when I saw who’s food was more suitable for Shi Yu.

As the saying goes, if you want to keep a man’s heart, you must first keep his stomach.

“I agree!”

“I have no objection!”

After the two responded to Shi Yu’s question, they began to guess the box under Shi Yu’s witness.

Today’s luck seems to have fallen to Sakura’s side! “I won.”


Ino snorted coldly, and then said: “What can I do if you win, it would be miserable if your family’s meals are out of time and Yu’s appetite.”

Although a little unwilling, Ino could only laugh at it.

After all, this was what they agreed to Shiyu in person, and she naturally couldn’t go back.

Of course, the most important thing is that Shi Yu will still go back to her house for dinner tomorrow, but it is only one day late.

Good food is not afraid of being late, she is convinced of this sentence! It is like her absolute figure has a unique advantage over Sakura, especially the pair of towering mountains.

Among the younger generation, few people can stand up against it!

Shiba followed Ino’s helpless gaze and followed Sakura

After a while.

Kozakura pointed to a house and said softly: “Here, this is my house.”

Looking at the house in front of him, Shiyu was also full of thoughts, because this was his first visit to Kozakura’s house.

Creak! As the door was opened, the figure of a woman caught Shiyu’s eyes.

She was an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman, neither beautiful nor ugly! With a medium appearance, she couldn’t compare with such beautiful women as Uzumaki Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto.

“Sakura, I’m back.”

Sakura’s mother in the middle of the word saw Shi Yu and couldn’t help asking: “Sakura, this one is.”

“Uh, he was my former classmate at Ninja School, and we also performed missions together later.”

“Furthermore, I was able to worship the master Tsunade, thanks to his help.”

After hearing Sakura’s words, Sakura’s eyes changed when she looked at Shi Yu.

Obviously, he also heard Sakura mention this matter.

She also told Sakura before that she would take Shiyu to the house for a meal, and thank them very much.

But at that time, Kozakura obviously didn’t have this mental preparation, so it has been delayed until now.

Bring a boy home, which obviously has a deep meaning! “You are Shi Yu, right”

“Hello Auntie!”

Seeing Ying Ma’s inquiry, Shi Yu also responded politely.

“Okay, so don’t stand here, go into the house and do it.”

Sakura’s mother led Shiyu into the house, and Sakura immediately talked to Dad Sakura about the [Sauce Beef].

So, the couple started playing in the kitchen! As for Sakura.

After a lot of hustle and bustle, Shi Yu invited Shi Yu into his boudoir with a little shyness.

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading

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