Chapter 283

In the mood of enchantment.

With the energy infusion of [Tian Xin Shen Ji] and [Ichikishima Hime], the [Xianshu Chakra] in [Tanjin Ji] skyrocketed wildly.

Perceiving the energy surging in the body, [Tanjin Ji] didn’t hesitate at all.

I saw a few handprints quickly formed in her hand, and the next pair of snake eyes were directly closed.

Obviously, she was about to start concentrating on the counterattack! Seeing the actions of the three big snake girls, Shi Yu, who was wrapped in the illusion, still didn’t have much waves.

Because in his opinion, the trio 3’s move was just futile.

Now that he has seized control of this [Demon Ghost Mythical Mythology], with his ability, others would never want to take it away from him.

Sure enough.

[Tanjin Ji] Under the infusion of [Xianshu Chakra] of the other two big snakes, no results were achieved, which can be seen from the face of [Tanjin Ji] at this time.

Although the latter closed his eyes, his face was dissatisfied with a solemn expression.

Snake’s eyebrows are tightly furrowed, sweat drips into beads.

Undoubtedly, at this moment, they have already worked hard.

However, their counterattack was nothing more than an undoubted struggle in Shi Yu’s eyes.

After the three people 3 completely exhausted the 【Xianshu Chakra】, they were panting.

“Two 2 Second Sister, how’s it going?”

At this moment, the first sentence of [Tian Xin Shen Ji] seemed a little stuck.

Hearing this, [Tanjin Ji] was silent for a while.

But after all, she still spoke, and three unwilling words slowly spit out from her mouth.


As soon as these words came out, the expressions of [Tianxin Shinki] and [Ichikishima Hime] suddenly looked very ugly.

Especially 【Ichikishima Hime】! For her, these three words are not just as simple as Shiba passing the third pass, but are about a huge bet.

Is it true that I really want to be a maid for that guy? At this moment, she is not only eclipsed, but also at a loss! Seeing the appearance of [Ichikishima Hime], [Tanjin Hime] is a guilty expression .

“Sister, I’m sorry!”

Hearing this, the [Ichijishima Hime] did not respond, and just stupidly froze in place.

As the eldest sister [Tian Xin Shen Ji] saw this, she immediately calmed down and said: “Little sister, you are worried first, the matter has not been finalized yet.”

“Yes, little girl.”

“The eldest sister is right. Even if I didn’t regain control of this [Demon Demon], it may not be clear that the kid did this thing.”

“As long as it’s not him, there is still room for change in everything!”

[Tanjin Ji] The reason why she said this is that when she tried her best to snatch control of [Demon Demon], she found that the power of the illusion at this time was too strong.

To describe it in four words, it means “unbreakable”

The energies of the three of them all gathered together, and they couldn’t shake them at all. This was undoubtedly the thing that shocked her the most.

You know, this kind of thing may not even be done.

Therefore, she didn’t think Shi Yu had such an antagonistic ability! Hearing the words of the two sisters, Shikishima’s expression changed slightly.

Obviously, she felt that the two people made sense! If you want to win the control of this [Demon Demon], you must understand the [Power of Immortality].

If Shiyu really had such a talent, why did he still come to 【Longdidong】However, when 【Ichikishima Hime】thought that things were about to turn around, the sound of a voice completely severed her hope.

“Sister Shimaji.”

“If nothing happens, you should lose!”

Hearing this, the eyes of the three big snake girls suddenly looked at one place.

Next second.

Three pairs of eyes were locked on a figure at the same time, that was a thin young figure.

This figure is no one else, it is Shiyu standing in the hell of the sun and being kneeled by thousands of undead.

At this moment, the three of them had an unknown premonition in their hearts! Because Shi Yu was able to remain unscathed in this illusion, it was shocking that he could still talk to them from the perspective of God.

If this can be done, there are only two possibilities! First, the illusion has failed! Second, the illusion is controlled by it! But at this time the scene of thousands of undead worshipping still exists, then the first possibility is that it can be ruled out NS.

For this reason, their previous guesses were confirmed! It was the boy in front of him who had seized control of the [Dark Demon] from [Tanjin Ji].

At this point, the three of them were shocked! That kind of…the shock that came out spontaneously has already surfaced on the cheeks at this moment, and can’t hide it at all.

After some mistakes.

As the caster of (Demon Devil), [Tanjin Ji] was the first to speak, breaking the calm atmosphere.

“Brother Shiyu, it’s you who have seized control of [Dark Demon Mythical Mythology].”


Shi Yu didn’t deny it, but replied frankly and honestly.

But his straightforwardness caused the heart of the three big snakes to tremble suddenly.

Although he guessed this fact, he couldn’t help but tremble after being confirmed by his own ears.

And [Ichikishima Hime] couldn’t help but staggered back.If it weren’t for the help of [Tianxin Shenki], it is estimated that she would fall to the ground.

She obviously couldn’t accept this result! If it were to sign a contract with Shi Yu, it would be fine, but it would be too cheap to be a maid.

At this moment, she regretted it! She regretted why she had made such a ruthless bet with Shi Yu before.

In the final analysis, she underestimated Toshiba! Not only she, but also [Tan Xin Ji] and [Tan Jin Ji] are the same.

Otherwise, how could the two of them agree to [Ichikishima Hime]’s decision.

After they have lived for nearly a thousand years, they have finally overturned this time! Moreover, they are still in the hands of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old human teenager, which is even more unacceptable.

He glanced at his sister [Ichikishima Hime], and after [Tanjin Hime] calmed down, she asked.

“Brother Shi Yu, can I ask you some questions”

“Ms. Jin Ji has any problems, but it’s okay to say it. As long as I know it, I will know it all.”

Shi Yu smiled.


[Tanjin Ji] She made a polite voice, and then asked.

“Have you been in contact with illusions similar to [Demon ghost]”



[Tanjin Ji] screamed, and then said: “If you don’t understand this illusion, how did you seize control of it from me”

“If I said I just learned, do you believe it?”

As soon as Shi Yu said this, [Tanjin Ji] The three of us were stunned! What a powerful illusion is [Tanjin Ji], even the extremely talented illusionist [Tanjin Ji] took half a year to fully master it.

But Shi Yu actually said that he just learned it! In other words, Shi Yu learned it in a fantasy world.

This kind of thing is simply a fantasy! It’s not that their hair is long and short-sighted, or they have no brains, but because they have never seen such miracles.

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading

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