Chapter 281

After the three major snake girls joined forces to display the [Spell of the Immortal Magic Mind], the space around Shi Yu began to twist.

Next second.

Shi Yu came to a dim space with boundless rays of light.

There is no sunshine, no lights, and no moonlight here! It is pitch black, and there is no end in sight.

Seeing that he was in a strange space, Shi Yu didn’t panic a little bit.

And in this space.

In addition to him, there are three people3! They are the three big snake girls who perform the spells, and the different space of the [Demon Mood] is broken by the three of them together.

There are no matter different spaces in the world, and the different space where Shi Yu is now is only one of them.

This different space and [Divine Power Different Space] are not the same! Just like the several different spaces owned by [Datong Mu Huiye], they are all different.

The only difference is that [Datong Mu Huiye] simply modified the different spaces he discovered, so that each space has its own characteristics.

But in addition to these, there are still some unknown spaces in this world.

For example, “Reaper” in [Ghoul Sealed]

The different space where you are! “Soul” after death

A different space to go! There is also the “spiritual body” of [Six Dao Immortals]

The different space where they are! Although the three big snake girls are in this different space, except for the Tanjin Ji in front of them, the other two are still hiding in the dark.

no way.

They had to come in, because this alien space had to gather the power of the three of them to be able to open it.

They had to come in if they wanted to observe Shi Yu! Shi Yu glanced around, stopped for a moment in one direction, and then retracted his gaze.

Perceiving this scene, [Ichikishima Hime] couldn’t help but say.

“Sister, did that guy spot us?”

“Can’t put”

[Tian Xin Shen Ji] replied uncertainly, and then said: “Our aura is so restrained, and we are integrated with nature. It should be difficult for him to find us.”

“However, just now the second sister told me that this kid has mastered one of the legendary three pupil techniques [Shaolunyan].”

“Moreover, it has reached the second form [Kaleidoscope writing round eyes]. If he can find us, it is not impossible.”

“Because even if we are one with nature, [Xianshu Chakra] is too dense, and it is inevitable to arouse suspicion.”

“But, even if he finds out what we can do”

“Uh, that’s what it said.”

【Shikishima Hime】Stunned, and then tapped the head lightly.

[Tian Xin Shen Ji] It was right, Shi Yu realized that it was really no big deal for the two of them to observe in secret.

But it is also because of this, let their hearts be filled with consternation! They have been responsible for trials for so many years, this is the first time they have been secretly spied on.

And between their consternation, Shiyu’s voice slowly sounded.

“Miss Jin Ji.”

“Isn’t it going to test my heart? Why did you bring me into a different space?”

“You are the weirdest person I have ever met, or the most confident!”

[Tanjin Ji] replied and continued: “Others are worried that the trial will come slowly, but you are so impatient.”


“I don’t want to end the trial soon, and then go to see [White Snake Immortal].”

Shi Yu smiled.

“If that’s the case, that’s what you want!”

The [Tanjin Ji] whose voice fell is also no longer nonsense, and the hand-printed style is reproduced, and it is directly used to perform the illusion in the [Demonic State of Mind].

[Dark Demon Mythical Mythical Mythology]! After [Tanjin Ji] unblocked the illusion in this [Dark Demon State of Mind].

The originally dim world changed drastically in an instant and turned into a forest hell! At this moment, Shiyu is in the center of this forest hell, surrounded by undead and enchanted.

Some of them had the souls of people who died, and some were people Shiyu knew! But whether they were enemies, relatives or friends, they were all carrying out a powerful mental attack on Shiyu at this moment.

They first tried to disturb Shi Yu’s mood with words, but the effect was not great.

No matter how they abused, Shiyu was like a Tarzan in the hell of the forest.

Regardless of the wind and rain, he remained motionless! Time passed by one minute and one second, but Shi Yu was still standing in the hell like a stone pillar.

Seeing this scene, the three big snake girls had to admire Shi Yu’s determination and xinxing.

Although the tester knows that this is an illusion, it is a test of a person’s mind.

But even if he knew how to bear the pressure of the spirit, it was inevitable! However, from beginning to end, there was no wave on Shiyu’s face, as if all the words of the world could not shake his heart.

It seems that he has lived for fifteen or six years, and nothing can touch his heart.

But it is not.

Because even if a person is in Qingming, there will always be unsatisfactory things.

Even if it is a monk, there are times when the six roots are not clean, let alone Shi Yu is still a traverser.

Even if it doesn’t exist in this world, it must have existed before crossing! And the reason Shi Yu was not affected at all at this moment was because he was not under the control of such illusions at all.

It is not so much that he is deeply trapped in this phantom ghost, it is better to say that he is feeling and learning this celestial law.

But the three big snake girls who don’t know the reason are anxious.If this continues, the situation will obviously be unfavorable for them.

At this point, [Tanjin Ji] The Indian style of her hands changed again.

“Since you can’t use your mouth, just do it!”

As her voice fell, only the dead souls and spirit bodies began to attack Shiyu’s spiritual consciousness.

This is the strongest place of [Demon Ghost], [Dead Soul Eater]! If the trialer cannot survive, he will die! Because now this is not just a trial, but a gamble! Win! Yes, they will have a mysterious and interesting male servant! If they lose, [Shikishima Hime] will be the latter as a maid! It’s about their little sister’s life, [Tanjin Hime] naturally dare not slacken off.

However, [Tanjin Hime] should stop when Tokiwa is dying.

She controlled the [Demon Demon Mythical Mythology], but there was no problem in keeping Tokiwa alive.

But it’s a pity that she won’t have this opportunity! Because with Shi Yu’s strength, even if she is trapped in this (Fairy Magic Magic), she won’t be in any danger.

He still stays here now, just want to take the opportunity to master this (illusion spell magic).

Seeing the numerous dead souls and spirit bodies slaughtered towards Shiyu, a low groan was also heard from the mouth of [Tanjin Ji].

“I see how you can withstand such mental pressure!”

However, just after her voice fell.

When those dead souls and spirit bodies were about to touch Shi Yu’s body, a strange scene happened.

I saw the dead souls and spirit bodies that had been culled suddenly froze in the air, but the next scene that shocked them the most.

Because the dead souls and spirit bodies actually began to crawl under Shiyu’s feet, as if they were kneeling their emperors.

This scene is too unbelievable! To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei

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