Chapter 270

That night.

Shi Yu’s meal in Ino: Dinner is also comfortable, and her father [Yanaka Keiichi] likes Shi Yu very much!!!.

Sakura’s parents are ordinary people who don’t know how enchanting Shiba’s talent is, but Ino’s father [Yanaka Uiichi] is a real Shinobu.

He has seen Shi Yu’s performance in the past three years, and he naturally appreciates Shi Yu.

If the latter can tie his daughter to a marriage, then he is obviously very happy to comment.

But then again.

Ino’s mother’s [Stewed pork knuckles] is really good, and it really matches with Sakura’s [Sauce Beef].

But this is not the point! The point is that when Shi Yu returned home, he found a person standing at the door.

A woman! She didn’t meet Yu Rihong, nor Sakura, Tiantian, Hinata and others.

It was Konoha’s special Shinobu, Mitarai Adzuki beans! Obviously, she should have come specifically to find Toki! If no accident, it should be about Oshemaru.

After some thoughts flashed in his mind, Shi Yu was the first to speak out.

“Teacher Hongdou, you have something to do with me”


Hongdou nodded, and then said: “There are some things, I want to talk to you.”

“It’s cold outside, come in and talk.”

During the speech, he took out the key directly, punched the door, and invited the red bean into his house.

Shi Yu’s house was not considered luxurious, it was no different from ordinary people.

After Aki-dou simply visited Shiba’s house, he finally got directly into the theme.

“Shi Yu, that…”

“Teacher Hongdou, do you want to ask if Dashewan is really dead”

Seeing Shi Yu express the doubt in his heart, Hong Dou also nodded.

Even though he knew that Dashe Maru had done all the bad things, she still had a trace of mentorship in her heart, who was kind-hearted.

Because at first, after she learned the secret of Oshemaru, the latter did not kill her, but only sealed her memory.

“I learned from Master Naruto that you killed the Oshemaru”


Seeing Shi Yu’s personal confession, Hong Dou’s expression became calm, and three words sounded in his heart.

“Is it dead?”

Seeing that red bean is like this, Shi Yu asked.

“Why, don’t Teacher Hongdou want him to die?”

“It’s not!”

Hongdou replied softly, and then said: “I just feel that there is no goal in my heart, and it’s a little lost.”

Adzuki bean didn’t lie, but she actually wanted to kill Da She Wan.

But as a disciple, although she always said this in her mouth, she didn’t know if she could actually get that…hand at that time.

Secondly, she might not be able to kill Oshemaru with her strength! But now Shiyu did it for her, making her look like this when she lost her goal for a while.


He took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and the voice of Red Bean slowly sounded.

“Shi Yu, thank you!”

The red bean between the words directly hugged Shiyu under Shiyu’s stunned gaze, and Shiyu felt the softness of the mountains again.

This time, Shi Yu was bold.

He directly stretched out his hand and hugged the red bean, and at that moment, his body suddenly trembled.

But Shi Yu said with a machismo.

“Teacher Hongdou, cry if you want.”

Hearing Shiyu’s words, the red bean was so restrained, the head lying on Shiyu’s shoulder heard a choking sound.

Although he didn’t howl and cry, Shi Yu knew she wanted to vent.

This hug was a long time! Time passed bit by bit, and then the red bean holding Shiyu was actually asleep in choking.

This result made Shi Yu quite a headache! He had planned everything and waited for the red bean to slow down, just taking advantage of this atmosphere to rectify the Fa on the spot.

But now it’s okay, the latter fell asleep! If the red bean was not asleep, then Yu could be a little stronger at that time, or even the overlord could take the bait.

At that time, it can be seen whether Hongdou’s attitude has completely unloaded his heart.

But the problem is that the latter is asleep. If he starts at this time, it will inevitably make Hongdou feel that he is a villain at risk.

It is estimated that the good sexual happiness in the future will be lost! This is not the result Shi Yu wants to see.

Therefore, Shi Yu could only suppress the…primitive restlessness in his heart! Of course, Shi Yu was not stupid.

Since it is not the usual ripe apple, but it is possible to enjoy the sweetness of this apple in advance.

This is the end of my thought.

Shi Yu also didn’t talk nonsense, and directly carried the red bean on the bed.

Seeing the beauty close at hand, Shi Yu swallowed, then turned off the light, and fell asleep in his arms.

In his sleep, Shi Yu seemed to hold his arms tighter! The next day.

When the morning sun cuts through the clouds and shines on the earth, the coldness of the night is gradually fading.

As the warm sunlight crawled along the wall from the window into Shiyu’s room, Shiyu, with a smile on his face, finally woke up from his sleep.

Although he hadn’t opened his eyes yet, the softness in his hands made him love it! When he opened his distressed eyes, he found that Adzuki hadn’t awakened yet.

So he continued to pretend to sleep, and brought his head closer.

In this way, when the red bean wakes up, something wonderful may happen.

After struggling, his hands still left Hongdou’s body.

I have been a gangster all night, and I naturally woke up to pretend to be a gentleman! That’s it, it took about half an hour.

The red bean’s eyelids moved in his sleep, and finally opened those beautiful eyes.

But the scene that caught the eye was shocking! If it wasn’t for the face reflected in the pupils that made her feel uncomfortable, I guess she wouldn’t be as simple as screaming.

Instead, he would kick the man who was sharing the bed with him and kill him without hesitation.

But because this person was Shi Yu, she didn’t do that! On the contrary, a shy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Because she knew why she would spend the night at Shiyu’s house, and why the latter would sleep with herself.

For example, she herself is holding Shi Yu now! Not surprisingly, she fell asleep when she held Shi Yu to release her emotions last night.

In her opinion, it should be Shi Yu who was afraid of waking herself up, so she let herself hug to sleep like this.

Because she didn’t see Shiyu holding her arm around her, and one arm rested on her head.

This move made her very touched! Looking at this face close at hand, Hong Dou didn’t know what she was thinking at this time.

A heart that hadn’t beaten violently for more than one or two decades was rushing wildly at this moment, and a bold idea came into his mind.

What was even more frightening was that she wanted to act! She saw her head slowly leaning towards Shiyu, and a beautiful lip was infinitely close to Shiyu’s cheek.

No surprises.

A dragonfly splashed water on Shiyu’s face, and the feeling at that moment made Shiyu quite enjoyable.

It’s a pity that the four lips are not facing each other! But of course the act must be done to the end, Shi Yu naturally can’t wake up.

Otherwise, I don’t know how embarrassing this picture will be! After all this, Hong Dou hurriedly retracted his head, and the small heart beating more and more violently.

At the same time, various ideas continue to emerge in my mind.

“What am I doing?”

“How can I have such thoughts about Shi Yu?”


With all the thoughts flashing in his mind, Hong Dou hurriedly got up and stood by the bed watching Shiyu while still pretending to be asleep.

Hongdou watched for a while, and finally sighed.


There is no more words, Hong Dou finally turned and left, and no one knew what she was thinking at the moment.

But no matter

One thing is certain about what she is thinking.

That is: She already likes Shiyu! As for the final result, it depends on Shiyu’s ability.

The second after Hongdou left, Shi Yu also slowly opened those slightly closed eyes.

Turning the like formed eyes, I don’t know what bad idea I’m making again! Feilu reminds you: Three things to read and accept

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